Pre article:
- Implementing a lightweight RPC framework based on Netty and SpringBoot protocol
- Implementing a lightweight RPC framework Server based on Netty and SpringBoot
- Implementing a lightweight RPC framework Client based on Netty and SpringBoot
The previous article briefly introduced the function of transforming Client-side contract interface call to send RPC protocol request through dynamic proxy. This paper mainly solves a legacy technical problem: request response synchronization.
The required dependencies are as follows:
- JDK1.8+
- Netty:4.1.44.Final
- SpringBoot:2.2.2.RELEASE
Simple analysis of Netty request response processing flow
[the external link image transfer failed. The source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-lnplodyj-1579330696725) ( PNG))
In the figure, the codec and other inbound and outbound processors have been ignored. Threads of different colors represent totally different threads. The processing logic between different threads is completely asynchronous. That is to say, when the Netty IO thread (n-l-g-1) receives the message from the Server and the parsing is completed, the user calling thread (u-t-1) cannot perceive the parsed message package. Then All we need to do is let the user call thread (u-t-1) get the message package received and parsed by Netty IO thread (n-l-g-1).
Here we can use a simple example to illustrate the process of simulating the Client calling thread waiting for the processing result of Netty IO thread to be returned synchronously.
@Slf4j public class NettyThreadSyncTest { @ToString private static class ResponseFuture { private final long beginTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Getter private final long timeoutMilliseconds; @Getter private final String requestId; @Setter @Getter private volatile boolean sendRequestSucceed = false; @Setter @Getter private volatile Throwable cause; @Getter private volatile Object response; private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public ResponseFuture(String requestId, long timeoutMilliseconds) { this.requestId = requestId; this.timeoutMilliseconds = timeoutMilliseconds; } public boolean timeout() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTimestamp > timeoutMilliseconds; } public Object waitResponse(final long timeoutMilliseconds) throws InterruptedException { latch.await(timeoutMilliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return response; } public void putResponse(Object response) throws InterruptedException { this.response = response; latch.countDown(); } } static ExecutorService REQUEST_THREAD; static ExecutorService NETTY_IO_THREAD; static Callable<Object> REQUEST_TASK; static Runnable RESPONSE_TASK; static String processBusiness(String name) { return String.format("%s say hello!", name); } private static final Map<String /* request id */, ResponseFuture> RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { String requestId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String requestContent = "throwable"; REQUEST_TASK = () -> { try { // 3 seconds no response considered timeout ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(requestId, 3000); RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE.put(requestId, responseFuture); // The operation of sending the request is ignored here, only printing the log and simulation takes 1 second Thread.sleep(1000);"Request sent successfully,request ID:{},Request content:{}", requestId, requestContent); // Update tag properties responseFuture.setSendRequestSucceed(true); // Two seconds to wait - this is a rough calculation return responseFuture.waitResponse(3000 - 1000); } catch (Exception e) {"Send request failed,request ID:{},Request content:{}", requestId, requestContent); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; RESPONSE_TASK = () -> { String responseContent = processBusiness(requestContent); try { ResponseFuture responseFuture = RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE.get(requestId); if (null != responseFuture) { log.warn("Response processed successfully,request ID:{},Response content:{}", requestId, responseContent); responseFuture.putResponse(responseContent); } else { log.warn("request ID[{}]Corresponding ResponseFuture Non-existent,Ignore processing", requestId); } } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to process response,request ID:{},Response content:{}", requestId, responseContent); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; REQUEST_THREAD = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(runnable -> { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable, "REQUEST_THREAD"); thread.setDaemon(true); return thread; }); NETTY_IO_THREAD = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(runnable -> { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable, "NETTY_IO_THREAD"); thread.setDaemon(true); return thread; }); } @Test public void testProcessSync() throws Exception {"Asynchronous submit request processing task......"); Future<Object> future = REQUEST_THREAD.submit(REQUEST_TASK); // Simulation request time consuming Thread.sleep(1500);"Asynchronous submit response processing task......"); NETTY_IO_THREAD.execute(RESPONSE_TASK); // Timeout can be set here"Get request results synchronously:{}", future.get()); Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); } }
Execute testProcessSync() method, and the console output is as follows:
2020-01-18 13:17:07 [main] info c.t.client.nettythreadsynctest - asynchronous submit request processing task 2020-01-18 13:17:08 [request [thread] info c.t.client.nettythreadsynctest - request ID:71f47e27-c17c-458d-b271-4e74fad33a7b, request content: throwable 2020-01-18 13:17:09 [main] info c.t.client.nettythreadsynctest - asynchronous submit response processing task 2020-01-18 13:17:09 [netty_io_thread] warn c.t.client.nettythreadsynctest - processing response succeeded, request ID:71f47e27-c17c-458d-b271-4e74fad33a7b, response content: throwable say hello! 2020-01-18 13:17:09 [main] info c.t.client.nettythreadsynctest - synchronous get request result: throwable say hello!The thread synchronization in the above example mainly refers to the implementation logic of the mainstream client part of the Netty framework: RocketMQ (specifically NettyRemotingClient class) and Redisson (specifically RedisExecutor class), which are used to convert asynchronous thread processing into synchronous processing.
