- 1. Picture Storage Scheme
In actual development, we have many servers that handle different functions.For example:
Application Server: Responsible for deploying our applications
Database Server: Run Our Database
File Server: Server responsible for storing user uploaded files
Role of individual serversThe purpose of sub-server processing is to make the servers do their jobs, thereby improving the efficiency of our projects.
Common picture storage schemes:
Option 1: Build a picture server using nginx
Scenario 2: Use open source distributed file storage systems such as Fastdfs, HDFS, etc.
Option 3: Use cloud storage, such as Ali Cloud and Qiniu Cloud
2. Qiniuyun Storage
Qiniuyun (subordinate to Shanghai Qiniu Information Technology Co., Ltd.) is a leading enterprise cloud computing service provider with visual intelligence and data intelligence as the core, and is also a well-known intelligent video cloud service provider in China. It provides services to more than 700,000 enterprises, covering 80% of the netizens in China.Products such as object storage, CDN acceleration, container cloud, large data platform, in-depth learning platform, and one-stop smart video cloud solutions are introduced around rich media scenarios.Provide a sustainable and intelligent video cloud ecology for all walks of life, industries and applications, help enterprises to quickly go to the cloud, and create broader business value.
Official website:https://www.qiniu.com/
Through the introduction of Qiniuyun official website, we can know that it provides a variety of services. We mainly use the object storage service provided by Qiniuyun to store pictures.
3. Registration and Login of QiniuyunTo use Qiniuyun's services, you first need to register as a member.Address: https://portal.qiniu.com/signup
registerOnce the registration is complete, you can use the mailbox and password you just registered to log in to Qiniuyun.After successful login, name authentication is required to operate (create storage space).
TitleSince we use it personally, we only need to apply for personal certification.
4. New Storage Space
To store pictures, we need to create a new storage space in the Qiniuyun Management Console.Click the Add Now button under the Object Storage on the first page of the Administration Console to jump to the New Storage Space page:
TitleYou can create multiple storage spaces that are independent of each other.
After successful creation, we can see:
TitleView Storage Space Information
Title5. Developer Center
You can learn how to operate the Qiniuyun service through the developer center provided by Qiniuyun. https://developer.qiniu.com/
TitleClick Object Storage.
Qiniuyun provides a variety of ways to operate object storage services. This project uses Java SDK mode with address: https://developer.qiniu.com/kodo/sdk/1239/java
TitleOperating Qiniuyun with Java SDK requires the following maven coordinates to be imported: (We imported them when we built the project).)
6. Authentication
All functions of the Java SDK require legal authorization.Authorization voucher signing requires a pair of valid Access Key s and Secret Key s under the seven bull account, which can be used in the personal center of the seven bull cloud management console (https://portal.qiniu.com/user/key) Obtained as follows:
Java SDK Operations Qiniuyun
TitleUpload Files
public class QiNiuYunTest { //Add Files @Test public void test01() { //Construct a configuration class with a specified Region object Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone0()); //Create File Upload Manager UploadManager uploadManager = new UploadManager(cfg); //...Generate upload credentials and prepare to upload String accessKey = "h-f5rWEELnqQPXG-ho65HrWdYJqfQyYf8EL0_r2y"; String secretKey = "fad5c3NcdcOMWLk_Ss41G9gLFfeRSQ0--KY0fYz6"; String bucket = "add1";//Name of the storage space created //In the case of Windows, the format is D:\\qiniu\Test.png String localFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Xiang Jiewei\\Desktop\\schema Reference to Constraint.png"; //The name of the uploaded file, using the hash value of the file content as the file name without specifying the key by default String key = null; //Equivalent to authentication Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey); String upToken = auth.uploadToken(bucket); try { //Uploading to Qiniuyun Response response = uploadManager.put(localFilePath, key, upToken); //Resolve upload success results DefaultPutRet putRet = new Gson().fromJson(response.bodyString(), DefaultPutRet.class); System.out.println(putRet.key); System.out.println(putRet.hash); } catch (QiniuException ex) { Response r = ex.response; System.err.println(r.toString()); try { System.err.println(r.bodyString()); } catch (QiniuException ex2) { //ignore } } } }
TitleOutput results in console:
TitleEnter Qiniuyun File Management Center to query the effect of file upload:
TitleClick Details to view the details of the uploaded file.
TitleYou can directly access the uploaded picture by copying the file link in the picture above.
Delete Files
//Delete Files @Test public void test02() { //Construct a configuration class with a specified Region object Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone0()); //...other parameters reference class notes //...Generate upload credentials and prepare to upload String accessKey = "h-f5rWEELnqQPXG-ho65HrWdYJqfQyYf8EL0_r2y"; String secretKey = "fad5c3NcdcOMWLk_Ss41G9gLFfeRSQ0--KY0fYz6"; //Name of the storage space created String bucket = "add1"; String key = "FsxdrfgDkabrRRDiHCOKwxxnLTR2"; Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey); BucketManager bucketManager = new BucketManager(auth, cfg); try { bucketManager.delete(bucket, key); } catch (QiniuException ex) { //If an exception is encountered, deletion fails System.err.println(ex.code()); System.err.println(ex.response.toString()); } }
Encapsulation Tool Class
To facilitate the operation of Qiniuyun Storage Service, we can simply transform the case provided by the government into a tool class that can be used directly in our project.
Copy the tool class into the health-common submodule.
public class QiniuUtils { public static String accessKey = "zDx9DjpPq37DnvVo6Je_eBvhAnCh2hQFYg4PVxO7"; public static String secretKey = "Kg8YaOlgxwhrw6iMOvFeNTxLLzilpVAm3bc-uMBQ"; public static String bucket = "bianyihealth-01"; public static void upload2Qiniu(String filePath,String fileName){ //Construct a configuration class with the specified Zone object Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone0()); UploadManager uploadManager = new UploadManager(cfg); Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey); String upToken = auth.uploadToken(bucket); try { Response response = uploadManager.put(filePath, fileName, upToken); //Resolve upload success results DefaultPutRet putRet = new Gson().fromJson(response.bodyString(), DefaultPutRet.class); } catch (QiniuException ex) { Response r = ex.response; try { System.err.println(r.bodyString()); } catch (QiniuException ex2) { //ignore } } } //Upload Files public static void upload2Qiniu(byte[] bytes, String fileName){ //Construct a configuration class with the specified Zone object Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone0()); //...other parameters reference class notes UploadManager uploadManager = new UploadManager(cfg); //Use hash value of file content as file name without specifying key by default String key = fileName; Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey); String upToken = auth.uploadToken(bucket); try { Response response = uploadManager.put(bytes, key, upToken); //Resolve upload success results DefaultPutRet putRet = new Gson().fromJson(response.bodyString(), DefaultPutRet.class); System.out.println(putRet.key); System.out.println(putRet.hash); } catch (QiniuException ex) { Response r = ex.response; System.err.println(r.toString()); try { System.err.println(r.bodyString()); } catch (QiniuException ex2) { //ignore } } } //Delete Files public static void deleteFileFromQiniu(String fileName){ //Construct a configuration class with the specified Zone object Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone0()); String key = fileName; Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey); BucketManager bucketManager = new BucketManager(auth, cfg); try { bucketManager.delete(bucket, key); } catch (QiniuException ex) { //If an exception is encountered, deletion fails System.err.println(ex.code()); System.err.println(ex.response.toString()); } } }
The file directory after definition is as follows:
Title18 June 2020, 21:30 | Views: 3419
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