jzoj4243 [five school joint examination 6day1] c Block

Description S is defined as the set of all positive integers consisting of 4 and 7. For 1 ≤ i ≤ N, ai is given. M...

S is defined as the set of all positive integers consisting of 4 and 7.
For 1 ≤ i ≤ N, ai is given. M operations are required:
add l r v add v to all ai of i ∈ [l, r]
count l r counts how many i satisfy i ∈ [l, r] and ai ∈ S

Data Constraint

50% of the data meet the requirements of N,M ≤ 103
100% of the data meet the requirements of 1 ≤ N,M ≤ 105, 1 ≤ ai ≤ 104, 1 ≤ v ≤ 104
Data guarantee ai ≤ 104 at the end of all operations.


The first topic of konjaku is divided into handwritten parts. Let's sigh
Divide the sequence into n √ blocks and maintain buckets for each block.
For a (l,r) query, modify both ends violently, and mark the middle block
For a (l,r,v) modification, mark the two ends and the middle block of the violent modification
It means that the balance tree is too hard to adjust, so roll over and write something else

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #define rep(i,st,ed) for (int i=st;i<=ed;++i) #define fill(x,t) memset(x,t,sizeof(x)) #define N 200005 #define M 20005 int rec[N],pos[N],add[N],a[N],s[N],e[N],t[501][M]; int n,m; void read(int &x) { x=0; int v=1; char ch=getchar(); for (;ch<'0'||ch>'9';v=(ch=='-')?(-1):(v),ch=getchar()); for (;ch<='9'&&ch>='0';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar()); x*=v; } void update(int x,int &y,int w) { --t[x][y]; y+=w; ++t[x][y]; } void prework() { int st=1; rec[0]=0; rec[++rec[0]]=4; rec[++rec[0]]=7; while (st<=rec[0]) { int now=rec[st++]; if (now*10>=M) return; rec[++rec[0]]=now*10+4; rec[++rec[0]]=now*10+7; } } void modify(int l,int r,int v) { if (pos[l]==pos[r]) { rep(i,l,r) update(pos[l],a[i],v); } else { rep(i,s[pos[r]],r) update(pos[r],a[i],v); rep(i,l,e[pos[l]]) update(pos[l],a[i],v); rep(i,pos[l]+1,pos[r]-1) add[i]+=v; } } int query(int l,int r) { int ret=0; if (pos[l]==pos[r]) { rep(i,l,r) { rep(j,1,rec[0]) ret+=(a[i]+add[pos[l]])==rec[j]; } } else { rep(i,s[pos[r]],r) { rep(j,1,rec[0]) ret+=(a[i]+add[pos[r]])==rec[j]; } rep(i,l,e[pos[l]]) { rep(j,1,rec[0]) ret+=(a[i]+add[pos[l]])==rec[j]; } rep(i,pos[l]+1,pos[r]-1) { rep(j,1,rec[0]) ret+=t[i][rec[j]-add[i]]; } } return ret; } int main(void) { prework(); read(n); read(m); int size=(int)(sqrt(n)); rep(i,1,n) { read(a[i]); pos[i]=(i-1)/size+1; if (!s[pos[i]]) s[pos[i]]=i; e[pos[i]]=i; ++t[pos[i]][a[i]]; } while (m--) { char opt[5]; int l,r,v; scanf("%s",opt); if (opt[0]=='c') { read(l); read(r); printf("%d\n",query(l,r)); } else { read(l); read(r); read(v); modify(l,r,v); } } return 0; }

31 May 2020, 13:31 | Views: 7432

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