Docker common commands

Container lifecycle management commands run C...
Container lifecycle management commands
Container operation command
Container rootfs command
Mirror warehouse command
Local mirror management commands
Basic version information command

Container lifecycle management commands


Create a new container.

# Start a container using docker image nginx:latest background mode, # And name the container mynginx. docker run --name mynginx -d nginx:latest # Use the image nginx:latest to start a container in background mode, # Map port 80 of the container to port 80 of the host, # The directory / data of the host is mapped to / data of the container. docker run -p 80:80 -v /data:/data -d nginx:latest # Start a container in interactive mode using the mirror nginx:latest, # Execute the / bin/bash command inside the container. docker run -it nginx:latest /bin/bash


  • docker start: start one or more containers that have been stopped.
  • docker stop: stops a running container.
  • docker restart: restart the container.


Kill a running container. Optional parameters:

  • -s: what signals are sent to the container? The default is KILL
# Kill the container according to its name docker kill tomcat7 # Kill the container according to the container ID docker kill 65d4a94f7a39


Delete one or more containers.

# Forced deletion of containers db01 and db02: docker rm -f db01 db02 # Delete the container nginx01 and delete the data volumes mounted by the container: docker rm -v nginx01 # Delete all stopped containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)


Create a new container without starting it.

# Create a container using docker image nginx:latest, and name the container mynginx docker create --name mynginx nginx:latest


Execute the command in the running container. Optional parameters:

  • -d: separation mode: running in the background
  • -i: keep STDIN open even if there is no attachment
  • -t: assign a pseudo terminal
# Execute the in container / root/ script in interactive mode in the container mynginx docker exec -it mynginx /bin/sh /root/ # Open an interactive terminal in the container mynginx docker exec -i -t mynginx /bin/bash # You can also view the container that is already running through the docker ps -a command, and then use the container ID to enter the container. docker ps -a docker exec -it 9df70f9a0714 /bin/bash


  • docker pause: pauses all processes in the container.
  • docker unpause: recover all processes in the container.
# Pause the service provided by the database container db01. docker pause db01 # The recovery database container db01 provides services docker unpause db0

Container operation command


List containers. Optional parameters:

  • -a: display all containers, including those not running.
  • -f: filter the displayed content according to conditions.
  • – format: Specifies the template file for the return value.
  • -l: displays recently created containers.
  • -n: list the n recently created containers.
  • – no TRUNC: do not truncate the output.
  • -q: silent mode, only the container number is displayed.
  • -s: displays the total file size.
# Lists all running container information. docker ps # Lists the information of the five containers that were recently created. docker ps -n 5 # Lists all created container ID s. docker ps -a -q

Supplementary notes:
The container has seven statuses: created, restarting, running, removing, paused, exited, and dead.


Gets the metadata of the container / image. Optional parameters:

  • -f: Specifies the template file for the return value.
  • -s: displays the total file size.
  • – type: returns JSON for the specified type.
# Get the meta information of mysql:5.7 image. docker inspect mysql:5.7 # Get the IP of the running container mysql. docker inspect --format='{}{{.IPAddress}}{}' mymysql


View the process information running in the container and support ps command parameters.

# View the process information of MySQL container. docker top mymysql # View the process information of all running containers. for i in `docker ps |grep Up|awk ''`;do echo \ &&docker top $i; done


Get real-time events. Parameter Description:

  • -f: Filter events according to conditions;
  • – since: displays all events after the specified timestamp;
  • – until: the running time is displayed until the specified time;
# Displays all events after docker July 1, 2016. docker events --since="1467302400" # The docker image is displayed as MySQL: 5.6 related events after July 1, 2016. docker events -f "image"="mysql:5.6" --since="1467302400"

Note: if the specified time is to the second level, you need to convert the time into a timestamp. If the time is a date, it can be used directly, such as – since = "2016-07-01".


Get the log of the container. Parameter Description:

  • -f: trace log output
  • – since: displays all logs for a certain start time
  • -t: display timestamp
  • – tail: only the latest N container logs are listed
# Trace and view the log output of the container mynginx. docker logs -f mynginx # View the latest 10 logs of container mynginx since July 1, 2016. docker logs --since="2016-07-01" --tail=10 mynginx


Export the file system as a tar archive to STDOUT. Parameter Description:

  • -o: write the input to the file.
# Save the container with id a404c6c174a2 as a tar file by date. docker export -o mysql-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar a404c6c174a2 ls mysql-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar


Lists the port mappings for the specified container.

# View the port mapping of container mynginx. docker port mymysql

Container rootfs command


Create a new image from the container. Parameter Description:

  • -a: the author of the submitted image;
  • -c: use the Dockerfile instruction to create an image;
  • -m: description at the time of submission;
  • -p: pause the container during commit.
# Save the container a404c6c174a2 as a new image, # And add submitter information and description information. docker commit -a "guodong" -m "my db" a404c6c174a2 mymysql:v1


Used to copy data between container and host. Parameter Description:

  • -L: keep links in source and target
# Copy the host / www/runoob directory to the container 96f7f14e99ab's / www directory. docker cp /www/runoob 96f7f14e99ab:/www/ # Copy the host / www/runoob directory to the container 96f7f14e99ab, and rename the directory www. docker cp /www/runoob 96f7f14e99ab:/www # Copy the container 96f7f14e99ab's / www directory to the host's / tmp directory. docker cp 96f7f14e99ab:/www /tmp/


Check for changes to the file structure in the container.

