Eindhoven Airport is asking travelers to be on time by collapsing garage

Garage Eindhoven...

Eindhoven Airport warns travelers Sunday extra time to at the airport. By different road blocks can delay arise. Saturday early evening, a collapsed parking garage under construction at the site.

No one was injured. Earlier in the day was still working in the building, but when one of the building collapsed, everyone had left.

But it was the power from which outgoing flights delay.

The garage would be in July opening. About the cause of the collapse and the damage is still not know anything. The havoc is great.


Parking garage under construction near Eindhoven Airport’s collapsed


The garage had the old car park for the terminal replaced. On the second, third and fourth floor was a place for eight hundred cars.

Construction company BAM is responsible for the project. A spokesperson was able to provide any details. People of BAM are on the spot.

Garage Eindhoven

A parking garage is under construction Saturday’s collapsed in Eindhoven. The garage is at Eindhoven Airport on the luchthavenweg.

There are no injuries cases, in the collapse. There were no construction workers or other people inside, according to the Royal military Police, responsible for security in the area around the airport.

The fire department got around 19.00 the message within. About the cause of the collapse is still not known.

The garage had the old car park for the terminal replaced.
© NU.nl/Ralph de Pagter

On the second, third and fourth floor there was place for 800 cars, the first would this year open.
© NU.nl/Ralph de Pagter

Construction company BAM is responsible for the project.
© NU.nl/Ralph de Pagter

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28 May 2021, 11:00 | Views: 252

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