Call Baidu Statistics API

Baidu Statistics provides users with access to API, enabling users to customize UI without entering Baidu Statistics web...
Common Request Header
Get a list of sites
Get report data

Baidu Statistics provides users with access to API, enabling users to customize UI without entering Baidu Statistics website.There are two account systems in Baidu Statistics: Baidu Business Account and Baidu Account. The former is the early user account of Baidu Statistics. Based on Baidu Business Account, this paper explains how to access statistical API.

Common Request Header

Requests from interfaces require that JSON-formatted data be sent to the appropriate API via POST, noting that JSON data is placed in the requested RawBody, rather than a common key pair worth the POST structure.The structure of the request data is divided into two parts, the header part is user information and the body part: the body part is different for different APIs.

String json = "{\"header\": " + "{" + "\"username\": \"xxxxx\", " + "\"password\": \"xxxxx\"," + "\"token\": \"xxxx\"," + "\"account_type\": 1" + "}" + "}"; String html ="", json, conn -> { conn.addRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json"); });

The request must specify Content-type as application/json, otherwise it cannot be requested.

In the implementation, we define the header with a map and convert it to a JSON string, as shown below.

/** * Get Request Header * * @return */ private static String getHeader() { Map<String, Object> header = new HashMap<String, Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put("username", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.api_username")); put("password", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.api_password")); put("token", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.api_token")); put("account_type", 1); } }; return JsonHelper.stringifyMap(header); }

Then you can pass in different business needs for the body, which is also a Map.

private static final String JSON = "{\"header\": %s, \"body\": %s}"; /** * Request API * * @param body * @return */ private static String getData(Map<String, Object> body) { String req = String.format(JSON, getHeader(), JsonHelper.stringifyMap(body)); String json ="", req, conn -> { conn.addRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json"); }); return "json::" + json; }

Then make the request and return the result JSON.

Get a list of sites

There can be more than one site under a Baidu statistical account.Interface .The key field is siteId, which does not have to be requested if it is known.

Get report data

This is the core API, and the interface is .In this interface, report data is obtained according to different parameters.This is the method field of the body.

Get an overview of the website: pv/uv today/yesterday

For general tips, the generated interface is as follows.

@GET @Path("getTimeTrendRpt") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getTimeTrendRpt() { Date now = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(now); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);// Yesterday String today = formater.format(now), yesterday = formater.format(calendar.getTime()); Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put("site_id", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.siteId")); put("start_date", yesterday); put("end_date", today); put("method", "overview/getTimeTrendRpt"); put("metrics", "pv_count,visitor_count,ip_count,bounce_ratio,avg_visit_time"); } }; return getData(body); }

Get an overview of the site: source site, search terms, entry page, visited page

The generated interface is as follows (section).

The default is yesterday's and today's data.

@GET @Path("getCommonTrackRpt") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getCommonTrackRpt() { Date now = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(now); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);// Yesterday String today = formater.format(now), yesterday = formater.format(calendar.getTime()); Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put("site_id", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.siteId")); put("start_date", yesterday); put("end_date", today); put("method", "overview/getCommonTrackRpt"); } }; return getData(body); }

Get pv/uv trend map

Obtain PV and UV data in Trend Analysis Report at a daily granularity.

@GET @Path("getTrend") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getTrend(@QueryParam("start_date") @NotNull String start_date, @QueryParam("end_date") @NotNull String end_date) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { put("site_id", ConfigService.get("baidu_tongji.siteId")); put("start_date", start_date); put("end_date", end_date); put("method", "trend/time/a"); put("metrics", "pv_count,visit_count"); put("max_results", "0"); put("gran", "day"); } }; return getData(body); }

This system is based on the front end of vue.This requires a chart component to display, and I started using it vue2-frappe But for some reason, there may be a style conflict, and adding my style does not show that DOM exists. I don't bother with this component, so I change to another lightweight chart component, a lighter one, a national work, for Laue. , .


At present, not all API s of Baidu Statistics are fully integrated, but three of its most important interfaces are used, which is enough to give users a preliminary display.

26 June 2020, 13:58 | Views: 1602

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