What is an iteratable object?
Objects that support isomorphic for... in... Statements to obtain data iteratively are iteratable objects.
String, list, collection, dictionary, and file type data are all iteratable objects.
Use the isinstance() function to determine whether the target is an iteratable object. The example code is as follows:
from collections.abc import Iterable ls = [3,4,5] print(isinstance(ls, Iterable))
The run result is True
1, Understanding composite data typesWhat is a composite data type?
We know that combination means to organize data together. The data types we have learned before are integer, floating point and string data types.
Combined data types refer to organizing multiple data of the same type or different types into a whole. According to different data organization methods, Python combined data types are divided into three types: sequence type, set type and mapping type.
- Sequence type
- Collection type
Set has three characteristics: certainty, heterogeneity and disorder.
Certainty: given a set, whether any element is in the set is determined.
Dissimilarity: the elements in the collection are different from each other.
Disorder: the elements in the set have no order (sets with different order but the same elements can be regarded as the same set)
- mapping type
The mapping type stores elements in the form of key value pairs, and there is a mapping relationship between keys and values in key value pairs.
Dictionary is the only built-in mapping type in Python. The keys of the dictionary must comply with the following two principles:
First, each key can only correspond to one value, and the same key is not allowed to appear repeatedly in the dictionary;
Second, the keys in the dictionary are immutable types.
2.1 create list
Python lists are created in two ways:
The first one can be directly created with "[]" brackets;
The second can be created with the built-in function list().
list1 = [] list2 = ['p', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n'] list3 = list() list4 = list('python') # Element 'python'
Note: when using list() to create a list, an error will be reported if the incoming data is not an iteratable type!
list3 = list(1) # 1 is not an iteratable object print(list3)
Error: TypeError:'int' object is not iterable
2.2 accessing list elements
The function of the list is to store multiple data at one time. Programmers can operate on these data: add, delete, modify and query
Lookup of list elements
Find (access) with subscript of list element
Format: sequence name [subscript]
The subscript is the address and number assigned to each element of the list in the computer memory.
name_list = ['Tom', 'Lily', 'Rose'] print(name_list[0]) # Tome print(name_list[1]) # Lily print(name_list[2])
Find (access) with function
2.3 adding list elements (append, extend and insert)
Adds the specified data to the list
Function 1: append() append data at the end of the function list
Syntax: list name. Append (data)
num = ['1' , '2', '3'] num.append('9') # String sequence num.append([11, 22]) # List sequence # Result 1: ['1', '2', '3', '9'] # Result 2: ['1', '2', '3', '9', [11, 22]] print(num)
Summary of append() function:
1. List data is modifiable -- lists are variable types
2. When the append() function appends data, if the data is a sequence, the entire sequence is appended to the end of the list.
Function 2: append data at the end of the function list
Syntax: list name. Extend (data)
name_list = ['Tom', 'Lily', 'Rose'] name_list.extend('xiaoming') # Breaks up a string data sequence and appends a single element to the end of the list name_list.extend(['xiaoming', 'xiaoming']) # Disassemble the list and append it to the end of the list # Result 1: ['Tom', 'Lily', 'Rose', 'x', 'I', 'a', 'o','m ',' I ',' n ',' g '] # Result 2: ['Tom', 'Lily', 'Rose', 'xiaoming', 'xiaoming'] print(name_list)
extend() function summary
1. When the data appended by the extend() function is a sequence, the data in the data sequence is disassembled into a single element and appended to the end of the list one by one
Function 2: append data at the end of the insert function list
Syntax: list name. Insert (position subscript, data)
name_list = ['Tom', 'Lily', 'Rose'] name_list.insert(1, 'xiaoming') # Insert 'xiaoming' into the list where the subscript is 1 # Result 1: ['Tom', 'xiaoming', 'Lily', 'Rose',] print(name_list)
Summary of insert() function
1. The insert() function adds data at the specified location
2.4 element sorting (sort, reverse)
Inverse: reverse() function
Only the position of the elements in the list changes, and they are not sorted according to the size of the elements!!!
