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For example, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, machine learning technology is becoming more and more important. Many people have started learning machine learning. This paper introduces the basic content of machine learning.
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1, Golang environment1. Directory structure
2. Code structure
go build test.go compile go file to generate exe file
go run is equivalent to two steps, compiling and executing
2, Golang Foundation1.Go execution process analysis
The code is as follows (example):
- One can generate an EXE file and then execute the exe.
The compiled file will be larger because some dependent library files are put into the executable file
- The second can be compiled and run directly.
The difference is that the first method can execute exe on a machine without go development environment.
2. Syntax considerations
If the imported package is not used, go build will fail.
3. Code style
4.API (source code search)
5. Variables
package main import "fmt" func main() { var age int age = 18 fmt.Print(age) } Declaring a variable is equivalent to opening up a space in memory for it
A. Four forms of use
Global variable declaration
6. Basic data type
A. Integer type
I. signed integer typepackage main import "fmt" func main() { var num int8 = 321 fmt.Println(num) } D:\gowork\src\unit2\demo01>go build main.go # command-line-arguments .\main.go:12:6: constant 321 overflows int8II. Unsigned integer type
Golang's default integer type is int
%T View type func main() { var num3 = 28 fmt.Printf("%T", num3) fmt.Println() fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(num3)) } D:\gowork\src\unit2\demo01>main.exe int 8
For example, in java, it is normal to use int for age. In fact, int takes up too much byte space. You can use byte.
Use uint8 in go, unsigned bit int 0 - 255
B. Floating point type
- Floating point underlying storage space is independent of the operating system
- The bottom storage of floating-point type: sign bit + exponential bit + mantissa. Only the mantissa position is stored, and there may be precision loss
func main() { var num float32 = 314e-2 //That's 314 times 10 to the negative quadratic fmt.Println(num) var num1 float32 = 314e+2 //That's 314 times 10 to the power of two fmt.Println(num1) var num2 float32 = 256.0000000916 fmt.Println(num2) } D:\gowork\src\unit2\demo01>main.exe 3.14 31400 256 You can see that the accuracy is lost The default type is float64
C. Character type
func main() { var c1 byte = 'a' fmt.Println(c1) var c2 byte = '6' fmt.Println(c2) var c3 byte = '(' fmt.Println(c3) } ASCII code D:\gowork\src\unit2\demo01>main.exe 97 54 40
D.Boolean type
E. String type
Escape double quotes with special characters
F. Default value of basic data type
G. Explicit conversion of data type
n1 above is still of type int, but the value of n1 is converted to float32
Data overflow when converting large type to small type
When adding multiple data types, pay attention to the consistency of data types
+128 exceeds the range of int8
H. Data type to String
fmt.Sprintf(%? n)
%? Data type corresponding to n
1. String to basic data type
Ignore err errors.
7. Complex data types
A. Pointer
View variable memory address
func main() { var age int = 15 fmt.Println(&age) //var stands for declared variable //ptr pointer variable name //*Int pointer type (pointer to int type) //&Age memory address var ptr *int = &ag }
PS: *float It means that the pointer points to float32,however&num Corresponding to int Type is not allowed.Ⅳ. Basic data types (value types) have corresponding pointer types in the form of * data type.
B. Array
I. Introduction of arrays
C. Slice
I. Introduction of slices
I. Introduction of Map
8. Identifier
9. Operator
Penetrate one layer
11.for range
12. Function
A. Function reference
func cal (num1 int ,num2 int)(int){ var sum int = 0 sum += num1 sum += num2 return sum }
B. Function name, formal parameter and argument
Accept two parameters
C. Function memory analysis
D. Function details
I. function overloading is not supported
Execution sequence
The variable referenced by the anonymous function will always be saved in memory and can always be used
13. Package
A. Package introduction
B. Package details
14. System function
A. String function
B. Date function
C. Built in function
I. new function
15. Exception handling
A.defer+recover capture
B. Custom error
16. Object oriented
A. Definition of structure
B. Structure instance creation
C. Conversion between structures