Client side request response synchronization processing
According to the previous example, first add a ResponseFuture to host the sent but unresponsive requests:
@ToString public class ResponseFuture { private final long beginTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Getter private final long timeoutMilliseconds; @Getter private final String requestId; @Setter @Getter private volatile boolean sendRequestSucceed = false; @Setter @Getter private volatile Throwable cause; @Getter private volatile ResponseMessagePacket response; private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public ResponseFuture(String requestId, long timeoutMilliseconds) { this.requestId = requestId; this.timeoutMilliseconds = timeoutMilliseconds; } public boolean timeout() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTimestamp > timeoutMilliseconds; } public ResponseMessagePacket waitResponse(final long timeoutMilliseconds) throws InterruptedException { latch.await(timeoutMilliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return response; } public void putResponse(ResponseMessagePacket response) throws InterruptedException { this.response = response; latch.countDown(); } }
Then you need to add a new HashMap to cache the ResponseFuture that has been successfully returned but has not received response processing:
Map<String /* request id */, ResponseFuture> RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
Here, the KEY selects the requestId, which has been defined as UUID before, to ensure that each request will not be repeated. For simplicity, all logic is currently written in the contract proxy factory ContractProxyFactory, adding the following functions:
- Add a synchronous sending method sendRequestSync() to handle sending and synchronous response of message package, and the logic of converting RequestMessagePacket to return value type of calling agent target method is also written in this method temporarily.
- Add a thread pool with the number of core threads as the number of logical cores * 2 for processing requests.
- Add a single thread scheduling thread pool to regularly clean up those expired ResponseFuture. The cleaning method is scanResponseFutureTable().
The modified ContractProxyFactory is as follows:
@Slf4j public class ContractProxyFactory { private static final RequestArgumentExtractor EXTRACTOR = new DefaultRequestArgumentExtractor(); private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, Object> CACHE = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); static final ConcurrentMap<String /* request id */, ResponseFuture> RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); // Define a maximum timeout of 3 seconds for requests private static final long REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000; private static final ExecutorService EXECUTOR; private static final ScheduledExecutorService CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER; private static final Serializer SERIALIZER = FastJsonSerializer.X; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T ofProxy(Class<T> interfaceKlass) { // Caching proxy class instances of contract interfaces return (T) CACHE.computeIfAbsent(interfaceKlass, x -> Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaceKlass.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{interfaceKlass}, (target, method, args) -> { RequestArgumentExtractInput input = new RequestArgumentExtractInput(); input.setInterfaceKlass(interfaceKlass); input.setMethod(method); RequestArgumentExtractOutput output = EXTRACTOR.extract(input); // Encapsulate request parameters RequestMessagePacket packet = new RequestMessagePacket(); packet.setMagicNumber(ProtocolConstant.MAGIC_NUMBER); packet.setVersion(ProtocolConstant.VERSION); packet.setSerialNumber(SerialNumberUtils.X.generateSerialNumber()); packet.setMessageType(MessageType.REQUEST); packet.setInterfaceName(output.getInterfaceName()); packet.setMethodName(output.getMethodName()); packet.setMethodArgumentSignatures(output.getMethodArgumentSignatures().toArray(new String[0])); packet.setMethodArguments(args); Channel channel = ClientChannelHolder.CHANNEL_REFERENCE.get(); return sendRequestSync(channel, packet, method.getReturnType()); })); } /** * Send request synchronously * * @param channel channel * @param packet packet * @return Object */ static Object sendRequestSync(Channel channel, RequestMessagePacket packet, Class<?> returnType) { long beginTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(packet.getSerialNumber(), REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS); RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE.put(packet.getSerialNumber(), responseFuture); try { // Get the Future of the hosted response Packet Future<ResponseMessagePacket> packetFuture = EXECUTOR.submit(() -> { channel.writeAndFlush(packet).addListener((ChannelFutureListener) future -> responseFuture.setSendRequestSucceed(true)); return responseFuture.waitResponse(REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS - (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTimestamp)); }); ResponseMessagePacket responsePacket = packetFuture.get( REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS - (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTimestamp), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (null == responsePacket) { // Response package acquisition failed due to timeout throw new SendRequestException(String.format("ResponseMessagePacket Get timeout,request ID:%s", packet.getSerialNumber())); } else { ByteBuf payload = (ByteBuf) responsePacket.getPayload(); byte[] bytes = ByteBufferUtils.X.readBytes(payload); return SERIALIZER.decode(bytes, returnType); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Synchronous send request exception,Request packet:{}", JSON.toJSONString(packet), e); if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } else { throw new SendRequestException(e); } } } static void scanResponseFutureTable() {"Start execution ResponseFutureTable Cleaning task......"