commons-lang3 tool class learning (2)

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3. BooleanUtils

Boolean Tool Class

and(boolean...array) logic and

BooleanUtils.and(true, true) = true BooleanUtils.and(false, false) = false BooleanUtils.and(true, false) = false BooleanUtils.and(true, true, false) = false BooleanUtils.and(true, true, true) = true

compare(boolean x, boolean y) compares two Boolean values and returns the int type if x == y returns 0!! x && y returns less than 0, x && y returns greater than 0

Is isFalse(Boolean bool) false and returns boolean

Is isTrue(Boolean bool) true and returns boolean

negate(Boolean bool) logical non

BooleanUtils.negate(Boolean.TRUE) = Boolean.FALSE; BooleanUtils.negate(Boolean.FALSE) = Boolean.TRUE; BooleanUtils.negate(null) = null;

or(boolean...array) Logical or

BooleanUtils.or(true, true) = true BooleanUtils.or(false, false) = false BooleanUtils.or(true, false) = true BooleanUtils.or(true, true, false) = true BooleanUtils.or(true, true, true) = true BooleanUtils.or(false, false, false) = false

toBoolean(Boolean bool) converts object types to basic data types and returns

BooleanUtils.toBoolean(Boolean.TRUE) = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean(Boolean.FALSE) = false BooleanUtils.toBoolean(null) = false

toBoolean(int value) converts an int type to a boolean type and returns

BooleanUtils.toBoolean(0) = false BooleanUtils.toBoolean(1) = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean(2) = true

toBoolean(String str) converts a string type to a boolean type and returns

BooleanUtils.toBoolean(null) = false BooleanUtils.toBoolean("true") = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean("TRUE") = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean("tRUe") = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean("on") = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean("yes") = true BooleanUtils.toBoolean("false") = false BooleanUtils.toBoolean("x gti") = false BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject("y") = true BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject("n") = false BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject("t") = true BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject("f") = false

toInteger(boolean bool) converts boolean type data to int type and returns

BooleanUtils.toInteger(true) = 1 BooleanUtils.toInteger(false) = 0

toStringOnOff(boolean bool) converts boolean type data to String type'on'or'off' and returns

BooleanUtils.toStringOnOff(true) = "on" BooleanUtils.toStringOnOff(false) = "off"

toStringTrueFalse(Boolean bool) converts boolean type data to String type "true'or'false" and returns

BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(true) = "true" BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(false) = "false"

toStringYesNo(boolean bool) converts boolean type data to String type'yes'or'no' and returns

BooleanUtils.toStringYesNo(true) = "yes" BooleanUtils.toStringYesNo(false) = "no"

xor(boolean...array) XOR

BooleanUtils.xor(true, true) = false BooleanUtils.xor(false, false) = false BooleanUtils.xor(true, false) = true

IV. ClassPathUtils

class Path Tool

toFullyQualifiedName returns a string stitched together by the class package name + resourceName

toFullyQualifiedName(Class<?> context, String resourceName) ClassPathUtils.toFullyQualifiedName(StringUtils.class, "") = ""

toFullyQualifiedName(Package context, String resourceName) returns a string stitched together by the class package name + resourceName

ClassPathUtils.toFullyQualifiedName(StringUtils.class.getPackage(), "") = ""

toFullyQualifiedPath returns a string stitched together by the class package name + resourceName

toFullyQualifiedPath(Class<?> context, String resourceName) ClassPathUtils.toFullyQualifiedPath(StringUtils.class, "") = "org/apache/commons/lang3/"

toFullyQualifiedPath(Package context, String resourceName) returns a string stitched together by the class package name + resourceName

ClassPathUtils.toFullyQualifiedPath(StringUtils.class, "") = "org/apache/commons/lang3/"

V. EnumUtils

Enumerate Tool Classes

getEnum(Class enumClass, String enumName) returns an enumeration through a class, possibly empty

getEnumList(Class enumClass) returns an enumerated collection through a class

getEnumMap(Class enumClass) returns an enumerated map through a class

isValidEnum(Class enumClass, String enumName) verifies that enumName is in the enumeration and returns true false


Enum Class public enum EnumDemo { AA("1"), BB("2"); private String value; EnumDemo(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } } //test EnumDemo enumDemo = EnumUtils.getEnum(EnumDemo.class, ""); System.out.println(enumDemo); System.out.println("-----"); List<EnumDemo> list = EnumUtils.getEnumList(EnumDemo.class); for (EnumDemo a : list) { System.out.println(a + ":" + a.getValue()); } System.out.println("-----"); Map<String, EnumDemo> enumMap = EnumUtils.getEnumMap(EnumDemo.class); for (Map.Entry<String, EnumDemo> entry : enumMap.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); EnumDemo value = entry.getValue(); System.out.println(key + ":" + value.getValue()); } System.out.println("-----"); System.out.println(EnumUtils.isValidEnum(EnumDemo.class, "aa")); //output AA ----- AA:1 BB:2 ----- AA:1 BB:2 ----- false

17 July 2020, 11:54 | Views: 6419

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