Oracle EBS file upload and download (I) - call standard API function

Business background An article published before me< Oracle EBS uses CSV to import Oracle Form and BOM import API >When it comes to uploading im...
Oracle EBS standard upload and download

Business background

An article published before me< Oracle EBS uses CSV to import Oracle Form and BOM import API >When it comes to uploading imported data files, it can also be used for file upload and download.

Oracle EBS standard upload and download

Upload code:

/**Upload files Return value: ID of the uploaded file: fnd ﹣ lobs.file ﹣ ID */ Function UploadFile Return Number Is l_AccessId Number; l_ServerUrl Varchar2(20000); l_Url Varchar2(20000); l_ButtonChoice Number; l_FileId Number; l_OracleCharset Varchar2(30); Begin --Get Process ID l_AccessId := Fnd_Gfm.authorize(Null); --Get Web Page Fnd_Profile.Get('APPS_WEB_AGENT', l_ServerUrl); l_Url := Rtrim(l_ServerUrl, '/') || '/fnd_file_upload.displayGFMform?access_id=' || To_Char(l_AccessId) || Chr(38) || 'l_server_url=' || l_ServerUrl; If (l_Url Is Null) Then Fnd_Message.Set_String('call Url fail!'); Fnd_Message.Show; Raise Form_Trigger_Failure; End If; --Open Web Page Fnd_Utilities.Open_Url(l_Url); Fnd_Message.Set_String('Please select the file to import when opening the web page. Click Yes to finish the upload! '); l_ButtonChoice := Fnd_Message.Question(button1 => 'Yes', button2 => null, button3 => 'No', default_btn => 1, cancel_btn => 3, icon => 'Question'); --Get File ID l_FileId := Fnd_Gfm.Get_File_ID(l_AccessId); --Get client character set If l_FileId Is Not Null And l_FileId <> 0 Then Select oracle_charset Into l_OracleCharset From FND_LOBS Where FILE_ID = l_FileId; :Parameter.CLIENTCHARSET := Substr(:Parameter.CLIENTCHARSET, 1, Instr(:Parameter.CLIENTCHARSET, '.')) || l_OracleCharset; End If; --Canceling the upload will delete the record of the uploaded file If (l_ButtonChoice = 3) Then Begin Delete From FND_LOBS Where FILE_ID = l_FileId; Exception When No_Data_Found Then Null; End; l_FileId := 0; Forms_Ddl('commit'); End If; Return l_FileId; End;

In fact, call the Oracle EBS standard API to upload the file. The uploaded file is saved in the field file data in the fnd ﹣ lobs table.

Download code

The reference code is as follows:

DECLARE l_FileId Number; l_DownloadUrl Varchar2(2000); BEGIN --Document identification, from FND_LOBS.FILE_ID l_FileId := :CONTROL.FILE_ID; --Get downloaded URL l_DownloadUrl := fnd_gfm.construct_download_url(fnd_web_config.gfm_agent, l_FileId, TRUE); --Download File fnd_utilities.open_url(l_DownloadUrl); END;

The name of the file saved by the default download is: You need to modify the file name and file type on your own line.

Advantages and disadvantages:

Calling Oracle EBS standard function to write code is simple and quick. It is more suitable to deal with bulk data import.
1. Because the documents are stored in the table of fnd ﹣ lobs in Oracle EBS standard, it is not suitable to upload a large number of single large documents, such as material pictures and technical drawings.
The download file name is fnd ﹤ by default, which is inconvenient for users.

31 January 2020, 10:15 | Views: 6673

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