[Mybatis] Summary of subqueries (one-to-many Collection), when querying parent objects, also querying child objects;

1. Requirements For example, we have two objects, one question and answer, one comment, which is similar to what Baidu k...
1. Requirements
2. Solutions

1. Requirements

For example, we have two objects, one question and answer, one comment, which is similar to what Baidu knows; when we query a question and answer, you can see the comments below;
I'm looking for J_When questionandanswer this table, you need to query j_comment this table and put j_comment The data in this table is placed in the entity questionAndAnswer; the steps are as follows:

2. Solutions

Dead work:
1. j_Creation of comment table;
2. Entity class creation for comment
3. In j_Queionandanswer (alias qa) A left join is added to this table:

left join j_comment jc on jc.titleid = qa.id

4. In select, add what you want in j_The field queried in the comment table; jc is j_Alias for comment;
5. In the QuestionAndAnswer entity, add the List collection of Comment mappings:

6. Note: IDS in jc tables conflict with IDS in qa tables.jc.id The alias is cid;

<!--Paging Query--> <select id="selectByProperties" parameterType="com.jxdx.questionAndAnswer.model.QuestionAndAnswer" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List_Alias"/>,jc.id AS cid, jc.titlename, jc.titleid, jc.username, jc.userid, jc.comment, jc.create_date from jxdx_questionandanswer qa <if test="studentid != null"> left join sys_t_user u on u.id = qa.studentid </if> <if test="teacherid != null"> left join sys_t_user u on u.id = qa.teacherid </if> left join jxdx_comment jc on jc.titleid = qa.id where qa.deleted=0 <if test="name!=null"> AND qa.name like '%$%' </if> <if test="studentid!=null"> AND qa.studentid=# </if> <if test="studentname!=null"> AND qa.studentname=# </if> <if test="createDate != null"> AND qa.create_date <![CDATA[>=]]> # </if> <if test="updateDate != null"> AND qa.update_date <![CDATA[>=]]> # </if> <!-- <if test="updateDate != null"> AND qa.update_date <![CDATA[<=]]> date_add(#, INTERVAL 1 DAY) </if>--> <if test="teacherid != null"> AND qa.teacherid = # </if> <if test="teachername!=null"> AND qa.teachername=# </if> <if test="studentclassid!=null"> AND qa.studentclassid=# </if> <if test="studentclassname!=null"> AND qa.studentclassname=# </if> <if test="question!=null"> AND qa.question=# </if> <if test="answer!=null"> AND qa.answer=# </if> <if test="status!=null"> AND qa.status=# </if> <if test="remark!=null"> AND qa.remark=# </if> <if test="deleted!=null"> AND qa.deleted=# </if> <if test="createBy != null"> AND qa.createBy = # </if> <if test="updateBy != null"> AND qa.updateBy = # </if> order by qa.create_date desc </select>


  • Here <include refid="Base_Column_List_Alias "/>
    Is a collection of fields that are queried and can be replaced with specific field names;

  • ` AND qa.create_date

<collection property="commentList" ofType="com.jxdx.questionAndAnswer.model.Comment" notNullColumn="id"> <id column="cid" property="id" jdbcType="BIGINT"/> <result column="titlename" property="titleName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="titleid" property="titleId" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result column="username" property="userName" jdbcType="BIGINT" /> <result column="userid" property="userId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="comment" property="comment" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result column="remark" property="remark" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> <result column="create_date" property="createDate" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/> </collection>


22 May 2020, 12:31 | Views: 9720

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