Windows Phone 7 Marketplace Hack Demonstrated On Video

Such is the case for Microsoft this morning, who found out by way of a friendly neighborhood white hat that the DRM setup on Windows Phone 7 apps can ...
Such is the case for Microsoft this morning, who found out by way of a friendly neighborhood white hat that the DRM setup on Windows Phone 7 apps can be torn apart in a matter of seconds.
.The Windows Phone 7 hack seems particularly nefarious, as it enables the user to download and crack the applications directly from the Marketplace. It is frightening how easy it is for a pirate to crack applications on a Windows Phone 7 device. According to the developer, it only took him six hours to put the tool together.WPCentral was presented with a proof of concept program that can essentially strip the copy protection DRM mechanism found on Marketplace-purchased apps on Windows Phone 7 devices.
.Proof of concept: cracking the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace - YouTube Read more at and.
An ethical hacker provided WPCentral, a Windows Phone centric site, with a video showing proof-of-concept program that could grab any App from Marketplace and be installed for free sans any DRM .
Security is an important aspect of anything that gets used by anyone, at any given moment around the world. For developers of applications that get purchased through a digital storefront, like Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 Marketplace, making sure.
A post over on the XDA-Developers forum claims that the user has discovered a massive flaw in the Windows Phone 7 marketplace that allows anyone to download the entire Windows Phone 7.
As of the time of this writing, Microsoft hasn't made an official comment regarding the security hole. WPCentral has been in contact with Brandon Watson from Microsoft, but so far they have not.
The developer behind FreeMarketplace, the tool needed to crack the DRM on applications, has actually turned his knowledge over and has begun trying to figure out a solution for the problem. The.
The Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is growing at a faster rate than any other app store to date, having over 5,250 apps available for Windows Phone 7 according to the Marketplace.

23 July 2020, 10:30 | Views: 200

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