# reverse() list1 = [1, 4, 2, 3, 9] list1.reverse() # Results: [9,3,2,4,1] print(list1)
Sorting: sor() function
Syntax: list name. sort(key = None, reverse = False)
(the parameter key is used to sort the values of dictionary data series)
# sort() sort: ascending and descending list1 = [1, 4, 2, 3, 9] list1.sort() # Default ascending order list1.sort(reverse = False) # Ascending order list1.sort(reverse = True) # Descending order # Result 1: [1,2,3,4,9] # Result 2: [1,2,3,4,9] # Result 3: [9,4,3,2,1] print(list1)
Note: reverse indicates the collation. reverse = True in descending order (3, 2, 1), reverse = False (default) in ascending order (1, 2, 3)
2.5 delete list elements (del, pop, remove and clear)
del() function
Function: delete the whole target (can be list or function) and delete the data of the subscript of the specified list
Syntax: del list name and del (list name)
name_list = ['tom', 'lily', 'rose'] name_list2 = ['tom', 'lily', 'rose'] del name_list # del(name_list) # Result: an error is reported. NameError 'name_list' is not defined because the list is not deleted print(name_list) # del can delete the data of the specified subscript del name_list2[0] # Result: ['lily ',' Rose '] print(name_list2) #
pop() function
Function: delete the data of the specified subscript (the last data by default) and return the data.
Syntax: list name. Pop (subscript)
name_list = ['tom', 'lily', 'rose'] del_name = name_list.pop(1) # Delete the element 'lily' with sequence subscript 1 and return 'lily' # The result is: lily print(del_name) # The result is: ['Tom ',' Rose '] print(name_list)
remove() function
Function: remove() function deletes the first match of an element in the list.
Syntax: List naming. Remove (data)
name_list = ['tom', 'lily', 'rose'] name_list.remove('rose') # Result: ['Tom ',' Lily '] print(name_list)
clear() function
Function: clear list
Syntax: List naming. clear()
name_list = ['tom', 'lily', 'rose'] name_list.clear() # Result: [] empty list print(name_list)
2.6 list derivation
List derivation (function: simplify code; create or control regular lists)
# Requirements: 0, 1, 2, 4,... (create regular list) # 1. Cycle realization # 2. List derivation (function: simplify code; create or control regular list) # Method 1: while implementation list1 = [] i = 0 while i < 10: list1.append(i) i += 1 print(list1) # Mode 2: for implementation list2 = [] for i in range(10) list2.append(i) print(list2) # Mode 3: List derivation list3 = [i for i in range(10)] print(list3)
List derivation with if
# Requirement: list of 0-10 even data [0,2,4,6,8] # 1. Simple list derived range step size list1 = [i for i in range(0,10,2)] print(list1) # 2.for loop plus if to create regular list list2 = [] for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 0: list2.append(i) print(list2) # 3. Rewrite the for loop with the if code to the list derivation with if list3 = [i for i range(10) if i % 2 ==0] print(list3)
Multiple for loops implement list derivation
Requirements: create the following list
[(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2),(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
# Requirements: [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)] # analysis: # Data 1:1 and 2 -- range (1,3) # Data 2:0 1 2 -- range (3) # Method 1: for nesting list2 = [] for i in range(1, 3): for j in range(3): list2.append((i, j)) print(list2) # Method 2: multiple for implementations list derivation list1 = [(i, j) for i in range(1, 3) for j in range(3)] print(list1)3, Tuple
3.1 application scenarios of tuples
Thinking: if you want to store multiple data, but these data cannot be modified, how do you operate?
A: list? A list can store multiple data at once, but the data in the list can be changed.
num = [10, 20 ,30] num[0] = 100 # Change the element subscript 0 in the list from 10 to 100
Note: a tuple can store multiple data, and the data in the tuple cannot be modified.
3.2 definition of tuple
Definition: tuples are defined in parentheses, and each data is separated by commas. The data can be of different data types (it is best to ensure that the data types in tuples are consistent).
t1 = (10, 'a', 1.2) # For multiple data type tuples, it is best to ensure that the data types in the tuples are consistent! t2 = (10,) # Single data tuple t3 = () # Empty tuple
Note: if the defined tuple has only one data, the comma "," after the element cannot be omitted, otherwise the data type is the data type of the data of the only element in parentheses.
t2 = (10,) # tuple t3 = (10) # integer t4 = ('hello') # character string
Common operations of tuples
Tuples can also be created by using the built-in function tuple(). When the function parameter list is empty, the function creates tuples, and when the parameter is an iteratable object, the function creates non empty tuples.
