Java to edit multiple pictures and text into one picture
[Java] plain text view copy code
public static BufferedImage resizeImage(int x,int y,BufferedImage bfi){
BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(x, y, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); bufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage( bfi.getScaledInstance(x, y, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0, 0, null); return bufferedImage;
Set picture size in reorganization method[Java] plain text view copy code
public static String overlapImage(){
try { //Set picture size BufferedImage background = resizeImage(618,1000, File("Here is the path of the background picture!"))); BufferedImage qrCode = resizeImage(150,150, File("Here is the path to insert the QR code picture!"))); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null;
2) write a text message in a position of the background picture Draw with Graphics2D tool, write the text into the picture[Java] plain text view copy code
//Add the information you need to write in the background picture, for example: welcome to use my Taobao rebate robot, a must-have at home, a special Secretary for saving money and shopping!
String message01 = "welcome to use my Taobao rebate robot";
String message02 = "it's a must at home, a special Secretary for saving money and shopping! ";
Graphics2D g = background.createGraphics();
g.setFont(new Font("Microsoft YaHei", Font.BOLD,20));
//Here, write the corresponding position of information and information
g.drawString(message01,530 ,190);
g.drawString(message02,530 ,220);
ImageIO.write(background, "jpg", new File("here is the path of an output picture");
[Java] plain text view copy code
g.drawImage(qrCode, 700, 240, qrCode.getWidth(), qrCode.getHeight(), null);
3. Write the main method, call and view the result For easy viewing, the final code is all codes[Java] plain text view copy code
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
- Created by zj on 2018/10/18.
public class ImageReorganization {
public static void main(String[] args) { String backgroundPath = "D:\\test\\angelYan.jpg"; String qrCodePath = "D:\\test\\qrcode.jpg"; String message01 ="Scan the QR code below, welcome to add my Taobao rebate robot"; String message02 = "It's a must at home, a special Secretary for saving money and shopping!"; String outPutPath="D:\\test\\end.jpg"; overlapImage(backgroundPath,qrCodePath,message01,message02,outPutPath); } public static String overlapImage(String backgroundPath,String qrCodePath,String message01,String message02,String outPutPath){ try { //Set picture size
//Bufferedimage background = resizeimage (6181000, imageio. Read (new file) ("here is the path of the background picture! ())
BufferedImage background = resizeImage(1000,618, File(backgroundPath)));
//Bufferedimage QRcode = resizeimage (150150, imageio. Read (new file ("here is the path to insert the QR code picture! ())
BufferedImage qrCode = resizeImage(150,150, File(qrCodePath))); //Add the information to be written in the background picture, for example: scan the QR code below, welcome to add my Taobao rebate robot, necessary for home, exclusive Secretary for saving money and shopping! //String message = "scan the QR code below. Welcome to add my Taobao rebate robot. It's a must at home and a special Secretary for saving money and shopping! "; Graphics2D g = background.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setFont(new Font("Microsoft YaHei",Font.BOLD,20)); g.drawString(message01,530 ,190); g.drawString(message02,530 ,220); //Add a QR code picture to the background picture g.drawImage(qrCode, 700, 240, qrCode.getWidth(), qrCode.getHeight(), null); g.dispose();
//ImageIO.write(background, "jpg", new File("here is the path of an output picture");
ImageIO.write(background, "jpg", new File(outPutPath)); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static BufferedImage resizeImage(int x, int y, BufferedImage bfi){ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(x, y, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); bufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage( bfi.getScaledInstance(x, y, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0, 0, null); return bufferedImage; }
4. Final view effect Generated picture effects