Property Injection

Injection in springboot Basic Property Injection @Value Object Mode Injection @ConfigurationProperties Comparison of tw...
Profile Injection Value Data Check@Validated
Load the specified configuration file @PropertySource
Import Spring's Configuration File@ImportResource
Profile Placeholder

Injection in springboot

SpringBoot uses a global profile with a fixed profile name:

  • application.yml

The role of configuration files: modify the default values of SpringBoot auto-configuration; SpringBoot is automatically configured for us at the bottom level;

Two injection methods are provided in springboot: basic property injection, object injection

Basic Property Injection @Value

Basic properties include int, String, Date, String[], List, Map, and so on.

Basic property injection: use the comment @Value("$")

@RestController @RequestMapping("hello") public class HelloController { @Value("$") private int port; @Value("$") private String str; @Value("$") private Date bir; @Value("$") private String[] strs; @Value("$") private List<String> list; @Value("#{$}") // map injection value is a bit special private Map<String, String> maps; @GetMapping("hello") public String hello() { // port = 8989 System.out.println("port = " + port); // str = zhenyu System.out.println("str= " + str); // time = Wed Dec 12 12:12:12 CST 2012 System.out.println("time = " + bir); // aa // bb // cc for (String str : strs) { System.out.println(str); } // zhangsan // lisi // wangwu list.forEach( v -> System.out.println(v)); // k = aa, v = xiaoyi // k = bb, v = xiaoer // k = cc, v = xiaosan maps.forEach((k, v) -> { System.out.println("k = " + k + ", v = " + v); }); return "hello spring boot!"; } }

Application.propertiesConfiguration in:

server.port = 8989 # Attribute Injection str = zhenyu bir = 2012/12/12 12:12:12 strs = aa, bb, cc list = zhangsan, lisi, wangwu maps = {'aa':'xiaoyi', 'bb':'xiaoer', 'cc':'xiaosan'}
Object Mode Injection @ConfigurationProperties

Annotation for use of object-mode injection: @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="prefix")

@ConfigurationProperties tells SpringBoot that all properties in this class are bound in the configuration file;

  • Only if this component is a component in a container can the @ConfigurationProperties function provided by the container, so @Component is required
@ToString @Data // necessary @Component // @Configuration is also possible @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "user") // necessary public class User { private String id; private String name; private Integer age; private Date bir; }

Use: @Autowired in the controller to complete auto-injection;

@RestController @RequestMapping("hello") public class HelloController { @Autowired private User user; @GetMapping("hello") public String hello() { System.out.println(user); // User(id=1721, name=yusael, age=20, bir=Wed Dec 12 12:12:12 CST 2012) return "hello spring boot!"; } }

Application.propertiesConfiguration in:

# Custom Object Property Injection = 1721 = zhenyu user.age = 20 user.bir = 2012/12/12 12:12:12

Note: Custom injection metadata can be built by introducing a dependency-profile processor.

  • This means that when you introduce this dependency, you will be prompted to write injection objects in the configuration file, and it won't affect you much if you don't.
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-configuration-processor</artifactId> <optional>true</optional> </dependency>
Comparison of two injection modes @ConfigurationProperties @Value function Bulk Injection Properties in Configuration File Specify one by one Loose Binding (Loose Syntax) Support I won't support it SpEL I won't support it Support JSR303 Data Check Support I won't support it Complex Type Encapsulation Support I won't support it

If we just need to get a value in the configuration file in some business logic, use @Value;

If we wrote a javaBean specifically to map to the configuration file, we would use @ConfigurationProperties directly.

Injection Details

Profile Injection Value Data Check@Validated

@Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "person") @Validated // Configuration File Injection Value Data Check public class Person { /** * <bean> * <property name="lastName" value="Literal /$ Gets the value from environment variables, configuration files /#'></property> * <bean/> */ //lastName must be in mailbox format @Email //@Value("$") private String lastName; //@Value("#") private Integer age; //@Value("true") private Boolean boss; private Date birth; private Map<String,Object> maps; private List<Object> lists; private Dog dog;

Load the specified configuration file @PropertySource

@PropertySource loads the specified configuration file;

// Load the specified profile @PropertySource(value = {""}) @Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "person") public class Person { private String lastName; private Integer age; private Boolean boss; }

Import Spring's Configuration File@ImportResource

@ImportResource: Import Spring's profile to make the contents of the profile effective;

  • There are no Spring profiles in Spring Boot, and the profiles we write ourselves cannot be automatically identified.
    For Spring's profile to take effect, load it; @ImportResource is labeled on a configuration class;
// Import Spring's profile to make it work @ImportResource(locations = {"classpath:beans.xml"})

Then write a configuration file for Spring:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean id="helloService"></bean> </beans>

Profile Placeholder

Random number:

${random.uuid} ${random.value} ${} ${random.long} ${} ${[1024,65536]}

: Specify the default value in the placeholder:

person.last-name=Zhang San ${random.uuid} # random number person.age=${} # random number person.birth=2017/12/15 person.boss=false person.maps.k1=v1 person.maps.k2=14 person.lists=a,b,c${person.hello:hello}_dog # Specify default values

24 June 2020, 22:41 | Views: 5583

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