Desktop layout of Android 80go platform

1. File path vendor/go-gms/apps_go/GmsSampleIntegrationGo/res/xml/partner_default_layout.xml 2. Screen division The bottom and middle screens are sep...

1. File path


2. Screen division

The bottom and middle screens are separate. The bottom icons are on screen 0 / 1 / 2 / 3, and the middle screen and the right screen are on screen 0 / 1.

2.1 single icon at the bottom

<!-- Hotseat (We use the screen as the position of the item in the hotseat) --> <!--FileManager--> <favorite className="com.mediatek.filemanager.FileManagerOperationActivity" container="-101" packageName="com.mediatek.filemanager" screen="0" />//The first icon is on screen 0 <!--Chrome--> <favorite className="" container="-101" packageName="" screen="1"/>//The second icon is on screen 1 <!--Gmail--> <favorite className="" container="-101" packageName="" screen="2"//The second icon is on screen 1 x="0" //Independent of x/y coordinates y="9" /> <!--Camera--> <favorite className="" container="-101" packageName="" screen="3" x="8" y="0" />

2.2 add documents to the middle part

<folder screen="0" title="@string/google_folder_title" x="0" y="3"> //(0, 3) on screen 0 <!--Google Go--> <favorite className="" packageName="" /> <!--Assistant Go--> <favorite className="" packageName=""/> </folder> <folder screen="0" title="@string/google_folder_title" x="3" y="3">//(3, 3) on screen 0 <favorite className="" packageName=""/> </folder>

3. Check whether mtk's launcher or Google's launcher is used

File path: alps/device/mediatek/common/ago/

ifeq (yes,$(strip $(MTK_GMO_RAM_OPTIMIZE))) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += Launcher3Go else PRODUCT_PACKAGES += Launcher3 # Add MtkLauncher3 to replace Launcher3 when vendor code is available ifneq ($(wildcard vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/Launcher3/,) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += MtkLauncher3 endif endif

In the corresponding project, check whether MTK? GMO? Ram? Optimize is open. as




adb shell pm clear

5. Database corresponding to launcher

1) cd to / data/data/

2) ls

app_icons.db launcher.db widgetpreviews.db

3) sqlite3 launcher.db

SQLite version 3.19.4 2017-08-18 19:28:12

Enter ".help" for usage hints.

4) sqlite> .tables

android_metadata favorites workspaceScreens

5) SQLite > select * from favorites; / / SQL statement should be provided with;

18 January 2020, 12:01 | Views: 5896

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