External party is going to collapse garage Eindhoven Airport is also investigating

An external party is going to investigate how it could happen that a parking garage under construction at Eindhoven Airport Saturdays collapsed. Const...

An external party is going to investigate how it could happen that a parking garage under construction at Eindhoven Airport Saturday’s collapsed. Construction company BAM says that consultancy msc (J. G. Hageman B. V., the command to do so has been given.

The research runs alongside that of engineers from BAM itself, which is responsible for the project. That team examines ten possible scenarios.

Thursday put the company back to drones in order to make a record of the site. Also will soon be with laser a complete scan of the complex. According to BAM, this is the most minor deviations will be recorded.

BAM is working on proposals for the complex to temporarily stabilize. This is done so that the safety zone can be reduced and the accessibility of the airport terminal can be improved.”

1 June 2021, 18:25 | Views: 248

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