js object-oriented design pattern inheritance

//Class inheritance // function Father(){ // this.fartherValue = true; // } // Father.prototype.getFartherValue = function () { // return this.farthe...
//Class inheritance
//Constructor inheritance
//Combination inheritance
//Archetypal inheritance

//Class inheritance

// function Father(){ // this.fartherValue = true; // } // Father.prototype.getFartherValue = function () { // return this.fartherValue; // } // function Child(){ // this.childValue = false; // } // Child.prototype = new Father(); // Child.prototype.getChildValue = function(){ // return this.childValue; // } // let a = new Child(); // console.log(a.getChildValue()); // console.log(a.getFartherValue());

//Disadvantages of class inheritance / / 1. The subclass instantiates the parent class through the prototype, inherits the parent class, and the parent class has common properties if
//Reference types will be instantiated and shared in subclasses, and other subclasses of the instantiated subclass will also be affected

// function Farther() { // this.books = ["javascript","html","css"]; // this.name ="-"; // } // function Child(){ // // } // Child.prototype = new Farther(); // let c1 = new Child(); // let c2 = new Child(); // console.log(c1.books); // console.log(c1.name); // c1.books.push("design pattern"); // //c1.name.replace(/-/g,"hello"); why class inheritance is only affected by reference type search // console.log(c2.books); // console.log(c2.name);


//Constructor inheritance


//The / / call method points the Child pointer to the Farther, so the new Child's object can use the common attributes and methods in / / / / Farther, so the object cannot get the attributes and methods of Prototype / / / / in Farther, so the combination inheritance should be used

// function Farther(id) { // //Reference type common property // this.books = ['javascript','html',"css"]; // //Common properties of basic data types // this.id= id; // } // //Parent prototype method // Farther.prototype = { // showBooks:function () { // console.log(this.books); // } // } // function Child(id){ // Farther.call(this,id); // this.name = "hello";

// }
// let c1 = new Child(10);
// let c2 = new Child(11);
// console.log("c1 "+c1.books);
// console.log(c1.name);
// console.log("c2 "+c2.books);
//c1.books.push("design pattern");
// console.log("c1 "+c1.books);
// console.log("c2 "+c2.books);
// // console.log(c1.showBooks());

//Combination inheritance

// function F(name){ // this.books = ['html','css','javascript']; // this.name = name; // } // F.prototype.display = function(){ // console.log(this.name); // } // function C(time,name){ // F.call(this,name); // this.time = time; // } // C.prototype = new F(); // C.prototype.gettme = function(){ // console.log(this.time); // } // let c1 = new C(2019,"yqf"); // let c2 = new C(2018,"yqf"); // console.log(c1.books); // c1.books.push("zeji"); // console.log(c2.books); // c1.display(); // c2.gettme();

//When using constructor inheritance, the above methods execute the constructor of the parent class. When implementing the inheritance of the subclass / / prototype, the parent class is called, and the constructor of the parent class executes both sides
//So archetypal inheritance comes into being

//Archetypal inheritance

// function inhertObject(o) { // //Declare an over function object // function F() {} // F.prototype =o; // return new F(); // } // let book ={ // name:"js book", // books:["css","html","javasript"] // }; // let newbook1 = inhertObject(book); // let newbook2 = inhertObject(book); // console.log(newbook1.books); // newbook1.books.push("hello"); // console.log(newbook2.books); //Parasitic pattern // function inhertObject(o) { // //Declare an over function object // function F() {} // F.prototype =o; // return new F(); // } // let book ={ // name:"js book", // books:["css","html","javasript"] // }; // function createBook(obj) { // Let o = new inheritobject (obj); / / parasitic object // o.getName = function() {/ / extension object // // } // return o; // } // let newbook1 = createBook(book); // let newbook2 = createBook(book); // console.log(newbook1.books); // newbook1.books.push("hello"); // console.log(newbook2.books);

//Total inheritor parasite combination class / / relative to the combination inheritance, the parasite combination inheritance does not use the
//Common property, he just defines an empty function as a buffer

function inhertObject(o) { //Declare an over function object function F() {} F.prototype =o; return new F(); } function inhertiPrototype(Child,Father) { // Copy a prototype copy of the parent class and save it in the variable let p = inhertObject(Father.prototype); p.constructor = Child; // The copied constructor is the pointer address to the farther object // So point the prototype object pointer of the copied p to Child Child.prototype =p; } function Father(name) { this.name = name; this.books =['html',"css","javascript"]; } function Child(name) { this.time = "2019"; Father.call(this,name); } //Parasitic inheritance parent prototype inhertiPrototype(Child,Father); let c1 = new Child("yqf"); let c2 = new Child("fqy"); console.log(c1.books); c1.books.push("java"); console.log(c1.books); console.log(c2.books);

7 November 2019, 10:46 | Views: 9538

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