Sample code
t1 = tuple() # Create empty tuple t2 = tuple([1,2,3]) # Create tuples from lists t3 = tuple('python') # Create tuples ('p ',' y ','t', 'H', 'o', 'n') from strings t4 = tuple(range(5)) # Create tuples with iteratable objects (0,1,2,3,4) print(t1, t2,t3,t4)
Like the list, Python supports accessing elements of tuples through indexes and slices, and traversing element groups in a loop. The example code is as follows:
t1 = tuple() # Create empty tuple t2 = tuple([1,2,3]) # Create tuples from lists t3 = tuple('python') # Create tuples ('p ',' y ','t', 'H', 'o', 'n') from strings t4 = tuple(range(5)) # Create tuples with iteratable objects (0,1,2,3,4) print(t2[1]) # Access tuple elements by index print(t3[3:5]) # Group elements in a sliced way for data in t3: print(data, end='')
The output results are as follows:
1. Top ten singers
2. Magic cube array
4, Assemble4.1 creating collections
Create a collection using {} or set(), but if you want to create an empty collection, you can only use set(), because {} is used to create a dictionary.
# 1. Create a collection with data s1 = # Set has no subscript, set has no order print(s1) s2 = # The element data in the collection cannot be repeated (to reprint the data) print(s2) # duplicate removal # 2. Create an empty collection s3 = {} # Note: {} represents a dictionary print(s3) # Dictionary type s5 = set('abcdefg') # Result: the element data in the set is out of order print(s5) s4 = set() print(type(s4)) # set
4.2 common operations of collection - adding data (add and update)
s1 = #1. A set is a variable data sequence # add() s1.add(100) # Results: print(s1) # The collection has the function of de duplication. If the additional data is the existing data of the collection, nothing will be done s1.add(100) # Results: print(s1) # # update(): the added data is a sequence s1.update([10,20,30,40]) # Set s1 append list print(s1)
4.3 common operations of collection delete data (remove, dicard and pop)
The remove() function deletes the specified data in the collection. If the data does not exist, an error is reported.
s1 = s1.remove(10) print(s1) s1.remove(10) # report errors print(s1)
The discard() function deletes the specified data in the collection. If the data does not exist, no error will be reported.
s1 = s1.discard(10) print(s1) s1.discard(10) print(s1)
pop() function randomly deletes a data summarized in the collection and returns this data.
s1 = del_num = s1.pop() print(s1)
4.4 common operations of collection - find data
In: judge whether the data is in the set sequence
not in: judge that the data is no longer a collection sequence
s1 = print(10 in s1) # Return True print(10 not in s1) # Return False5, Dictionary
5.1 create dictionary
Dictionary features:
- The symbol is brace {}
- The data is in the form of key value pairs
- Key value pairs are separated by commas
Sample program:
(create a dictionary with data and an empty dictionary)
# Create a dictionary with data dict1 = {'name':'Tom', 'age':'18', 12:'male'} # Create an empty dictionary dict2 = {} # Method 1 dict3 = dict() # Method 2 # dict3 = dict({'name':'Tom', 'age':'18', 'sexy':'male'}) # Method 2 print(dict1) print(type(dict1)) print(dict2) print(dict3)
Output results:
5.2 dictionary access (key value, get, keys, values and items)
Dictionary lookup (access)
Method 1: key value search
Note: if the current key exists, put back the value corresponding to the key; Otherwise, an error is reported
# Dictionary lookup (access) # Note: if the current key exists, put back the value corresponding to the key; Otherwise, an error is reported # Method 1: key value search dict1 = {'name': 'Tom', 'age': '18', 12:'male'} print(dict1['name']) print(dict1[12])
Method 2: function search
- get()
Python provides a built-in method get(), which obtains the corresponding value from the dictionary according to the key. If the specified key does not exist, it returns the default value (default). The syntax format is as follows:
Dictionary name. Get (key [, default])
# Method 2: find with get() function dict1 = {'name': 'Tom', 'age': '18', 12:'male'} print(dict1.get('name')) print(dict1.get(12))
Python dictionary data is divided into keys, values and elements (key value pairs). In addition to direct access by keys, python also provides built-in methods key(), values(), items() for accessing all keys, values and elements in the dictionary. The example code of these functions is as follows:
