Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it!
syeteminfo system profile command
#!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information echo "OS version is:`cat /etc/redhat-release`" echo "kernel version is:`uname -r`" echo "CPU type :`lscpu|grep 'Model name'|tr -s ' ' |cut -d: -f2`" echo "`cat /proc/meminfo |head -n1`" echo "`lsblk |grep '^sd'|tr -s ' ' |cut -d' ' -f1,4`" echo "My username is $USER" echo "My hostname is `hostname`" echo "NETwork IP:`ifconfig ens33|grep -w 'inet'|grep -Eo '([0-9]\.)[0-9]'|head -n1`"
After execution, the machine configuration information is displayed.
Create apache user command
#!/bin/bash #Description:Useradd-apache u-80 g-80 home-/var/www shell-/sbin/nologin groupadd -g 80 apache useradd -u 80 -g apache -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/www apache echo "User apache is created" mkdir -pv /var/www chown -R apache:apache /var/www echo "/var/www is ready!"
After execution, you can create user apache according to the above requirements.
Change command line color
#!/bin/bash #Description:change root's COMMOND line color (33=yellow) cat >> /root/.bash_profile <<EOF PS1="\[\e[1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\\$\[\e[0m\]" EOF
After execution, the command line color of root will turn yellow.
Make a file to add the execution command
#!/bin/bash #Description:Add execution permissions to the file chmod +x $1 echo $1 can be excute
To execute a command, simply enter the file name followed by the command to add permissions.
Make a quick file to Dadda's computer
#!/bin/bash #Description:connect Handsome Dadda'computer scp $* [email protected]:
The execution can be transferred to Dadda host by entering the name followed by the file name.
Create any user with a password of Dadda and the password modification process is not seen. Force to change the password the next time you log in
#!/bin/bash #Desscription:Create the user and change the password the next time use it. #create $1 useradd $1 echo $1 create success! #for $1 create passwd --No Display echo dadda | passwd --stdin $1 &>/dev/null #change the password the next time No Display (or:chage -d filename) passwd -e $1 &>/dev/null echo $1 password is reset!
To execute, just enter the command followed by the user name you want to create, and create successfully.
Fill in basic information automatically when creating script
#!/bin/bash name=Dadda_Du qq=316722220 cat >$1 <<EOF #!/bin/bash #************************************************************** #Author: $name #QQ: $qq #Date: `date +%F` #FileName: $1 #URL: #Description: The script test #Copyright(C): 2018 all rights reserved #************************************************************** EOF chmod +x $1 vim + $1
When executing, you only need to enter the command followed by the name of the script file to be created and create it successfully.