New features of Java syntax_ java5 to java11

1, Foreword I never thought, it's 0202, Sun i...
2.1 new features of Java 5
2.2 new features of Java 6
2.3 new features of Java 7
3.1 lambda expression
3.2 Stream API
3.3 interface default method
1, Foreword

I never thought, it's 0202, Sun is dead, I have to start from the new features of Java 5, and focus on the new features of Java 8...

In fact, there are a lot of such things on the Internet. Why do I have to write them?

  1. Because leaders think that we are too (really) busy (lazy) and have no time to study at ordinary times, so let's focus on it and make a quick (should) payment.
  2. All the information on the Internet is very good and comprehensive, but for us, we should focus on the new features that can improve the production efficiency.
  3. Starting from the new features of java 5, the apparent reason is that we can see the development of java more clearly. The real reason is that you can taste it by yourself...

The features of this express edition are as follows:

  1. It mainly talks about new features that have a great impact on development, such as the addition or enhancement of Java class library API, syntax sugar at the level of compilation (javac), etc. Other improvements at the bytecode level, the overall Java architecture level, and the internal virtual machine level have little impact on development. This quick version of the data will not be covered. (I can't speak well either... )
  2. The new features from Java 5 to Java 7 are just going through, focusing on the new features of Java 8.
  3. Java 9 and Java 10 are over versions, so their new features will be discussed together with Java 11.
  4. Relevant codes are all running on JDK11 + IDEA 2019.1 environment.

Of course, just don't practice fake tricks. All the sample codes of this quick release materials are located in the following github or gitee warehouse. Please download them by yourself. After you have prepared Java and IDE locally, you can reference and practice them by yourself: (the code is under src/test/java)
or :

2, New features from Java 5 to Java 7

This chapter mainly talks about some important new features of Java 5 to Java 7 in syntax, as well as some important new class library API s.

2.1 new features of Java 5

There are many new features in Java 5, but most of us are familiar with them. Let's go through them briefly:

  • Generic Generics:

Generics are parameterized types. After the introduction of generics, it is allowed to specify the type of elements in the collection, which avoids mandatory type conversion and allows type checking at compile time. Generics are the cornerstone of variable length parameter lists (varargs), annotations, enumerations, and collections.

List<String> lst01 = new ArrayList<String>(); // Accept any type with? To avoid type checking warnings when calling methods. private void test01(List<?> list) { for (Iterator<?> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { System.out.println((; } } // Restricted type, which means that the parameter type must inherit TestCase01Generic private <T extends TestCase01Generic> void test02(T t) { t.doSomething(); }
  • Enumeration:

Enumeration class is a special class, which has its own member variables, member methods and constructors (only private access modifiers can be used, so constructors cannot be called from outside, and constructors are only called when constructing enumeration values); enum defined enumeration classes inherit by default java.lang.Enum Class, and implements the java.lang.Seriablizable And java.lang.Comparable Two interfaces; all enumeration values are public static final by default (no need to add explicitly), and non Abstract enumeration classes can no longer be subclassed; all instances (enumeration values) of enumeration classes must be explicitly listed in the first row of enumeration classes, otherwise the enumeration class will never produce instances. When listing these instances (phyll value), the system will automatically add the public static final decoration without the programmer's explicit addition.

enum Color { black, white, red, yellow } // Enumerations are often used in switch statements private void test01(Color color) { switch (color) { case red: System.out.println("Frost leaves red in February flowers"); break; case black: System.out.println("Black clouds crush the city"); break; case white: System.out.println("A line of egrets in the sky"); break; case yellow: System.out.println("The old man said goodbye to the Yellow Crane Tower in the West"); break; } System.out.println(; System.out.println(Color.white.compareTo(color)); System.out.println(; System.out.println(Color.yellow.compareTo(color)); }
  • Autoboxing & unboxing:

Automatic boxing and unboxing of eight primitive types and their encapsulated reference types: Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float, Double

List<Integer> lstInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); lstInt.add(1); lstInt.add(2); lstInt.add(3); for (int i = 0; i < lstInt.size(); i++) { System.out.println(lstInt.get(i).toString()); System.out.println(lstInt.get(i) + 1); }
  • Variable length argument list varargs number of arguments: when the argument types are the same, overload functions are combined.
me.test01("One ring to rule them all,"); me.test01("one ring to find them,", "One ring to bring them all ", "and in the darkness bind them."); private void test01(String ... args) { for (String s : args) { System.out.println(s); } }
  • Annotations:

Annotations are used to provide metadata for Java code. Generally speaking, annotations do not directly affect code execution. Many annotations are used to make data constraints and standard definitions, which can be understood as code specifications (code templates). However, some annotations can survive to the JVM runtime, so they can be combined with other means (such as reflection) to affect the actual running code logic. Therefore, the purpose of annotation is generally two: one is to standardize the code; the other is to inject dynamically (it needs to be implemented with other means).

Generally, annotations can be divided into four categories:

  1. Java's own standard annotations, such as @ Override, @ Deprecated, @ SuppressWarnings, etc., are usually used to check the code when compiling;
  2. Meta annotation is used to define annotation, including @ Retention, @ Target, @ Inherited, @ Documented, etc.
  3. Third party annotations, such as spring, mybatis and lombok, provide their own annotations.
  4. Custom annotation, defined with @ interface and meta annotation.