key() - get all keys in the dictionary
values() - get all values in the dictionary
items() - get all the elements in the dictionary
dict1 = {'name': 'Tom', 'age': '18', 12:'male'} print(dict1.keys()) # Use the keys() method to get all the keys print(dict1.values()) # Use the values() method to get all the values print(dict1.items()) # Use the items() method to get all the elements
The output results are as follows:
5.3 addition and modification of dictionary elements ('key = value 'and update)
Addition of dictionary elements:
Method 1: Dictionary variable name ['key'] = value
Method 2: Dictionary variable name. Update (key name = value)
# Method 1. Dictionary variable name ['key'] = value # dict1 = {'name': 'Tom', 'age': '18', 12:'male'} # dict1['sco'] = 100 # Add element # print(dict1) # Method 2: Dictionary variable name. Update (key name = value) dict1 = {'name': 'Tom', 'age': '18', 12:'male'} dict1.update(sexy = 'male') # Add element print(dict1)
Modification of dictionary elements:
The essence of modifying dictionary elements is to obtain values through keys, and then re assign values to the elements. The operation of modifying an element is similar to that of adding an element. The example code is as follows:
stu_dict = {'stu1': 'LAN LAN','stu2':'Honghong','stu3': 'Huang Huang'} print(stu_dict) stu_dict.update(stu3 = 'Xiao Hei') # Modify the element through update() stu_dict['stu2'] = 'Xiao Ming' # Modify element values by specifying keys print(stu_dict)
Run the code and the results are as follows:
5.4 deletion of dictionary elements (pop, popitem and clear)
Python supports modifying elements in the dictionary through the pop(), popitem(), and clear() functions
pop() method
Function: pop() method can delete the corresponding element in the dictionary according to the specified key. If the deletion is successful, this method returns the value of the target element
stu_dict = {'stu1': 'LAN LAN','stu2':'Honghong','stu3': 'Huang Huang'} print(stu_dict.pop('stu1')) print(stu_dict)
Run the program, and the output results are as follows:
popitem() method
Function: use this method to randomly delete elements in the dictionary. In fact, popitem() can delete elements randomly because dictionary elements are disordered and there is no distinction between "first item" and "last item". If the deletion is successful, the deleted coarse element is returned.
stu_dict = {'stu1': 'LAN LAN', 'stu2': 'Honghong', 'stu3': 'Huang Huang'} print(stu_dict.popitem()) print(stu_dict) print(stu_dict.update())
Run the program, and the output results are as follows:
clear() method
Function: clear() is used to clear the elements in the dictionary
stu_dict = {'stu1': 'LAN LAN', 'stu2': 'Honghong', 'stu3': 'Huang Huang'} stu_dict.clear() print(stu_dict)
The results are as follows:
5.5 dictionary derivation
The format and usage of the dictionary derivation are similar to those of the list derivation, except that the dictionary derivation is surrounded by braces "{}" and contains two parts of keys and values. The specific format is as follows:
{ new_key : new_value for key , value in dict.items()}
The dictionary derivation can be used to quickly exchange the positions of keys and values in the dictionary. The example code is as follows:
old_stu_dict = {'stu1': 'LAN LAN', 'stu2': 'Honghong', 'stu3': 'Huang Huang'} new_stu_dict = print(new_stu_dict)
Run the program, and the output results are as follows:
1. Youth has you
2. Mobile phone address book
Combining data types and operatorsPublic operation and data sequence all support the operation mode.
Three aspects: operators, public methods and container type conversion
- operator
str1 = 'aa' str2 = 'bb' list1 = [1, 2] list2 = [10, 20] t1 = (1, 2) t2 = (10, 20) dict1 = {'name':'pyton'} dict2 = {'age':'18'} print(str1 + str2) # The result was aabb print(list1 + list2) # The printout result is: [1,2,10,20] print(t1 + t2) # print(dict1 + dict2) # Error: the dictionary does not support merge operation
str1 = 'a' list1 = ['hello'] t1 = ('world',) # *: copy print(str1 * 5) # Print 10 '-' print('-' * 10) print(list1 * 5) # The output result is: ['hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello'] print(t1 * 5)
Does the element exist
dict1 = {'name':'pyton','age':'19'} print('name' in dict1) print('name' not in dict1) print('name' in dict1.keys) print('name' not in dict1.keys) print('name' in dict1.values)