Programming questions - serialization and deserialization

Title Description Please implement two functions to serialize and deserialize binary tree Ideas: (1) first, we need to build a binary tree The idea o...
Title Description

Title Description

Please implement two functions to serialize and deserialize binary tree

Ideas: (1) first, we need to build a binary tree

The idea of building a binary tree: Step 1: encapsulate the elements in the array into TreeNode type nodes and load them into the nodeList list.

Step 2: build a binary tree according to the mathematical relationship between the parent node of the binary tree and its corresponding child paper node.

The specific relationship is: the subscript of the parent node is 0-n/2-1 (but the termination condition is less than n/2-1), because the last parent node may not have a right child; when n/2-1 is an odd number, the parent node has a right child; when n/2-1 is an even number, the parent node does not have a right child Children.

The next step of serialization is to convert the tree into a string (for example, between each node! Separated. Empty nodes are represented by ×).

Last deserialization is to convert the string to the original array sequence.

The code is as follows:

package; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Serializing and deserializing binary trees * SerializeTree / Deserialize */ public class SerializeTree { //Define TreeNode class public static class TreeNode{ public int val; public TreeNode left; public TreeNode right; public TreeNode(int val){ this.left = null; this.right = null; this.val = val; } } public static int[] array = ; public static List<TreeNode> nodeList = null;//Define a linked list to store binary trees //Building a binary tree private static void createBinaryTree(int[] array){ nodeList = new LinkedList<>(); //Convert the value of an array to a TreeNode node for(int i=0;i < array.length; i++){ nodeList.add(new TreeNode(array[i])); } //For the first (parentIndex-1) parent nodes, a binary tree relationship is established according to the number relationship with the child for(int parentIndex=0; parentIndex < array.length/2-1; parentIndex++){ //Left child nodeList.get(parentIndex).left = nodeList.get(parentIndex*2+1); //Right child nodeList.get(parentIndex).right = nodeList.get(parentIndex*2+2); } //For the (parentIndex-1) parent node, construct the left and right subtrees int mid = array.length/2 - 1; //Left child nodeList.get(mid).left = nodeList.get(mid*2+1); //Right child, if the length of the array is odd, then there is a right subtree if(mid%2 == 1){ nodeList.get(mid).right = nodeList.get(mid*2+2); } } //serialize private static String Serialize(TreeNode root){ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); if(root == null){ str.append("#!"); return str.toString(); } str.append(root.val+"!"); str.append(Serialize(root.left)); str.append(Serialize(root.right)); return str.toString(); } //De serialization public static int index = -1; private static TreeNode Deserialize(String str){ index++; if(index >= str.length()) { return null; } String[] nodes = str.split("!"); TreeNode root = null; if(!nodes[index].equals("#")){ root = new TreeNode(Integer.valueOf(nodes[index])); root.left = Deserialize(str); root.right = Deserialize(str); } return root; } public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("For array 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 To serialize and deserialize:"); SerializeTree tree = new SerializeTree(); tree.createBinaryTree(array);//Create a binary tree TreeNode root = nodeList.get(0);//Get root node String res = tree.Serialize(root); System.out.println(res); TreeNode newRoot=tree.Deserialize(res); System.out.println(newRoot.val); } }

9 November 2019, 11:11 | Views: 6057

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