// When the compiler sees the @ Override annotation, it knows that this method must Override the method of the parent class // Therefore, it will strictly check whether the method declaration information is the same as the corresponding method of the parent class // Such as return value type, parameter list, etc @Override public String toString() { return "Untie the three autumn leaves, you can bloom in February."; } // An example of a custom annotation for non empty checking of method parameters in AOP @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface ParamNotEmpty { }
  • foreach loop: a syntactic sugar of the iterator loop.
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { numbers.add(i + 1); } for(Integer number : numbers) { System.out.println(number); }
  • Static import import static: nothing to say, just look at the code, not recommended.
package java5; import static java5.TestCase07ImportStatic.TestInner.test; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.lang.Integer.*; /** * @author zhaochun */ public class TestCase07ImportStatic { public static void main(String[] args) { test(); out.println(MIN_VALUE); out.println(toBinaryString(100)); } static class TestInner { public static void test() { System.out.println("TestInner"); } } }
  • Formatting: an interpreter for printf style formatted strings has been added in Java 5.
private void test01_formatter() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb); // "I don't see the ancients before, I don't see the newcomers after. Read the long world, only Pathetique and tears. " formatter.format("%4$7s,%3$7s. %2$7s,%1$7s. %n", "Alone and pathetic", "Read the world", "No one to come", "No ancients before"); // "Zuchongzhi's number of fans: + 3.1415927" formatter.format("Zu Chongzhi's Enigma number: %+5.7f %n", Math.PI); // "Price of a mobile phone: ¥ 5988.00" formatter.format("Price of a mobile phone : ¥ %(,.2f", 5988.0); System.out.println(formatter.toString()); formatter.close(); } private void test02_printf() { List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); lines.add("Sweet scented osmanthus falls at leisure,"); lines.add("The night is still and the spring is empty."); lines.add("The rising of the moon startles the birds,"); lines.add("In the spring stream."); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { System.out.printf("Line %d: %s%n", i + 1, lines.get(i)); } } private void test03_stringFormat() { Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(2020, Calendar.MAY, 28); System.out.println(String.format("Today is a good day: %1$tY-%1$tm-%1$te", c)); } private void test04_messageFormat() { String msg = "Hello!!Have your express delivery! succeed in inviting sb.Take your express delivery from cabinet NoHourly rateYuan~~~"; MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(msg); String fmsg = mf.format(new Object[]{"Zhang San", 3, 8, 2}); System.out.println(fmsg); } private void test05_dateFormat() { String str = "2020-05-28 14:55:21"; SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); try { System.out.println(format2.format(format1.parse(str))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

Other examples include ProcessBuilder, Scanner, enhanced reflection, enhanced collection framework, StringBuilder, concurrent toolkit, etc. because they are either used less, or they are familiar with each other, we will not introduce them one by one here.

2.2 new features of Java 6

There are few new features in Java 6 that have little impact on development. Take a look.

  • WebService annotation support
  • Introduced an engine that can run Javascript, python and other scripting languages
  • Compiler API, dynamic compilation of java source code in runtime
  • Http Server API
  • General Annotations support
  • JDBC 4.0
  • The collection framework has been enhanced to add some uncommon interfaces, classes and methods.

There are some others, not listed.

2.3 new features of Java 7

There are not many new features in Java 7, but there are several new syntax or new class library API that can improve the development efficiency compared with Java 6. Let's take a look.

  • switch supports String
private String test01_switch(String title) { switch (title) { case "Deer firewood": return "There are no people in the empty mountain, but people speak loudly. Return to the deep forest and take a look at the moss."; case "Farewell in the mountains": return "Send each other off in the mountains, and cover the wood gate at dusk. Spring grass will be green next year, but Wang sun will not return."; case "Weichengqu": return "Weicheng Dynasty rain light dust, green willow new guest houses. I would like to persuade you to make a glass of wine even more. There is no one in Yangguan."; default: return ""; } }
  • Automatically infer generic types on instantiation
List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<>();
  • Auto close interface: some resource management classes, such as file IO and JDBC Conection, implement auto close interface. They can use try with resources new syntax.
String filePath = "/home/work/sources/jdk11-test/src/test/java/java7/"; try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr)) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  • Catch multiple exceptions
try { if (n < 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } if (n > 0) { throw new SQLException(); } System.out.println("No Exceptions."); } catch (FileNotFoundException | SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  • Number enhancement: java7 supports using underscores to divide long numbers, and supports using 0b to write binary numbers directly.
int num1 = 1_000_000; System.out.println(num1); int num2 = 0b11; System.out.println(num2);
  • New IO 2.0: java7 provides some new file operation API s, such as Path, and provides a WatchService to monitor the specified directory, which can listen to the events of adding, deleting and modifying files in the specified directory. (but it is not allowed to directly monitor the content of file changes)
private void test06_newIO2() { Path path = Paths.get("/home/zhaochun/test"); System.out.printf("Number of nodes: %s %n", path.getNameCount()); System.out.printf("File name: %s %n", path.getFileName()); System.out.printf("File root: %s %n", path.getRoot()); System.out.printf("File parent: %s %n", path.getParent()); try { Files.deleteIfExists(path); Files.createDirectory(path); watchFile(path); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void watchFile(Path path) throws IOException, InterruptedException { WatchService service = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService(); Path pathAbs = path.toAbsolutePath(); pathAbs.register(service, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE); while (true) { WatchKey key = service.take(); for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) { String fileName = event.context().toString(); String kind = event.kind().name(); System.out.println(String.format("%s : %s", fileName, kind)); if ("end".equals(fileName) && "ENTRY_DELETE".equals(kind)) { return; } } key.reset(); } }
  • JDBC 4.1: some methods have been added to the connection interface. If there is a previous implementation or encapsulation of JDBC Connection, it will not compile after upgrading to Java 7. If you always use the jdbc driver package provided by each database, you only need to confirm that the version supports JDBC 4.1 or above.
  • fork/join framework: Java 7 adds a new multi-threaded programming framework, fork/join. It is rarely used directly, and Java 8 has added a parallel mode of collection operation based on this parallel programming framework later, so we will briefly talk about the fork/join mechanism when we learn the new features of Java 8 later, not to mention here.

There are other new features in Java 7 that have little impact on development, so I won't cover them here.

3, What's new in Java 8

Java 8 is another milestone version of Java after Java 5, with many revolutionary new features.

Of course, although there are many new features in Java8, we mainly talk about the new features in syntax that have a great impact on Development:

  • lambda expressions
  • Stream API
  • Interface default method
  • Optional
  • Map operation and HashMap performance optimization
  • Date API
  • CompletableFuture

3.1 lambda expression

The most important new feature of Java 8 is to add the support for lambda expression, so that Java can carry out functional programming.

3.1.1 what is a lambda expression

Lambda expressions are blocks of code that can be passed by reference, similar to the concept of closures in other languages: they are codes that implement a function, can accept one or more input parameters, and can return a result value. Closures are defined in a context that accesses values from that context.

