On the interceptor of login request of vue axios

When we are making interface requests, such as when we judge the login timeout, it is usually the interface returns a specific error code. If we judge...

When we are making interface requests, such as when we judge the login timeout, it is usually the interface returns a specific error code. If we judge a time-consuming and labor-consuming interface, we can use interceptors to intercept unified http requests.

1. Install and configure axios

cnpm install --save axios

We can create a JS file to do this unified processing. Create a new axios.js, as follows

import axios from 'axios' import { Indicator } from 'mint-ui'; import { Toast } from 'mint-ui'; // http request interceptor axios.interceptors.request.use( config => { Indicator.open() return config; }, err => { Indicator.close() return Promise.reject(err); }); // http response interceptor axios.interceptors.response.use( response => { Indicator.close() return response; }, error => { Indicator.close() }); //Welcome to join the front-end full stack development and communication circle to blow water, chat, learn and exchange: 864305860 export default axios

Then introduce the JS file into main.js

import axios from './axio'; Vue.prototype.$axios = axios;

In this way, Axios can be used to request, and this.axios can be used to call in components

this.$axios({ url:requestUrl+'homePage/v1/indexNewPropertiesResult', method:'POST', }).then(function(response){ //Interface return data console.log(response) that.modulesArr=response.data.data.modules; // that.getRecommendGoods(0); });//Welcome to join the front-end full stack development and communication circle to blow water, chat, learn and exchange: 864305860

Only by using the Axios request interface can we intercept it. Now it can be intercepted in axios.js. You can do the operations you need in two states


  • axios uses interceptors to handle all http requests in a unified way
  • axios uses interceptors
  • Intercept requests or responses before they are processed by then or catch.

http request interceptor

// Add request interceptor axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) { // What to do before sending the request return config; }, function (error) { // What to do about request errors return Promise.reject(error); });//Welcome to join the front-end full stack development and communication circle to blow water, chat, learn and exchange: 864305860

HTTP responses interceptor

// Add response interceptor axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) { // What to do with response data return response; }, function (error) { // What to do about response errors return Promise.reject(error); });//Welcome to join the front-end full stack development and communication circle to blow water, chat, learn and exchange: 864305860

Remove interceptor

var myInterceptor = axios.interceptors.request.use(function () {/*...*/}); axios.interceptors.request.eject(myInterceptor);

Add interceptors for custom axios instances

var instance = axios.create(); instance.interceptors.request.use(function () {/*...*/});


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3 December 2019, 07:43 | Views: 8234

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