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ResponseFuture>> iterator = RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, ResponseFuture> entry =; ResponseFuture responseFuture = entry.getValue(); if (responseFuture.timeout()) { iterator.remove(); log.warn("Remove expired requests ResponseFuture,request ID:{}", entry.getKey()); } }"implement ResponseFutureTable End of cleanup task......"); } static { int n = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); EXECUTOR = new ThreadPoolExecutor(n * 2, n * 2, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(50), runnable -> { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName("CLIENT_REQUEST_EXECUTOR"); return thread; }); CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, runnable -> { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName("CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER"); return thread; }); CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER.scheduleWithFixedDelay(ContractProxyFactory::scanResponseFutureTable, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } }
Then add a client inbound processor to match the target ResponseFuture instance through the reuqestId, set the response property in the ResponseFuture instance as the response package, and release the lock at the same time:
@Slf4j public class ClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<ResponseMessagePacket> { @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ResponseMessagePacket packet) throws Exception {"Response packet received,content:{}", JSON.toJSONString(packet)); ResponseFuture responseFuture = ContractProxyFactory.RESPONSE_FUTURE_TABLE.get(packet.getSerialNumber()); if (null != responseFuture) { responseFuture.putResponse(packet); } else { log.warn("Receive response package query ResponseFuture Non-existent,request ID:{}", packet.getSerialNumber()); } } }
Finally, the client starts the ClientApplication class and adds clientandler to the processor pipeline of Netty
bootstrap.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception { ch.pipeline().addLast(new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(1024, 0, 4, 0, 4)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new LengthFieldPrepender(4)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.DEBUG)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new RequestMessagePacketEncoder(FastJsonSerializer.X)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new ResponseMessagePacketDecoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new ClientHandler()); } });
Before running- Implementing a lightweight RPC framework Server based on Netty and SpringBoot For the ServerApplication written in, start ClientApplication, and the log output is as follows:
// Server side 2020-01-18 14:32:59 [nioEventLoopGroup-3-2] INFO club.throwable.server.ServerHandler - Received by the server:RequestMessagePacket(interfaceName=club.throwable.contract.HelloService, methodName=sayHello, methodArgumentSignatures=[java.lang.String], methodArguments=[PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 11, cap: 11/144)]) 2020-01-18 14:32:59 [nioEventLoopGroup-3-2] INFO club.throwable.server.ServerHandler - Success in finding the target realization method,Target class:club.throwable.server.contract.DefaultHelloService,Host class:club.throwable.server.contract.DefaultHelloService,Host method:sayHello 2020-01-18 14:32:59 [nioEventLoopGroup-3-2] INFO club.throwable.server.ServerHandler - Server output:{"attachments":{},"errorCode":200,"magicNumber":10086,"message":"Success","messageType":"RESPONSE","payload":"\"throwable say hello!\"","serialNumber":"21d131d26fc74f91b4691e0207826b90","version":1} // Client 2020-01-18 14:32:59 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-1] INFO club.throwable.client.ClientHandler - Response packet received,content:{"attachments":{},"errorCode":200,"magicNumber":10086,"message":"Success","messageType":"RESPONSE","payload":{"contiguous":true,"direct":true,"readOnly":false,"readable":true,"writable":false},"serialNumber":"21d131d26fc74f91b4691e0207826b90","version":1} 2020-01-18 14:32:59 [main] INFO c.throwable.client.ClientApplication - HelloService[throwable]Call result:"throwable say hello!" 2020-01-18 14:33:04 [CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER] INFO c.t.client.ContractProxyFactory - Start execution ResponseFutureTable Cleaning task...... 2020-01-18 14:33:04 [CLIENT_HOUSE_KEEPER] WARN c.t.client.ContractProxyFactory - Remove expired requests ResponseFuture,request ID:21d131d26fc74f91b4691e0207826b90
It can be seen that the asynchronous thread model has been transformed into synchronization, and now the server can be called synchronously through RPC through the contract interface.
The basic transformation of Client-side request response synchronization has been completed. So far, an RPC framework has been basically completed. Next, some modifications will be made to the Client-side and Server-side to let the contract related components be hosted in the IOC container and realize the automatic contract interface injection and other functions.
Demo project address:
(end of this paper e-a-20200118 c-2-d)