In Java 8, lambda expression can be expressed as a concrete implementation of functional interface. The so-called functional interface is the interface that only defines an abstract method. (a functional interface can be annotated with @ FunctionalInterface to force the interface to check at compile time if it has only one abstract method. But this annotation is not required. )

Let's look at a specific example:

Suppose we have such an interface, which has only one abstract method and is a functional interface:

@FunctionalInterface interface TestLambda { String join(String a, String b); }

And a method to use it: (obviously this method doesn't need to know who the class that implements the TestLambda interface is.)

private String joinStr(TestLambda testLambda, String a, String b) { return testLambda.join(a, b); }

Next, we try to connect two strings using the joinStr method. Before Java 8, we used anonymous inner classes to directly implement the TestLambda interface where needed:

String s1 = joinStr(new TestLambda() { @Override public String join(String a, String b) { return a + ", " + b; } }, "How worried can you be", "Like a river flowing eastward in spring"); System.out.println(s1);

Obviously, anonymous inner classes are bloated and not intuitionistic in semantics. Are you fed up?

Starting from Java8, you can use lambda expressions instead of anonymous inner classes, which are (a, b) - > A + "," + B in the following code. This writing method is simple, semantic intuitive, and closer to natural language:

TestLambda simpleJoin = (a, b) -> a + ", " + b; String s2 = joinStr(simpleJoin, "High hall mirror sad white hair", "Though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow"); System.out.println(s2);

Or write directly as:

String s3 = joinStr((a, b) -> a + ", " + b, "High hall mirror sad white hair", "Though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow"); System.out.println(s3);

When the interface logic you want to implement is complex, you can use {} to package the code block; you can also declare the type for each input parameter:

TestLambda joinWithCheck = (String a, String b) -> { if (a != null && b != null) { return a + ", " + b; } else { return "absolutely empty"; } }; String s4 = joinStr(joinWithCheck, null, null); System.out.println(s4);

Now we can know:

  • For those methods whose parameters are functional interfaces, a lambda expression can be passed in when calling. This lambda expression is a specific implementation of the interface.
  • lambda expressions are formally expressed as (parameter list of function) - > .
  • The {} used to wrap function implementation can be omitted when there is only one line.
  • When there is only one line of implementation without {}, the calculation result of this line of code is returned by default (when the function has a return value).
  • When there is {} in a multiline implementation, the calculation result of the corresponding type needs to be returned explicitly (when the function has a return value).
  • lambda expression is equivalent to the anonymous inner class in effect. (however, the implementation mechanism of the two is not the same. lambda expressions cannot be simply regarded as high-level syntactic sugar of anonymous inner classes. )
  • lambda expressions can be inline or referred to as separate variables or method references.
  • Why can a functional interface implemented by a lambda expression define only one abstract method? Because lambda expressions don't use method names... I don't know which method to call when there are many methods...

3.1.2 access restriction of lambda expression to context

Inside a lambda expression, external variables are accessible. However, it should be noted that if the external variable is a local variable, the local variable must be final (it can not be declared final, but it cannot be assigned a second time, that is, it needs to be implicit final).

private void test02_finalVars() { String a = "Wang Wei"; new Thread(() -> { // External final local variables can be used in lambda expressions (final is not explicitly declared) System.out.println(a); // However, the following sentence cannot be re assigned to "external local variables used in lambda expressions". // That is, the external local variables used inside the lambda are implicit final. // a = "Li Bai"; }).start(); // A cannot also be reassigned outside the lambda, because it needs to be used in lambda expressions, so a is implicitly final. // a = "Li Bai"; }

Note that local variables cannot be reassigned. For instance variables, static variables can be accessed at will in the lambda expression, including reassignment.

3.1.3 method reference

Java 8 provides a simple form of method reference in addition to the standard (compared to other languages) lambda expressions.

  • Method reference of object instance instance::method
new Thread(this::test02_finalVars).start(); // The above sentence is equivalent to the following sentence: new Thread(() -> this.test02_finalVars()).start();

test02_finalVars is an example method in the previous example.

  • Static method reference of Class::static_method
new Thread(TestCase01Lambda::printSomething).start(); // Equivalent to: new Thread(() -> TestCase01Lambda.printSomething()).start(); ... private static void printSomething() { System.out.println("Desert smoke straight, long river yen."); }
  • Instance method of class refers to Class::method
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); lines.add("a005"); lines.add("a001"); lines.add("a003"); Collections.sort(lines, String::compareTo); // Equivalent to: Collections.sort(lines, (o1, o2) -> o1.compareTo(o2)); System.out.println(lines);
  • Constructor reference class < T >:: New
Set<String> lineSet = transferElements(lines, HashSet::new); // Equivalent to lineSet = transferElements(lines, () -> new HashSet<>()); System.out.println(lineSet); ... private static <T, SOURCE extends Collection<T>, DEST extends Collection<T>> DEST transferElements( SOURCE sourceCollection, Supplier<DEST> collectionFactory) { DEST result = collectionFactory.get(); result.addAll(sourceCollection); return result; }

3.1.4 standard functional interface

As we have said before, lambda expressions can only implement functional interfaces, that is, interfaces defined by only one abstract method. Java 8 also adds new java.util.function Package, which defines some functional interfaces that can be widely used in lambda.

  • Function: accept a parameter and return the result based on the parameter value
  • Predicate: accepts a parameter and returns a Boolean value based on the parameter value
  • BiFunction: accepts two parameters and returns the result based on the parameter value
  • Supplier: parameter not accepted, return a result
  • Consumer: accepts a parameter, no result (void)

These standard functional interfaces are widely used in Stream operation. We will see them everywhere when we talk about Stream later.

If you look at the source code of these interfaces now, you will find that although they only define an abstract method, there are often some default instance methods inside. Isn't it a bit muddled? Isn't there no instance method for the interface? Let's talk about another new feature of Java 8 (interface default method) later.

3.2 Stream API

The new stream API in Java 8 is an enhancement of Collection object function. It focuses on a variety of very convenient and efficient aggregate operation s or bulk data operations on Collection objects. Stream API greatly improves programming efficiency and program readability with the help of the same new Lambda expression. At the same time, it provides two modes of convergence operation: serial mode and parallel mode. The concurrent mode can make full use of the advantages of multi-core processors, and use the fork/join parallel mode (a new feature of Java 7, because it is rarely used directly, we did not talk about this) to split tasks and accelerate processing. It is usually difficult and error prone to write parallel code, but using stream API can easily write high-performance concurrent programs without writing a line of multi-threaded code. So, for the first time in Java 8 It is a product of the comprehensive influence of functional language + multi-core era.

