EasyUI frame 05 - window

1. Messager message window 1.1 co...
1.1 confirm confirmation box
1.2 Show prompt box
1.3 Alert pop-up
1. Messager message window

1.1 confirm confirmation box

confirm of easyUI is loaded asynchronously by default. How to achieve the effect of synchronization? Functions can be used to achieve

For example:

Var operation condition = true; Function fnc(){ If (logical condition & & run condition){ //c = confirm("version purpose change, do you want to keep the test task that version test page has created?"); $. Messager. Defaults = ; / / modify the confirm default button $. messager.confirm('version usage change prompt box ',' version usage change, do you want to keep the test task that the version test page has created? ', function(r){ if( r ){ Operation condition = false; fnc (); } else { Operation condition = false; fnc(); } }); return ; } //Restore operating condition state Operation condition = true; //Write logic code below $.ajax({ ... }); }

1.2 Show prompt box

$.messager.show({ title:'news', msg:"<span>"+ data.rtnMsg +"</span>", height:150, timeout:3000, showType:'show' });

1.3 Alert pop-up

$.messager.alert("Tips","<span>" + data.rtnMsg + "</span>");
2. Dialog


<div id="win" title="Tips" style="width: 400px; padding: 10px 20px; height: 410px;" closed="true" buttons="#dlg-buttons"> <form action="#" method="post" id="editDialogForm"> <!-- Set hidden fields --> <input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" /> <input type="hidden" id="deptId" name="deptId" /> <table style="margin-top:-20px"> <tr> <td width="200px"> <span>two: </span> <span><font size="3" color="red">*</font></span> </td> <td id="deptNameTD"> <!-- <input type="text" id="dept_name" name="dept_name" style="width:300px;" /> --> <input id="deptName" name="deptName" panelAlign="400" editable=true hasDownArrow=false width=300 data-options=" panelWidth:320, valueField:'deptId', textField:'deptName', url:'', onSelect: function(rec){ $('#deptId').val(rec.deptId); } " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>three: </span> <span><font size="3" color="red">*</font></span> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="threestavename" name="threestavename" style="width:300px;" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>four: </span> </td> <td> <input type="text" id="fourstavename" name="fourstavename" style="width:300px;" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>Description:</span> </td> <td> <textarea style="text-align: left;border: 1px solid rgb(217, 217, 217);height: auto;width: 320px;line-height: 16pt;resize:none;" rows="5" name="remark1" id="remark1" > </textarea> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div>

js operation:

function openDialog(name,flag,id,oldFormData){ $('#win').dialog({ title: name, width: 480, height: 530, top:150, closed: false,//display a dialog box cache: false, modal: true, buttons:[{ text:'take&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eliminate', handler:function(){ clearForm(); $('#win').dialog('close'); } },{ text:'True&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;set', handler:function(){ var checkFlag = check(); if(checkFlag){ if(flag){ // Preservation $("#editDialogForm").form('submit', { url: '/TSM/stovemanager/addStoveManage.action', success: function(data){ if(JSON.parse(data).rtnFlag){ $.messager.show({ title:'news', msg:"<span>Added successfully!</span>", height:150, timeout:3000, showType:'show'}); // Add successfully empty data and close the window clearForm(); $('#win').dialog('close'); // Then reload the tree $('#grid').datagrid('reload'); } else { $.messager.alert('warning',"<span>" + JSON.parse(data).rtnMsg + "</span>"); } } }); } else { // edit var formData = $("#editDialogForm").serialize(); // Determine whether the form has changed if(oldFormData == formData){ $.messager.confirm('confirm',"<span>You haven't made any changes, are you sure to save? Confirm will close the dialog!</span>",function(r){ if (r){ // Add successfully empty data and close the window clearForm(); $('#win').dialog('close'); } }); }else { $.messager.confirm('confirm',"<span>Are you sure you want to change the information of the control oven?</span>",function(r){ if (r){ $.ajax({ type:'post', url : '/TSM/stovemanager/updateStoveManageInfo.action', data : formData, success : function(data){ if(data.rtnFlag){ //$. messager.alert('message ', "< span style ='font-size: 16px;' > modification succeeded! </span>",'info'); $.messager.show({ title:'news', msg:"<span>Modification succeeded!</span>", height:150, timeout:3000, showType:'show' }); // Clear data after modification and close the window clearForm(); $('#win').dialog('close'); // Then reload the tree $('#grid').datagrid('reload'); } else { $.messager.alert('warning',"<span>" + data.rtnMsg + "</span>"); } }, error : function(){ $.messager.alert('warning',"<span>Edit failed, server exception!</span>"); } }); }}); } } } } }], onClose:function(){ clearForm(); } }); }

Wuhan minion 162 original articles published, 7 praised, 5733 visited Private letter follow

2 February 2020, 11:55 | Views: 8269

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