It has been written in the community of layui, but the community editor is really not good. Write it again here, just to consolidate it
- Description: the [all browsers] loading icon is static and wants to be animated.
Solution: find each layer UI icon loading, add class layer UI anim layer anim rotate layer UI anim loop.
- Description: if the cell of [Firefox and IE10 +] is plain text, then the number of omitted words after it needs to be more than 3 characters to trigger the pop-up window.
Solution: because scrollWidth is used internally, its performance in these two models is different from that of Google. Now calculate the pixels by calculating the length of the text inside.
// Source code table.js 1600 or so var othis = $(this) ,elemCell = othis.children(ELEM_CELL); // m var computedFontWidth = function() { var fontSize = parseFloat(elemCell.css('font-size')) var text = elemCell.text() var width = 0, i = 0, len = text.length while ( i < len) { // Basic pixel, my is 14px, I don't know if I can see the font size setting in html or body. // The length of fonts in Firefox and IE is that double byte text is calculated based on basic pixels, and single byte text contacts pixels / 2. // Google's comparison is different. Double byte text is calculated by the basic pixel, and single byte is the difference between the basic pixel / 2 and 16 / 2, // I don't know if I think it's complicated, so use + 1 to fine tune the differences between browsers width += text.charAt(i).match(/[^\x00-\xff]/ig) != null ? fontSize : (fontSize / 2 + 1) i++ } return width } var computedScrollWidth = function() { var hasChildren = elemCell.children().length > 0 var originScrollWidth = elemCell.prop('scrollWidth') var realScrollWidth = hasChildren ? 0 : (computedFontWidth() + parseFloat(elemCell.css('padding-left')) + parseFloat(elemCell.css('padding-right'))) // The size value is compared here. For the original non-pure text, the original way of layui is used return Math.max(originScrollWidth, realScrollWidth) } if(hide){ othis.find('.layui-table-grid-down').remove(); // }Else if (elemcell. Prop ('scrollwidth ') > elemcell. Outerwidth()) {/ / comment out the original code } else if(computedScrollWidth() > elemCell.outerWidth()){ if(elemCell.find('.'+ ELEM_GRID_DOWN)[0]) return; othis.append('<div+ ELEM_GRID_DOWN +'"><i></i></div>'); }
- Description: the location of [all browsers] Select. If select is on the far right and the bottom right corner of the project, click to make the scroll bar appear on the page without scroll.
// Modify partial positioning writing var showDown = function(){ // Reset style dl.css({ top: '', left: '', right: '' }) var top = reElem.offset().top + reElem.outerHeight() + 5 - $win.scrollTop() ,dlHeight = dl.outerHeight(), dlWidth = dl.outerWidth(), winWidth = $(window).width(); index = select[0].selectedIndex; //Get the latest selectedIndex // Determine whether it is at the rightmost critical point if (dlWidth + reElem.offset().left > winWidth) { dl.css({ left: 'auto', right: 0 }) } reElem.addClass(CLASS+'ed'); dds.removeClass(HIDE); nearElem = null; //Initially selected style dds.eq(index).addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); //Up and down positioning recognition if(top + dlHeight > $win.height() && top >= dlHeight){ reElem.addClass(CLASS + 'up'); } else { // Location override definition // The distance required for animation and the interval between pop ups are based on the style of the layui, which should be calculated theoretically var ANIM_UP = 30, SPACE = 5; var reElemBottom = reElem.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().bottom; var dlTop = parseInt(dl.css('top')); var winHeight = $win.height(); if (reElemBottom + dlHeight + ANIM_UP > winHeight ) { var computeValue = dlTop - (reElemBottom + SPACE - (winHeight - dlHeight - ANIM_UP)) dl.css('top', computeValue) } } followScroll(); }
- Description: I use the version 2.4.5 of layui. The internal tree function has been satisfied, but because of the icon problem, I simply hide it here.
// First amendment Tree.prototype.tree = function() { // About line 48 var li = $(['<li '+ (hasChild ? " is-branch " : " is-leaf ") + (item.spread ? 'data-spread="'+ item.spread +'"' : '') +'>' } // The second change, probably in 72 - 76 notes out /*+ ('<i+ (hasChild ? "branch" : "leaf") +'">'+ ( hasChild ? ( item.spread ? icon.branch[1] : icon.branch[0]) : icon.leaf) +'</i>') */ //Node icon