Prompt access_when timed task is executed in micro messageToken invalidation (short note)

Scenario reproduction: The timer task is working, but when the timer function executes regularly, the error message acce...

Scenario reproduction: The timer task is working, but when the timer function executes regularly, the error message access_is printed in the logToken fails (or cannot be obtained, etc.), access_in the test tableToken is 0; access_is available when you directly access a link to a timer function yourselfToken.

Reason: When I execute by myself, I open the link in the micro-mail to execute Get access_The token function passes the token value of "Use WeChat"; while the function executes regularly without using WeChat, that is, no token parameter is passed to get access_token's function, so you don't get a valid access_token.

Solution: Timed Task Use Get access_The token function passes a long-term valid token parameter, such as the WeChat token of a business contact (just make sure the WeChat keeps an eye on the WeChat public number).

Correlation function:

// Get access_token, automatic with caching function get_access_token($token = '', $update = false) { empty ( $token ) && $token = get_token (); $info = get_token_appinfo ( $token ); // WeChat Open Platform One-Click Binding if ($token == 'gh_3c884a361561' || $info ['is_bind']) { $access_token = get_authorizer_access_token ( $info ['appid'], $info ['authorizer_refresh_token'], $update ); } else { $access_token = get_access_token_by_apppid ( $info ['appid'], $info ['secret'], $update ); } // Automatically determine access_Is token invalid, such as automatically getting new if ($update == false) { $url = '' . $access_token; $res = wp_file_get_contents ( $url ); $res = json_decode ( $res, true ); if ($res ['errcode'] == '40001') { $access_token = get_access_token ( $token, true ); } } return $access_token; } // Get the current user's Token function get_token($token = NULL) { $stoken = session ( 'token' ); $reset = false; if ($token !== NULL && $token != '-1') { session ( 'token', $token ); $reset = true; } elseif (! empty ( $_REQUEST ['token'] ) && $_REQUEST ['token'] != '-1') { session ( 'token', $_REQUEST ['token'] ); $reset = true; } elseif (! empty ( $_REQUEST ['publicid'] )) { $publicid = I ( 'publicid' ); $token = D ( 'Common/Public' )->getInfo ( $publicid, 'token' ); $token && session ( 'token', $token ); $reset = true; } $token = session ( 'token' ); if (! empty ( $token ) && $token != '-1' && $stoken != $token && $GLOBALS ['is_wap']) { session ( 'mid', null ); } //Verify to prevent unauthorized public numbers /*if(!$GLOBALS['is_wap'] && $reset){ if(empty($GLOBALS['myinfo'])) $token = -1; else{ $sql = 'SELECT public_id FROM `'.C('DB_PREFIX').'public_link` as l LEFT JOIN '.C('DB_PREFIX').'public as p on WHERE l.uid='.$GLOBALS['mid']; $list = M()->query($sql); $flat = false; foreach ($list as $value) { if($value['public_id']==$token){ $flat = true; } } if(!$flat) $token = -1; } }*/ if (empty ( $token ) ) { $token = -1; } return $token; } // Get information about the public number function get_token_appinfo($token = '', $field = '') { empty ( $token ) && $token = get_token (); if ($token != 'gh_3c884a361561') { $info = D ( 'Common/Public' )->getInfoByToken ( $token, $field ); } return $info; } function get_authorizer_access_token($appid, $refresh_token, $update) { if (empty ( $appid )) { return 0; } $key = 'authorizer_access_token_' . $appid; $res = S ( $key ); if ($res !== false && ! $update) return $res; $dao = D ( 'Addons://PublicBind/PublicBind' ); if (empty ( $refresh_token )) { $auth_code = $dao->_get_pre_auth_code (); $info = $dao->getAuthInfo ( $auth_code ); $authorizer_access_token = $info ['authorization_info'] ['authorizer_access_token']; } else { $info = $dao->refreshToken ( $appid, $refresh_token ); $authorizer_access_token = $info ['authorizer_access_token']; } if (! empty ( $authorizer_access_token )) { S ( $key, $authorizer_access_token, $info ['expires_in'] - 200 ); return $authorizer_access_token; } else { addWeixinLog ( $info, 'get_authorizer_access_token_fail_' . $appid ); return 0; } } function get_access_token_by_apppid($appid, $secret, $update = false) { if (empty ( $appid ) || empty ( $secret )) { return 0; } $key = 'access_token_apppid_' . $appid . '_' . $secret; $res = S ( $key ); if ($res !== false && ! $update) return $res; $url = '' . $secret . '&appid=' . $appid; $tempArr = json_decode ( get_data ( $url ), true ); if (@array_key_exists ( 'access_token', $tempArr )) { S ( $key, $tempArr ['access_token'], $tempArr ['expires_in'] ); return $tempArr ['access_token']; } else { return 0; } } // Anti-timeout file_get_contents transformation function function wp_file_get_contents($url) { return get_data ( $url, 30 ); } // Get data by GET instead of file_get_contents function get_data($url, $timeout = 5) { $msg = $flat = ''; if (strpos ( $url, 'http://' ) !== false || strpos ( $url, 'https://' ) !== false) { $ch = curl_init (); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout ); curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE ); // Skip Certificate Check curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE ); // Do not check certificates $res = curl_exec ( $ch ); $flat = curl_errno ( $ch ); if ($flat) { $msg = curl_error ( $ch ); } curl_close ( $ch ); } else { $context = stream_context_create ( array ( 'http' => array ( 'timeout' => 30 ) ) ); // Timeout in seconds $res = file_get_contents ( $url, 0, $context ); } return $res; }

6 July 2020, 11:27 | Views: 5527

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