Basic script attempt

Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it! syeteminfo system profile command #!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information #filename:...
Create apache user command
Change command line color
Make a file to add the execution command
Make a quick file to Dadda's computer
Create any user with a password of Dadda and the password modification process is not seen. Force to change the password the next time you log in
Fill in basic information automatically when creating script

Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it!

syeteminfo system profile command

#!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information echo "OS version is:`cat /etc/redhat-release`" echo "kernel version is:`uname -r`" echo "CPU type :`lscpu|grep 'Model name'|tr -s ' ' |cut -d: -f2`" echo "`cat /proc/meminfo |head -n1`" echo "`lsblk |grep '^sd'|tr -s ' ' |cut -d' ' -f1,4`" echo "My username is $USER" echo "My hostname is `hostname`" echo "NETwork IP:`ifconfig ens33|grep -w 'inet'|grep -Eo '([0-9]\.)[0-9]'|head -n1`"

After execution, the machine configuration information is displayed.       

Create apache user command

#!/bin/bash #Description:Useradd-apache u-80 g-80 home-/var/www shell-/sbin/nologin groupadd -g 80 apache useradd -u 80 -g apache -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/www apache echo "User apache is created" mkdir -pv /var/www chown -R apache:apache /var/www echo "/var/www is ready!"

After execution, you can create user apache according to the above requirements.

Change command line color

#!/bin/bash #Description:change root's COMMOND line color (33=yellow) cat >> /root/.bash_profile <<EOF PS1="\[\e[1;33m\][\u@\h \W]\\$\[\e[0m\]" EOF

After execution, the command line color of root will turn yellow.     

Make a file to add the execution command

#!/bin/bash #Description:Add execution permissions to the file chmod +x $1 echo $1 can be excute

To execute a command, simply enter the file name followed by the command to add permissions.     

Make a quick file to Dadda's computer

#!/bin/bash #Description:connect Handsome Dadda'computer scp $* [email protected]:

The execution can be transferred to Dadda host by entering the name followed by the file name.   

Create any user with a password of Dadda and the password modification process is not seen. Force to change the password the next time you log in

#!/bin/bash #Desscription:Create the user and change the password the next time use it. #create $1 useradd $1 echo $1 create success! #for $1 create passwd --No Display echo dadda | passwd --stdin $1 &>/dev/null #change the password the next time No Display (or:chage -d filename) passwd -e $1 &>/dev/null echo $1 password is reset!

To execute, just enter the command followed by the user name you want to create, and create successfully.    

Fill in basic information automatically when creating script

#!/bin/bash name=Dadda_Du qq=316722220 cat >$1 <<EOF #!/bin/bash #************************************************************** #Author: $name #QQ: $qq #Date: `date +%F` #FileName: $1 #URL: #Description: The script test #Copyright(C): 2018 all rights reserved #************************************************************** EOF chmod +x $1 vim + $1

When executing, you only need to enter the command followed by the name of the script file to be created and create it successfully.

12 January 2020, 12:44 | Views: 7110

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