# View the file structure changes of MySQL container. docker diff mymysql

Mirror warehouse command


docker login: log in to a docker image warehouse. If no image warehouse address is specified, it defaults to the official warehouse. Docker Hubdocker logout: log out of a docker image warehouse. If no image warehouse address is specified, it defaults to the official warehouse. Docker Hub Parameter Description:

  • -u: login user name
  • -p: login password
# Log in to Docker Hub docker login -u user name -p password # Log out of Docker Hub docker logout


Pull or update the specified image from the image warehouse. Parameter Description:

  • -a: pull all tagged images
  • – disable content trust: ignores the verification of the image and is enabled by default
# Download the latest version of java image from Docker Hub. docker pull java # Download all images with REPOSITORY as java from Docker Hub. docker pull -a java


To upload the local image to the image warehouse, log in to the image warehouse first. Parameter Description:

  • – disable content trust: ignores the verification of the image and is enabled by default
# Upload the local image myapache:v1 to the image warehouse. docker push myapache:v1


Find the image from Docker Hub. Parameter Description:

  • – automated: only images of automated build type are listed;
  • – no TRUNC: displays the complete image description;
  • -F < filter condition >: lists the mirrors of the specified condition.
# Find all images whose image names contain java and the number of collections is greater than 10 from the Docker Hub docker search -f stars=10 java NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED java Java is a concurrent, class-based... 1037 [OK] anapsix/alpine-java Oracle Java 8 (and 7) with GLIBC ... 115 [OK] develar/java 46 [OK]

Parameter description of each column:

  • NAME: the NAME of the mirror warehouse source
  • OFFICIAL: is it officially released by docker
  • stars: similar to the star in Github, which means like and like
  • AUTOMATED: automatic build

Local mirror management commands


Lists the local mirrors. Parameter Description:

  • -a: list all local images (including the intermediate image layer. By default, the intermediate image layer is filtered out);
  • – digests: displays the summary information of the image;
  • -f: display the image that meets the conditions;
  • – format: Specifies the template file of the return value;
  • – no TRUNC: display complete image information;
  • -q: only the image ID is displayed.
# View the list of local mirrors. docker images # Lists the images in the local image whose REPOSITORY is ubuntu. docker images ubuntu


Delete one or more local mirrors. Parameter Description:

  • -f: forced deletion;
  • – no prune: the process image that does not remove the image is removed by default;
# Force deletion of local image guodong/ubuntu:v4. docker rmi -f guodong/ubuntu:v4


Mark the local image and group it into a warehouse.

# Mark the image ubuntu:15.10 as a runoob/ubuntu:v3 image. docker tag ubuntu:15.10 runoob/ubuntu:v3


Used to create an image using Dockerfile. Parameter Description:

  • – build Arg = []: set the variables when creating the image;
  • – cpu shares: set cpu usage weight;
  • – CPU period: limit CPU CFS cycles;
  • – CPU quota: limit CPU CFS quota;
  • – cpuset CPUs: Specifies the CPU id used;
  • – cpuset MEMS: Specifies the memory id used;
  • – disable content trust: ignore verification and enable by default;
  • -f: specify the Dockerfile path to use;
  • – force RM: delete intermediate containers during the setting of mirroring;
  • – isolation: use container isolation technology;
  • – label = []: sets the metadata used by the image;
  • -m: set the maximum memory value;
  • – memory swap: set the maximum value of swap to memory + swap, "- 1" means unlimited swap;
  • – no cache: no cache is used during image creation;
  • – pull: try to update the new version of the image;
  • – quiet, -q: quiet mode. Only the image ID is output after success;
  • – rm: delete the intermediate container after setting the image successfully;
  • – SHM size: set the size of / dev/shm. The default value is 64M;
  • – ulimit: ulimit configuration.
  • – Square: compress all operations in Dockerfile into one layer.
  • – tag, -t: the name and label of the image, usually in the format of name:tag or name; You can set multiple labels for a mirror in a single build.
  • – network: default. Set the network mode of the RUN command during build
# Create an image using the Dockerfile of the current directory, labeled runoob/ubuntu:v1 docker build -t runoob/ubuntu:v1 . # Create an image using the Dockerfile of the URL docker build # Create an image from the location of the - f Dockerfile file docker build -f /path/to/a/Dockerfile .


View the creation history of the specified mirror. Parameter Description:

  • -H: print the image size and date in a readable format. The default is true;
  • – no TRUNC: display the complete submission record;
  • -q: only submit record ID s are listed.
# View the creation history of the local image guodong/ubuntu:v3. docker history guodong/ubuntu:v3


Save the specified image as a tar archive. Parameter Description:

  • -o: File exported to.
# Generate my image from runoob/ubuntu:v3_ ubuntu_ V3.tar document docker save -o my_ubuntu_v3.tar runoob/ubuntu:v3


Import the image exported using the docker save command. Parameter Description:

  • – input, - I: Specifies the imported file instead of STDIN.
  • – quiet, - Q: compact output information.
# Import mirror docker load --input fedora.tar


Create a mirror from the archive. Parameter Description:

  • -c: create an image using the docker instruction;
  • -m: description at the time of submission;
# From mirror archive my_ubuntu_v3.tar creates an image named runoob/ubuntu:v4 docker import my_ubuntu_v3.tar runoob/ubuntu:v4

Basic version information command


Displays Docker system information, including the number of images and containers.

# View docker system information. docker info


Displays Docker version information.

docker version


5 December 2021, 17:31 | Views: 7115

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