The so-called aggregate operation refers to various statistical operations on data sets, such as: average, sum, minimum, maximum, count, etc. In our developed information system, these aggregation operations are often completed through various queries of relational database SQL. If we want to complete these operations in Java applications, we need to develop our own set operations, which are achieved by iterating the set explicitly and repeatedly executing the operation logic. These programs are not only tedious to develop, but also not easy to maintain. At the same time, performance problems will occur if you are not careful.

The Stream API provided by Java8 makes the development of aggregation operation very simple, code readability is higher, and the performance of using parallel mode will be better when using time-consuming concurrent aggregation operation on multi-core machine.

3.2.1 Stream overview

Now we have a preliminary concept that Stream is aggregating data sets. Let's first look at a typical example of a Stream completing an aggregation operation:

int sum = Stream.of("", "1", null, "2", " ", "3") .filter(s -> s != null && s.trim().length() > 0) .map(s -> Integer.parseInt(s)) .reduce((left, right) -> right += left) .orElse(0);

This example is to calculate the total value of all the numbers in a set.

First, briefly explain the process of the above Stream operation:

  1. Stream.of ("", "1", null, "2", "3"): get the stream object of the data source;
  2. . filter (s - > s! = null & & s.trim(). Length() > 0): filter the previously returned Stream object and return the filtered new Stream object;
  3. .map(s -> Integer.parseInt (s) ): converts the string in the previously returned Stream object to a number, and returns a new Stream object;
  4. . reduce ((left, right) - > right + = left): it is another new feature of Java8 to aggregate the previously returned Stream object and return the total value (Optional object, including the last orElse). Later, we will ignore it here.
Let's talk about the basic flow of Stream operation

From the classic example above, we can see that a Stream operation can be divided into three basic steps:

1. Get data source - > 2. Data conversion transform - > 3. Execute Operation

In more detail, it can be regarded as a pipe flow operation:

Dataset: stream| filter:Stream A kind of map:Stream | reduce

Among them, filter and map belong to data transformation, while reduce belongs to Operation execution. Each time a Transform is performed, the original Stream object will not be changed, but a new Stream object will be returned. Therefore, chaining Operation is allowed to form a pipeline.

The main ways to obtain data sources are:

1. From Collection and array Collection.parallelStream() array) or Stream.of()

2. From BufferedReader

3. Static factory java.nio.file.Files.walk()

4. Build by yourself


5. Others

Random.ints() Pattern.splitAsStream(java.lang.CharSequence)

I'll talk about the Stream operation example later. Don't worry.

Stream operation type

Stream operation type:

  • Intermediate: the intermediate operation corresponds to the previous Transform. Its purpose is to open the previous Stream object, define the data mapping or filtering and other transformation processing (Transform), and then return a new Stream object for the next operation. Syntactically, multiple intermediate operations can be chained together. But this kind of operation is lazy, that is to say, just calling this kind of method does not really start the Stream traversal.

Common Intermediate operations: map (mapToInt, flatMap, etc.), filter, distinct, sorted, peek, limit, skip, parallel, sequential, unordered

  • Terminal: the terminal Operation corresponds to the previous Operation. A Stream Operation on a dataset can only have a terminal Operation. When this Operation is executed, the last Stream object returned by the previous chained intermediate Operation (or the Stream object of the data source directly without intermediate Operation) will actually start to traverse the dataset, and then the Stream object can no longer be operated. So this must be the last Operation. When the terminal Operation is executed, the data set traversal will actually start and produce results.

Common Terminal operations: forEach, forEachOrdered, toArray, reduce, collect, min, max, count, anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch, findFirst, findAny, iterator

  • Short circuit: short circuit operation does not conflict with the first two. A short circuit operation is also Intermediate or Terminal. It needs to return a limited Stream object (Intermediate) or a limited calculation result (Terminal) when dealing with an infinite Stream. But the short circuit operation can be used for finite Stream objects.

Common short circuit operations: anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch, findFirst, findAny, limit

Multiple Intermediate operations will not lead to multiple data set traversal, because these Intermediate operations are inert, and these conversion operations will only be fused during the Terminal operation, and the traversal is completed once.

As for which operations of Stream are Intermediate and which are Terminal, a simple standard is to see whether the return value of the method is Stream.

3.2.2 use of stream common operations

If you haven't used Stream, the introduction to Stream before you finish reading may be just a blur. Come, Sao Nian, let's start to roll up the code with me.

First, prepare a dataset with the following elements (Poet, Poet):

class Poet { private String name; private int age; private int evaluation; public Poet() { } public Poet(String name, int age, int evaluation) { = name; this.age = age; this.evaluation = evaluation; } @Override public String toString() { return "Poet{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", age=" + age + ", evaluation=" + evaluation + '}'; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public int getEvaluation() { return evaluation; } public void setEvaluation(int evaluation) { this.evaluation = evaluation; } }

Then prepare a collection of famous poets of Tang Dynasty:

List<Poet> poets = preparePoets(); ... private List<Poet> preparePoets() { List<Poet> poets = new ArrayList<>(); // Age may not be accurate, evaluation can not be taken seriously poets.add(new Poet("Wang Wei", 61, 4)); poets.add(new Poet("Li Bai", 61, 5)); poets.add(new Poet("Du Fu", 58, 5)); poets.add(new Poet("Bai Juyi", 74, 4)); poets.add(new Poet("Li Shangyin", 45, 4)); poets.add(new Poet("Du Mu", 50, 4)); poets.add(new Poet("Li He", 26, 4)); return poets; }
  • foreach:
// foreach is equivalent to; poets.forEach(System.out::println);

Note that the same Stream cannot be operated repeatedly, as shown below:

Stream<Poet> poetStream =; poetStream.forEach(System.out::println); try { // You can't operate on the same stream object twice. Stream is a stream. You can't go back. You can't operate again after you operate once. poetStream.forEach(System.out::println); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("stream has already been operated upon or closed. Don't chew the sugarcane that others have chewed..."); } // But getting stream from the collection again is repeatable because it is a new stream object.;
  • map -> Collectors
String strPoets = .map(poet -> poet.getName() + " Great poets of Tang Dynasty") .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); System.out.println(strPoets);

Collectors provide many operations, such as connecting elements, importing elements into other collections (lists or sets), and so on.

