epel source
dnf install ansible -y
ansible --viersion
Basic information of ansible:
/etc/ansible/ansible.conf ## Global configuration file, rarely modified by default
/etc/ansible/hosts ## Global host manifest file
dnf install sshpass-1.06-9.el8.x86_64.rpm -y dnf install ansible-2.9.11-1.el8.noarch.rpm -y
[root@ansible mnt]# ssh-keygen ##Generate key [root@ansible mnt]# dnf install expect -y [root@ansible mnt]# vim sshkey.sh ##Pass the key to hosts 210 and 211 through script [root@ansible mnt]# cat sshkey.sh #!/bin/bash AUTOSSH() { /usr/bin/expect <<EOF spawn ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected].$i expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\r";exp_continue } "password" { send "westos\r" } } expect eof EOF } for i in 210 211 do AUTOSSH done [root@ansible mnt]# sh sshkey.sh [root@ansible mnt]# ssh -l root ##Test, you can log in directly without secret Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket This system is not registered to Red Hat Insights. See https://cloud.redhat.com/ To register this system, run: insights-client --register Last login: Fri Nov 26 11:09:48 2021 from [root@westoslinux ~]#
Listing is a list of ansible control hosts
/etc/ansible/hosts ## global manifest file
1. Write the managed host name or ip directly, one per line
2. Set the Group [group name] of the managed host
List view:
Group name in ansible manifest [- i manifest file]
ansible ungrouped --list-hosts
ansible all --list-hosts
Single layer list
Nested list
The Ansible host list can be simplified by specifying the host name or IP range
vim inventory
The ansible command specifies the regular expression of the manifest
* ## All
: ## Logical or
:& ## Logic and
## The host is in both the westos1 list and the linux list
:! ## Logical non
## In westos1, not in linux
~ ## Start with keyword
~(str1|str2) ## Start with condition 1 or condition 2
[root@ansible ansible]# vim hosts [westos] 172.25.254.[200:210] [westos1] nodea.westos.org [westosall:children] westos westos1
Group name in ansible list - m module - u remote_user
1. Classification and priority of configuration files
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg ## Basic configuration file, no other configuration file found. This file takes effect
~/.ansible.cfg ## The user does not have ansible.cfg in the current directory. This file takes effect
./ansible.cfg ## Highest priority
2. Common configuration parameters
#[default] ## Basic information setting
inventory= ## Specify manifest path
remote_user= ## The user name logged in on the managed host. The current user is not specified
ask_pass= ## Whether to prompt for SSH password. If public key login is set to false
library= ## Storage directory of library files
local_tmp= ## Local temporary command execution directory
remote_tmp= ## Remote host temporary py command file storage directory
forks= ## Default concurrency
host_key_checking= ## Do you want to enter yes to establish the host when connecting to the managed host for the first time_ key
sudo_user= ## Default sudo user
ask_sudo_pass= ## Whether to ask sudo password every time the controlled host executes the ansible command
module_name= ## The default module uses command by default and can be modified to shell
log_path= ## log file path
[privilege_escalation] ## Identity information setting
become= ## Whether to automatically switch users after connection
become_method= ## Set the user switching mode, usually sudo
become_user= ## The user to switch to in the managed host, usually root
become_ask_pass ## Do you need to be a become_method prompts for the password, which is false by default
[root@ansible mnt]# sh sshkey.sh ##Delete the key previously transmitted to the client #!/bin/bash AUTOSSH() { /usr/bin/expect <<EOF spawn ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected].$i expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\r";exp_continue } "password" { send "westos\r" } } expect eof EOF } for i in 210 211 do ssh -l root 172.25.254.$i rm -fr /root/.ssh done
Add user, add list
[root@ansible ansible]# useradd devops [root@ansible ansible]# su - devops [devops@ansible ~]$ mkdir .ansible [devops@ansible ~]$ cd .ansible/ [devops@ansible .ansible]$ vim inventory ##detailed list [westos] [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ls inventory
Modify the previous master profile and delete the previous settings. Write user profile
[root@ansible ansible]#vim /etc/ansible/hosts ##Modify the previous master profile and delete the previous settings [root@ansible ansible]# su - devops Last login: Fri Nov 26 15:01:40 CST 2021 on pts/1 [devops@ansible ~]$ cd .ansible/ [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ls inventory [devops@ansible .ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg ##Write configuration file [defaults] inventory = ~/.ansible/inventory host_key_checking = False remote_user = root module_name = shell [privilege_escalation] #become=True #become_method=sudo #become_user=root #become_ask_pass=False
Create a user for the controlled machine in the main control machine
[devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'useradd devops' -k -u root SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'echo westos | passwd --stdin devops' -k -u root SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> Changing password for user devops. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'echo "devops ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers' -k -u root SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [devops@ansible .ansible]$
[devops@ansible .ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = ~/.ansible/inventory host_key_checking = False remote_user = devops module_name = shell [privilege_escalation] ##After the comment, the login uses devops #become=True #become_method=sudo #become_user=root #become_ask_pass=False [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible westos -m shell -a 'whoami' -k SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> devops | CHANGED | rc=0 >> devops [devops@ansible .ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = ~/.ansible/inventory host_key_checking = False remote_user = devops module_name = shell [privilege_escalation] become=True become_method=sudo become_user=root become_ask_pass=False [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible westos -m shell -a 'whoami' -k ##Remove the comments and log in to Devops sudo to root SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> root | CHANGED | rc=0 >> root
[devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'mkdir -p /home/devops/.ssh' -k ##Create a directory for the client SSH password: [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with state=directory rather than running 'mkdir'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'chown devops.devops /home/devops/.ssh' -k ##Modify owner and all groups SSH password: [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with owner rather than running 'chown'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m shell -a 'chmod 700 /home/devops/.ssh' -k SSH password: [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with mode rather than running 'chmod'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> [devops@ansible .ansible]$
[devops@ansible .ansible]$ ssh-keygen ##Generate key [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m copy -a 'src=/home/devops/.ssh/id_rsa.pub dest=/home/devops/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=0600 owner=devops group=devops' -k SSH password: | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python" }, "changed": true, "checksum": "880b6c072bc8663a1c81ebdfe683ff9cceddf539", "dest": "/home/devops/.ssh/authorized_keys", "gid": 1001, "group": "devops", "md5sum": "49741185aa9e2f68c3d9fec822196c38", "mode": "0600", "owner": "devops", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0", "size": 579, "src": "/home/devops/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1637913963.6558049-34674-55602837977237/source", "state": "file", "uid": 1001 } [devops@ansible .ansible]$ ansible -m ping ##Test, the module can be executed without a password | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" }