Extraction of light bar centerline Steger algorithm [Matlab]

Steger algorithm is based on Hessian matrix, which can realize the center of light stripe Sub-pixel Precision positioning: Firstly, the normal direct...

Steger algorithm is based on Hessian matrix, which can realize the center of light stripe Sub-pixel Precision positioning:

Firstly, the normal direction of light stripe can be obtained by Hessian matrix, and then the sub-pixel position can be obtained by Taylor expansion in the normal direction.

function theta=steger(EinRDR) %Stripe center im=double(EinRDR); im = im/max(im(:)); %imshow(im) bw=im2bw(im); [x0,y0]=find(bw==1); sigma=1; % seek hessian matrix [Dx,Dy,Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(im,sigma); [eigenvalue1, eigenvalue2, eigenvectorx, eigenvectory]=eig2image(Dxx, Dxy, Dyy); % t = -(Dx.*eigenvectorx + Dy .* eigenvectory) ./... (Dxx .* eigenvectorx.^2 + 2*Dxy.*eigenvectorx.*eigenvectory + Dyy.*eigenvectory.^2 ); px = t.*eigenvectorx; py = t.*eigenvectory; [candidateX1, candidateY1] = find(px >= -0.5 & px <= 0.5 & py >= -0.5 & py <= 0.5 & bw==1); linePixel = [candidateX1, candidateY1]; for i=1:size(candidateX1,1) m1=candidateX1(i,1); n1=candidateY1(i,1); px1(i,1)=px(m1,n1); py1(i,1)=py(m1,n1); x1(i,1)=m1+px(m1,n1); x2(i,1)=py(m1,n1)+n1; end p=fitPolynomialRANSAC([x2,x1],1,0.5); if isempty(p) xfc=cov(x2,x1); [v,d]=eig(xfc); [u,q]=find(d==max(d(:))); theta=atan(v(2,u)/v(1,u))*180/pi; else theta=atan(p(1))*180/pi; end if theta<0 theta=180+theta; end %w1=theta1-InRandomdegs8 % p2=polyfit(y0,x0,1); % theta2=atan(p2(1))*180/pi; % w2=theta2-InRandomdegs8 % figure(1), imshow(im); % hold on % plot(linePixel(:,2), linePixel(:,1), 'g.'); % hold off;
function [Dx,Dy,Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(I,Sigma) % This function Hessian2 Filters the image with 2nd derivatives of a % Gaussian with parameter Sigma. % % [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2(I,Sigma); % % inputs, % I : The image, class preferable double or single % Sigma : The sigma of the gaussian kernel used % % outputs, % Dxx, Dxy, Dyy: The 2nd derivatives % % example, % I = im2double(imread('moon.tif')); % [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2(I,2); % figure, imshow(Dxx,[]); % % Function is written by D.Kroon University of Twente (June 2009) if nargin < 2, Sigma = 1; end % Make kernel coordinates [X,Y] = ndgrid(-round(3*Sigma):round(3*Sigma)); % Build the gaussian 2nd derivatives filters DGaussx = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4)*(-X).* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2)); DGaussy = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4)*(-Y).* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2)); DGaussxx = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4) * (X.^2/Sigma^2 - 1) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2)); DGaussxy = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^6) * (X .* Y) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2)); DGaussyy = DGaussxx'; Dx = imfilter(I,DGaussx,'conv'); Dy = imfilter(I,DGaussy,'conv'); Dxx = imfilter(I,DGaussxx,'conv'); Dxy = imfilter(I,DGaussxy,'conv'); Dyy = imfilter(I,DGaussyy,'conv');
function [Lambda1,Lambda2,Ix,Iy]=eig2image(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy) % This function eig2image calculates the eigen values from the % hessian matrix, sorted by abs value. And gives the direction % of the ridge (eigenvector smallest eigenvalue) . % % [Lambda1,Lambda2,Ix,Iy]=eig2image(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy) % % % | Dxx Dxy | % | | % | Dxy Dyy | % Compute the eigenvectors of J, v1 and v2 tmp = sqrt((Dxx - Dyy).^2 + 4*Dxy.^2); v2x = 2*Dxy; v2y = Dyy - Dxx + tmp; % Normalize mag = sqrt(v2x.^2 + v2y.^2); i = (mag ~= 0); v2x(i) = v2x(i)./mag(i); v2y(i) = v2y(i)./mag(i); % The eigenvectors are orthogonal v1x = -v2y; v1y = v2x; % Compute the eigenvalues mu1 = 0.5*(Dxx + Dyy + tmp); mu2 = 0.5*(Dxx + Dyy - tmp); % Sort eigen values by absolute value abs(Lambda1)<abs(Lambda2) check=abs(mu1)>abs(mu2); Lambda1=mu1; Lambda1(check)=mu2(check); Lambda2=mu2; Lambda2(check)=mu1(check); Ix=v1x; Ix(check)=v2x(check); Iy=v1y; Iy(check)=v2y(check);

From: steger - qq_41244435

steger algorithm line center extraction follow-up work

After steger algorithm extracts the center of the line, it connects the line and makes it work smoothly. What is the edge connection algorithm?

2 December 2019, 17:12 | Views: 4394

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