  • filter + map + collect into set collection
Set<String> poetsLi = .filter(poet -> poet.getName().startsWith("Plum")) .map(poet -> "Li Zhi, the third poet of Tang Dynasty " + poet.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); System.out.println(poetsLi);

Previously, it was said that the same stream object can only be operated once. Why chain multiple operations here?
Because map and filter are Intermediate operations, they return a new stream object.

  • filter + findAny/findFirst to find a data satisfying the condition
Poet topPoet = .filter(poet -> poet.getEvaluation() > 4) .findAny() // .findFirst() // About orElse, I'll explain later when I talk about Optional .orElse(new Poet("Du Fu", 58, 5)); System.out.println("One of the best poets:" + topPoet.getName());
  • allMatch and anyMatch
boolean all50plus = .allMatch(poet -> poet.getAge() > 50); System.out.println("Did the great poets live to be over 50 years old?" + (all50plus ? "yes" : "did not")); boolean any50plus = .anyMatch(poet -> poet.getAge() > 50); System.out.println("Do big poets live to be over 50?" + (any50plus ? "Yes, yes" : "Not really");
  • count max min sum
// 5-star poet count System.out.println("5 Number of star poets:" + .filter(poet -> poet.getEvaluation() == 5) .count()); // The oldest poet System.out.println("The oldest poet:" + .max(Comparator.comparingInt(Poet::getAge)) .orElse(null)); // The youngest poet System.out.println("The youngest poet:" + .min(Comparator.comparingInt(Poet::getAge)) .orElse(null)); // Total age System.out.println("Total age of poets:" + .mapToInt(Poet::getAge) .sum());

The Stream API of Java8 provides three methods for int, long, and double: mapToInt(),mapToLong(),mapToDouble(). Semantically, you can write a map operation to get a Stream object with the generics of Integer/Long/Double, and then do subsequent operations. But using mapToInt() directly can improve performance, because it will eliminate the automatic boxing and unboxing in the loop of subsequent operations.

  • Reduce is a special statistical operation. For example, here we can use reduce to calculate the total
int sumAge = .mapToInt(Poet::getAge) .reduce((age, sum) -> sum += age) // .reduce(Integer::sum) .orElse(0); System.out.println("reduce Total age calculated:" + sumAge);

Note that reduce can have a starting value for statistics, for example:

// Suppose that the evaluation of other poets in the Tang Dynasty has been in total, assuming that it is 100, but not including the first seven, here we continue to count the total evaluation value from 100 int sumEvaluation = .mapToInt(Poet::getEvaluation) .reduce(100, (left, right) -> right += left); // .reduce(100, Integer::sum); System.out.println("reduce Calculated evaluation total with starting value:" + sumEvaluation);
  • limit
System.out.println("Generate an equal difference array with a limit of 10:"); Stream.iterate(1, n -> n + 3).limit(10). forEach(x -> System.out.print(x + " "));
  • distinct
String distinctEvaluation = .map(poet -> String.valueOf(poet.getEvaluation())) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); System.out.println("Poet's evaluation score(duplicate removal): " + distinctEvaluation);
  • sorted
System.out.println("Poets by age:"); .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Poet::getAge)) .forEach(System.out::println);
  • group
Map<String, List<Poet>> poetsByAge = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(poet -> { int age = poet.getAge(); if (age < 20) { return "1~19"; } else if (age < 30) { return "20~29"; } else if (age < 40) { return "30~39"; } else if (age < 50) { return "40~49"; } else if (age < 60) { return "50~59"; } else if (age < 70) { return "60~69"; } else { return "70~"; } })); System.out.println("Group poets by age:"); poetsByAge.keySet().stream() .sorted(String::compareTo) .forEach(s -> System.out.println( String.format("%s : %s", s, poetsByAge.get(s).stream().map(Poet::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(",")))));
  • flatmap [(poet1, poet2, poet3),(poet4,poet5)] --> [poet1, poet2, poet3, poet4, poet5]
System.out.println("adopt flatmap Flatten the poet collection after grouping:"); List<Poet> lstFromGroup = poetsByAge.values().stream() .flatMap(poets1 -> .collect(Collectors.toList()); lstFromGroup.forEach(System.out::println);

3.2.3 parallel mode of stream

Just now, the examples are all serial mode of Stream. Now we get the parallel mode of Stream through the parallel Stream. Note that parallel mode and serial mode sometimes perform the same operation and get different results:

System.out.println("findAny:"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Poet topPoet1 = poets.parallelStream() .filter(poet -> poet.getEvaluation() > 4) .findAny() .orElse(new Poet("XX", 50, 5)); System.out.println("One of the best poets:" + topPoet1.getName()); } System.out.println("findFirst:"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Poet topPoet2 = poets.parallelStream() .filter(poet -> poet.getEvaluation() > 4) .findFirst() .orElse(new Poet("XX", 50, 5)); System.out.println("One of the best poets:" + topPoet2.getName()); }

In the execution result of the above code, findFirst is not different from serial, but findAny is sometimes different from serial. Think about why.

Be careful when using parallel stream. Not all operations can be performed in parallel.

int sumEvaluation = poets.parallelStream() .mapToInt(Poet::getEvaluation) .reduce(100, Integer::sum); System.out.println("reduce Parallel operation should not be used when there is initial value in calculation:" + sumEvaluation);

Parallel mode is attractive, but only if you know when to use it. This example shows that the reduce operation with initial value is not suitable for parallel mode.

  • The parallel stream mechanism is based on the Fork/Join framework introduced in Java 7. Just understand.

The essence of Fork/Join is the same as that of Hadoop MapReduce. It is based on the idea of divide and rule. It divides a task into several small tasks (Map, fork) that can be executed in parallel, and finally integrates them (Reduce, join). Of course, Hadoop is more complex. It deals with distributed processes on different nodes, and Fork/Join is multiple threads in a process (JVM).

Why do we rarely use Fork/Join directly? Because it's troublesome to use... Let's just say that...

