Bash & Python processing application translation table for international import Excel into string.xml table

The company's business development must be internationalized. In the process of internationalization, the most headache is to write an internati...

The company's business development must be internationalized. In the process of internationalization, the most headache is to write an internationalized language. The establishment of a corresponding string.xml file can make an internationalized application. The corresponding translation of each country's language should be about 1000 lines. If you copy one by one, the whole person will go mad

Version is written to use bash script to deal with international language

So I learned a way to be lazy and wrote a script to be lazy. Maybe the script is not perfect, but you can modify it according to your own needs

1.bash mode (Python is below)

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Generated content

1. The specific translation work of internationalization is done by special personnel, and the excel table is as follows

2. First, save the xml we get as a csv suffix file

3. Execute the following script to give executable permission

#!/bin/bash bak=$IFS #Check for file input if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage $0 filename" exit fi #Check whether the input is a file if [ ! -f $1 ];then echo "the $1 is not a file" exit fi IFS=$'\n' echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>">> string.xml echo "<resources>">> string.xml for line in `cat $1` do read1=`echo $line|cut -d "," -f 1` read1=$ #Cut the space before the key if [ -z "$read1" ];then #Remove empty string continue fi read2=`echo $line|cut -d "," -f 3` echo "<string name=\"$read1\""">"$read2"</string>" #Print what to write echo "<string name=\"$read1\""">"$read2"</string>" >> string.xml #Write content to done echo "</resources>">> string.xml IFS=$bak

Execute. / translation file.csv at the terminal

You can see that the terminal output is as follows: after the output is completed, the xml will be generated (note that gedit is selected as the opening mode, because many translations contain content that cannot be parsed by xml)

2.Python mode

#! /usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 import os, re import xlrd import sys, getopt import operator ################International multilingual replacement start def intl(file): print ('-------------------- Start intl--------------------') #print(sys.argv[0]) #print(sys.argv[1]) file_03_excel = "/Users/xulei/Desktop/int/012_i18n_android_part1_en_1027.xlsx" print (file) print (file_03_excel) # 1. Open file x1 = xlrd.open_workbook(file_03_excel) # 2. Get sheet object print ('sheet_names:', x1.sheet_names()) # Get all sheet names print ('sheet_number:', x1.nsheets ) # Get sheet quantity print ('sheet_object:', x1.sheets() ) # Get all sheet objects print ('By_name:', x1.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") ) # Find by sheet name print ('By_index:', x1.sheet_by_index(0)) # Find by index # Read first sheet table = x1.sheets()[0] # Statistical row number n_rows = table.nrows print ('n_rows:', n_rows) f1 = open('/Users/xulei/Desktop/int/intl.txt', 'w') data = [] # Wechat article property: wechat_name wechat_id title abstract url time read like number for v in range(1, n_rows-1): # Each row of data forms a list values = table.row_values(v) # List form dictionary # data.append('<string name="',values[0],'">',values[1],'</string>') key = values[0] value = values[2] string = '<string name=\"%s\">%s</string>'% (key, value) f1.writelines(string) f1.writelines('\n') ################International multilingual replacement end def usage(): print ('Auto publish dmall') print ('Usage:') print (' --help Show help information') print (' --publish=[release|debug] Auto publish build, release will auto git commit, debug will not') print (' --patch Auto patch build') print (' --upload Auto upload patch') print (sys.argv) intl(sys.argv[1])

ChaoLi_Chen Published 25 original articles, won praise 13, visited 10000+ Private letter follow

14 January 2020, 04:13 | Views: 6411

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