
Netty: From Basic to Entry - Part 2: Netty Core Functions and Thread Model

In the previous article, we introduced Netty, a powerful and high-performance network application framework
13:01 3 April 2024

Docker Series: Inter-Host Container Network Communication

Docker has revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and run applications by providing a lightweight and portable containerization platform
13:39 29 March 2024

Erlang/Elixir: Using Leex and Yecc Parsing Domain Language (DSL)

This article needs to have a certain understanding of compilation principles
13:30 4 April 2023

Storing Emoji Expressions in MySQL with UTF8MB4 Character Set

In today's digital age, emojis have become an integral part of communication
13:27 4 April 2023

Cross-compiling nginx used on Hi3536

The software packages needed for cross-compilation host operating system is ubuntu 16.04
13:22 4 April 2023

Spring Boot: Building a TCP Server

In today's interconnected world, communication between systems is crucial
10:11 8 July 2022

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS+Melodic ROS Configuration TurtleBot 3+Running gazebo Simulation

Use the following instructions to see if the installation of PKG is complete
12:56 4 May 2022

Some Tips in Kotlin development

Scope function selection At present, there ar...
3:21 7 December 2021

Summary of common Spring Boot annotations

Summary of common Spring Boot annotations ...
1:46 7 December 2021

The factory mode of design mode is the strongest in history. It's hard to argue against it!

Design pattern is a high-level abstract summary of various codes written in your actual work. If you don't learn design ...
1:46 7 December 2021

Linux kernel learning 6 -- code analysis and application of the upper part of interrupt

Here to show you a simple interrupt program in Linux 1, V...
1:23 7 December 2021

Django entry practice to achieve a simple library management system

Web development, that is, writing websites, is a major application direction of Django. Django is one of the most popula...
0:46 7 December 2021

Go Mysql transfer of Mysql data real-time incremental synchronization tool

@ Go MySQL transfer of data real-time incremental synchron...
0:34 7 December 2021

SpringBoot recognizes numbers with deep learning model: development details

Overview of this articleAbove Three minute experience: SpringBoot recognizes numbers with deep learning model In, we exp...
22:40 6 December 2021

Five new features of MySQL 8.0 are very practical!

MySQL 8.0 has been used by many domestic companies. This paper introduces several main new features of 8.0 in relational...
22:27 6 December 2021

JVM -- memory model

When senior Android engineers want to do performance optimization, NDK, soundness of design architecture, they must have...
21:10 6 December 2021

After using PageHelper for so long, do you know the principle and steps of native paging query

1, Overview of paging query Pagination query d...
21:03 6 December 2021

Headless bidirectional acyclic linked list (Java language)

preface After being familiar with sequential list and single linked list, we have a simple understanding of data structu...
18:06 6 December 2021

Use and installation of sqoop

SQOOP installation and use SQOOP installation 1. Upload and unzip Installation package download address http://archive...
17:35 6 December 2021

The adaptation process of the previous life and the present life of the Flutter launch page

The APP startup page is the most common and necessary scenario in China. The startup page is a mandatory requirement on ...
17:26 6 December 2021

Java image to character output example demo

Java image to character output example demo The previous b...
16:45 6 December 2021

Basic introduction to Swift (15) - properties - let you know

8 tips for TED speech: Learn 18 minutes of efficient expression - key notes Swift basic introduction (14) - class & ...
16:00 6 December 2021

Build envoy vscode debugging environment

Build envoy vscode debugging environment After...
15:43 6 December 2021

N suggestions for improving Java programs

The day brings several suggestions related to String operation, such as fine products and fine products. ...
15:28 6 December 2021

N suggestions for improving Java programs

Recommendation 22: handle currency with integer type ...
15:11 6 December 2021

Interview question: how to solve the circular dependency problem of Spring

Circular dependency in Spring Wha...
15:06 6 December 2021

Zero Foundation Python7 - Higher Order Grammar (Derivation, Iterator, Generator)

1. Derivation 1. Introduction of Derivation There is a un...
12:52 6 December 2021

How to report errors through Kubernetes events

This article was first published in Kubernetes Webhook i...
0:26 6 December 2021

spring -- behavior analysis of proxy object during nested call of Java Proxy and Cglib methods

spring -- failure analysis of Java Proxy and Cglib method nested call proxy This paper mainly analyzes the different rea...
20:53 5 December 2021

js operation elements and case demonstration

Operation element The DOM operation of JavaScript can change the content, structure and style of web pages. We can use D...
19:54 5 December 2021