  1. First, you need to define a ForkJoinPool like a thread pool, then define a ForkJoinTask to execute tasks, and submit the ForkJoinTask in the ForkJoinPool;
  2. Then, what kind of conditions or thresholds do you need to implement on your ForkJoinTask, disassemble the data set you want to process, correspond to several new new ForkJoinTask, then call these sub task fork methods, then call their join methods (divide and rule).
  3. The key mechanism in Fork/Join is called work stepping strategy, which puts subtasks into different dual end queues. Each queue corresponds to a thread to get and execute subtasks in the queue. The so-called two terminal queue is that a thread normally obtains the next subtask to be executed from one end of the queue. When a thread is idle, it will steal subtasks from the other end of the queue of other threads to execute... The advantage of work steeling is that it can make full use of threads for parallel computing; the disadvantage is that when there are fewer tasks in the queue, in order to avoid the competition of threads for subtasks, synchronization mechanism is needed, which will cause additional performance loss. (so when we later verify the performance of Stream, we will find that when the data volume is small, the parallel Stream will sometimes be slower. That's why. )

3.2.4 refactor lambda expression

In Stream operation, sometimes we need to write a long lambda function. At this time, we can flexibly use IDE's refactoring function to refactor a long lambda expression into a variable or method.

Predicate<Poet> poetPredicate = poet -> poet.getEvaluation() < 5; Consumer<Poet> poetConsumer = poet -> System.out.println(poet.getName()); .filter(poetPredicate) .forEach(poetConsumer); Function<Poet, String> poetStringFunction = poet -> { int age = poet.getAge(); if (age < 20) { return "1~19"; } else if (age < 30) { return "20~29"; } else if (age < 40) { return "30~39"; } else if (age < 50) { return "40~49"; } else if (age < 60) { return "50~59"; } else if (age < 70) { return "60~69"; } else { return "70~"; } }; Map<String, List<Poet>> poetsByAge = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(poetStringFunction)); System.out.println("Group poets by age:"); Consumer<String> stringConsumer = s -> System.out.println( String.format("%s : %s", s, poetsByAge.get(s).stream().map(Poet::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(",")))); poetsByAge.keySet().stream() .sorted(String::compareTo) .forEach(stringConsumer);

3.2.5 Stream performance

The performance of Stream can not be simply expressed as faster or slower than the previous set traversal operation, but should be confirmed according to different performance constraints of specific scenarios.

Three scenarios are briefly considered here:

  1. Simple traversal of a single data set;
  2. join operation of two data sets;
  3. Complex conversion operations for a single dataset.

The following code uses the hardware environment:

The CPU resources that I can use locally for my program: 6 core (i7 4 core 8 threads, but two cores are occupied by virtual machines all the year round, so a total of 6 cores can be used.)

Simple traversal of a single dataset

For the simple traversal of a single data set, generally speaking, the performance of Stream serial operation is about between the forI loop and the iterator loop; while the parallel mode of Stream can effectively improve the performance (better than fori, iterator, Stream serial) on the premise that the running platform has multiple cores and the single operation in the loop is relatively time-consuming.

For the traversal of a single dataset, from the following example code, we can find that the constraints that affect performance at least include the following points:

  1. Machine hardware conditions, such as whether it is multi-core or not, and how many cores there are. (the two cores may not be able to guarantee high efficiency of parallel than serial, because the loss of thread context switching should be considered. )
  2. The number of data sets, the number of data sets in different scales (100 pieces, 1000 pieces, 10000 pieces, 100000, millions, millions...)... )The performance of different traversal methods is significantly different.
  3. If a single cycle takes time, such as the nanosecond level, the Stream's parallel mode has no advantage (also because of the loss of thread context switching), but when the time is hundreds of milliseconds, the advantage of the parallel mode is quite obvious. (running on multi-core machines, of course)

For the following code, we suggest you try different constraints, such as:

  1. Sleep time adjustment, for example, from no sleep to 500ms sleep;
  2. Adjust the number of data sets, for example, from 100 pieces to 1000, 10000, 100000, millions, millions... (of course, when the number of pieces is large, reduce or even remove the sleep properly, so as not to run too long.)
  3. For machines with different hardware conditions, this conditional machine can try the result of running parallel mode on machines with large CPU core number difference, even if there is no condition.

In addition, the LocalDateTime and Duration in the code are another new feature of Java8, which will be introduced later, and you don't need to worry about them now.

List<String> numbers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { numbers.add("a" + i); } System.out.println("=== loop with fori ==="); LocalDateTime startTime =; for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) { String whatever = numbers.get(i) + "b"; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } LocalDateTime stopTime =; System.out.println("loop with fori time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.println("=== loop with Iterator ==="); startTime =; for (String num : numbers) { String whatever = num + "b"; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } stopTime =; System.out.println("loop with Iterator time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.println("=== loop with stream ==="); startTime =; -> { String whatever = num + "b"; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); stopTime =; System.out.println("loop with stream time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.println("=== loop with parallelStream ==="); startTime =; numbers.parallelStream().forEach(num -> { String whatever = num + "b"; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); stopTime =; System.out.println("loop with parallelStream time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis());

When the above code is running locally, remember to turn down the sleep or even comment it out when the number of pieces is large. If you run for half a day, you won't get results...

join of two datasets

The above example is just a single dataset traversal, but in actual development, we often encounter more complex dataset operations. For example, the most typical join operation of two data sets.

First of all, we define two more Class:Evaluation And PoetExt:

class Evaluation { private int evaluation; private String description; public Evaluation() { } public Evaluation(int evaluation, String description) { this.evaluation = evaluation; this.description = description; } public int getEvaluation() { return evaluation; } public void setEvaluation(int evaluation) { this.evaluation = evaluation; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } } class PoetExt extends Poet { private String description; public PoetExt(String name, int age, int evaluation, String description) { super(name, age, evaluation); this.description = description; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } @Override public String toString() { return "PoetExt{" + "name='" + this.getName() + '\'' + ", description='" + description + '\'' + '}'; } }

Obviously, poet corresponds to the definition data of poets, and evaluation corresponds to the definition data of evaluation. The requirement we need to implement is that poems join with evaluations to get the PoetExt collection. In the case of relational database SQL, the primary table is set and the secondary table is evaluation Poet.evaluation = Evaluation.evaluation Query data for conditional connections.

Before Java 8, if we need to implement the join operation of such two datasets in Java applications, we often adopt the explicit double-layer iterator loop nesting writing method. From Java 8, we can use Stream operation to realize the join operation of two datasets. According to the requirements of the scenario, we can also use the Stream parallel mode.

The code is as follows, and the performance of three writing methods (explicit double-layer iterator traversal, Stream, parallel Stream) is compared respectively:

// Number of poems int n = 100000; // evaluations int m = 100000; List<Poet> poets = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String name = String.format("poet%010d", i + 1); poets.add(new Poet(name, (int) (80 * Math.random()) + 10, (int) (m * Math.random()) + 1)); } List<Evaluation> evaluations = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { evaluations.add(new Evaluation(i + 1, (i + 1) + "Star")); } // The logic to be implemented is to join poets and evaluations to get the PoetExt set // The expression of loop nesting of explicit double-layer iterator: List<PoetExt> poetExts = new ArrayList<>(); System.out.println("=== Explicit double iterator loop ==="); LocalDateTime startTime =; for(Poet poet : poets) { int eva = poet.getEvaluation(); for(Evaluation evaluation : evaluations) { if (eva == evaluation.getEvaluation()) { PoetExt poetExt = new PoetExt(poet.getName(), poet.getAge(), eva, evaluation.getDescription()); poetExts.add(poetExt); break; } } } LocalDateTime stopTime =; System.out.println("Explicit double iterator loop time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.printf("%s Number of pieces: %d And the first result: %s %n", "Explicit double iterator loop", poetExts.size(), poetExts.get(0).toString()); // Stream: System.out.println("=== Stream ==="); startTime =; poetExts = .map(poet -> { Evaluation eva = .filter(evaluation -> evaluation.getEvaluation() == poet.getEvaluation()) .findAny() .orElseThrow(); return new PoetExt(poet.getName(), poet.getAge(), poet.getEvaluation(), eva.getDescription()); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); stopTime =; System.out.println("Stream time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.printf("%s Number of pieces: %d And the first result: %s %n", "Stream", poetExts.size(), poetExts.get(0).toString()); // parallelStream System.out.println("=== parallelStream ==="); startTime =; poetExts = poets.parallelStream() .map(poet -> { Evaluation eva = evaluations.parallelStream() .filter(evaluation -> evaluation.getEvaluation() == poet.getEvaluation()) .findAny() .orElseThrow(); return new PoetExt(poet.getName(), poet.getAge(), poet.getEvaluation(), eva.getDescription()); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); stopTime =; System.out.println("parallelStream time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis()); System.out.printf("%s Number of pieces: %d And the first result: %s %n", "parallelStream", poetExts.size(), poetExts.get(0).toString());

Running results under different local constraints: time unit: ms

Number of poems evaluations Explicit double iterator loop Stream parallelStream 1000 1000 53 44 145 10000 10000 772 603 520 100000 100000 27500 48351 11958 10000 100000 4375 4965 1510 100000 10000 3078 5053 1915 100000 1000000 421999 787188 186758 1000000 100000 278927 497239 122923 100000 100 140 306 895 100 100000 111 110 111

It can be seen that in the old local hardware environment (six core s are available), the data volume is small (the number of data sets on both sides of the join is less than 10000), and there is little difference between the three. The explicit double-layer iterator cycle is close to that of the Stream, while the parallel Stream even slows down when the data volume is 1000. When the data volume reaches the scale of more than 100000 pieces, the performance of the three shows a significant gap The advantages of parallel Stream are obvious, the explicit double-layer iterator is the second, and the Stream serial is the slowest.

  • When the data volume of both data sets is small, the performance of Stream in both serial mode and parallel mode is not much different from that of explicit double-layer iterator cycle, which is in an order of magnitude.
  • When the data volume of two data sets is large, parallel stream > explicit double-layer iterator loop > stream
  • When the main data set has a large amount of data and the secondary data set has a small amount of data, the explicit double-layer iterator loop > stream > parallelstream
  • The secondary data set has a large amount of data and the primary data set has a small amount of data, which are close to each other


  1. The above three join operations do not consider the algorithm optimization of space for time. For example, the evaluation is first converted to the HashMap, and then the target evaluation is directly obtained through the HashMap when traversing the poets. This optimization is not considered because what is compared here is the performance performance between the implicit bilevel traversal of Stream and the previous explicit bilevel traversal. With the optimization method of HashMap, all three can be used...
  2. Explicit double-layer traversal does not consider the fori loop, because the performance of the fori is not as good as the iterator loop, so there is no need to make a fool of yourself here...
  3. Whether the number of data sets is large or small depends on the hardware environment and cannot be generalized.
  4. The above tests are relatively simple, and each case has only been tested once. If you have time, it is recommended to test the case of each data amount more than 10 times to take the average value.

Complex conversion operations for a single dataset

In fact, after comparing the performance of the above two scenarios, we can get a rough impression:

  1. When the amount of data is small, the performance is almost the same;
  2. When the amount of data is large, as long as the business allows, the hardware is enough to try to be parallel;
  3. When it can only be serialized, there is a certain demand for performance. It is still faster for the explicit iterator to cycle.

But I still want to say that if there is no ultimate performance requirement, Stream operation is preferred.

Let's look at an example: multiple data conversion operations for a single dataset.

The first is still the collection of poets and evaluation

// Number of poems int n = 100000; // evaluations int m = 1000; List<Poet> poets = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String name = String.format("poet%010d", i + 1); poets.add(new Poet(name, (int) (80 * Math.random()) + 10, (int) (m * Math.random()) + 1)); } List<Evaluation> evaluations = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { evaluations.add(new Evaluation(i + 1, (i + 1) + "Star")); }

To avoid double-layer traversal, we transform the evaluation set into a HashMap:

Map<Integer, String> evaluationMap = .collect(Collectors.toMap(Evaluation::getEvaluation, Evaluation::getDescription));

Let's simulate the logic: find all poets with evaluation > m / 2 from the poems, splice them into the field of "poet Name: evaluation description", and then filter out the records without 0 in "poet Name: evaluation description".

Although the above logic can be implemented in one cycle, in actual development, there are often more complex logic that leads us to divide it into several cycles according to business logic. Therefore, our simulation code below has not been optimized once.

System.out.println("=== Data conversion logic realized by multiple cycles ==="); LocalDateTime startTime =; List<Poet> betterPoets = new ArrayList<>(); for(Poet poet : poets) { if (poet.getEvaluation() > m / 2) { betterPoets.add(poet); } } List<String> poetWithEva2 = new ArrayList<>(); for(Poet poet : betterPoets) { poetWithEva2.add(poet.getName() + ":" + evaluationMap.get(poet.getEvaluation())); } List<String> poetWithEva3 = new ArrayList<>(); for(String s : poetWithEva2) { if (s != null && s.contains("0")) { poetWithEva3.add(s); } } LocalDateTime stopTime =; System.out.println("Data conversion logic realized by multiple cycles time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis());

Then we use Stream to implement the same logic:

System.out.println("=== Stream Realize data conversion logic ==="); startTime =; List<String> poetWithEva = .filter(poet -> poet.getEvaluation() > m / 2) .map(poet -> poet.getName() + ":" + evaluationMap.get(poet.getEvaluation())) .filter(s -> s.contains("0")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); stopTime =; System.out.println("Stream Realize data conversion logic time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis());

Then three explicit iterator cycles are optimized to one cycle:

System.out.println("=== One cycle to realize data conversion logic ==="); startTime =; List<String> lastLst = new ArrayList<>(); for(Poet poet : poets) { if (poet.getEvaluation() > m / 2) { String tmp = poet.getName() + ":" + evaluationMap.get(poet.getEvaluation()); if (tmp.contains("0")) { lastLst.add(tmp); } } } stopTime =; System.out.println("One cycle to realize data conversion logic time(millis):" + Duration.between(startTime, stopTime).toMillis());

From the view of running results, the gap between Stream and primary cycle (iterator) is very small, but both of them have obvious advantages over multiple cycles. The reason is obvious, of course, because Stream is also the last traversal.

But Stream has a huge advantage in development efficiency: its semantics is simple and clear, and developers do not need to write multiple cycles logically first, and then optimize them into one cycle.

Of course, the high level programmers can write a cycle after optimization at a time, but if you look at the code of the two, you can ask which one is elegant? Which is easier to read the purpose of the code? As a result, it is obvious that Stream is much more readable and maintainable than explicit loop.

So again: if there is no ultimate performance requirement, Stream operation is preferred.

Suggestions on the use of Stream and parallel Stream

Direct conclusion:

  1. Where Stream can be used, try to use Stream (high development efficiency, easy to read and maintain code, performance close to iterator cycle);
  2. Do not use parallel Stream as long as there is no performance requirement that cannot be met by Stream. One is that not all data set operations can operate in parallel. The other is that parallel operations rely heavily on hardware, especially CPU cores. In a complex application with concurrent requests, requests from other businesses may not be able to grab enough resources...

As for the CPU consumption in parallel mode, when you run the previous performance test code locally, you can open the local resource monitor to see the CPU utilization in Stream serial and parallel mode. You will find that the Stream serial and explicit iterator loops basically have 100% utilization of only one core at runtime, while in parallel mode, all cores have 100% utilization. If there are other concurrent and CPU consuming requests in your application, do you think it will be slower, slower or slower than usual? If your application is still a highly concurrent system, can you ensure that the parallel operations that generate a lot of CPU consumption only occur in the period of low concurrency? (of course, it is assumed that your high concurrency system has a high concurrency peak time period. There is no high concurrency scenario beyond the peak time period.)... )

3.2.6 force to summarize a Stream

  • What is Stream?

Stream is not a set or an element of a set. It is not a data structure and does not save data. It is actually an operation framework for a set. It's more like an advanced version of Iterator. However, unlike Iterator, which can only explicitly traverse one element, stream will implicitly traverse inside and make corresponding data conversion as long as the developer gives the operation intention and function implementation (i.e. what to do and how to do), such as "filter out numbers less than 0", "fill 10 bits for each string from the left", etc.

What to do is which method of Stream you need to call, and how to do is what kind of function you need to pass to the Stream's method, that is, lambda expression!

  • So why is Stream?

First, Stream is a pipe flow operation. From the previous code example of Stream operation, we can see that the whole Stream operation is a pipe flow operation, and the start and intermediate operations always return a new Stream object, and then continue to operate the Stream object, just like relay, until the last operation is performed to get the result.

Second, the Stream is just like an Iterator. The last Terminal traverses the dataset in one direction and cannot reciprocate. The data can only be traversed once. After traversing once, it ends. It is irreversible, just like the water of the Yellow river rising up in the sky, running to the sea and never returning.

Hence the name Stream.

  • What are the characteristics of Stream compared with previous collection operations?

Compared with previous collection operations, stream is different in that previous collection operations (including Iterator) can only be command-based and serial operations. Stream has the following characteristics:

  1. The support of functional programming is realized by lambda expression. The semantics is closer to natural language and the code is easier to read;
  2. It supports the chain operation of pipeline flow, and can integrate a large number of traversal logic more succinctly;
  3. It supports parallel mode, which can divide the data into multiple segments, execute in different threads, and finally merge the output, and it does not need to write multi-threaded operations explicitly.

So many benefits, I ask you whether you are happy or not. Are you crazy?

  • As for the parallel mode of Stream, it has its development track.

From the point of view of Java's parallel programming API (or multithreaded programming), we can see that its development and growth in various major versions of Java are roughly as follows:

  1. Java 1 to Java 4 java.lang.Thread
  2. Java 5 starts to provide, and Java 6 continues to enhance java.util.concurrent
  3. The Fork/Join framework introduced by Java 7
  4. New Stream parallel mode in Java 8

3.3 interface default method

When we talked about the standard functional interfaces of Lamdba expressions, you guys should have noticed that there are implemented methods in these interfaces... What's going on? Isn't it a violation of Java's own stipulation that interfaces have no implementation methods?

emmm, it's a violation. Of course, there's a reason. Let's talk about it later... First, let's see how the method implementation in the interface works.

3.3.1 add default method to interface

Starting with Java 8, you can add a default method to the interface. As follows:

public interface Printer { default void print() { System.out.println("all birds fly high"); } default void printAnathor() { System.out.println (Lonely clouds go to leisure alone); } }

24 June 2020, 04:07 | Views: 4532

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