Python practice example (10)

55. Learn to use bitwise inversion ~. Program analysis: ~ 0 = 1; ~ 1 = 0(1) first shift a to the right by 4 digits. (2) set a number with the lower 4 ...

55. Learn to use bitwise inversion ~.

Program analysis: ~ 0 = 1; ~ 1 = 0
(1) first shift a to the right by 4 digits.  
(2) set a number with the lower 4 bits all being 1 and the rest all being 0. Available ~ (~ 0 < < 4)
(3) the above two are calculated.

#python3.7 if __name__ == '__main__': a = 234 b = ~a print('The a\'s 1 complement is %d' % b) a = ~a print('The a\'s 2 complement is %d' % a)

56. Draw a picture and learn to draw a circle.

#python3.7 from tkinter import * if __name__ == '__main__': canvas = Canvas(width = 800, height = 600, bg = 'purple') canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH) k = 1 j = 1 for i in range(0, 26): canvas.create_oval(310 - k, 250 - k, 310 + k, 250 + k, width = 1) k += 1 j += 0.3 mainloop()

57. Draw a picture and learn to draw a straight line with line.

#python3.7 from tkinter import * if __name__ == '__main__': canvas = Canvas(width=300, height=300, bg='gold') canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) x0 = 263 y0 = 263 x1 = 275 y1 = 275 for i in range(19): canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=1, fill='red') x0 = x0 - 5 y0 = y0 - 5 x1 = x1 + 5 y1 = y1 + 5 x0 = 263 y0 = 263 y1 = 275 for i in range(21): canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x0, y1, fill='red') x0 += 5 y0 += 5 y1 += 5 mainloop()

58. Draw a picture. Learn to draw a square with rectangle.

Program analysis: rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Parameter Description: (left, top) is the upper left coordinate of the rectangle, (right,bottom) is the lower right coordinate of the rectangle, both of which can determine the size of a rectangle.

#python3.7 from tkinter import * if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() root.title('Canvas') canvas = Canvas(root, width = 400, height = 400, bg = 'yellow') x0 = 263 y0 = 263 x1 = 275 y1 = 275 for i in range(19): canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1) x0 -= 5 y0 -= 5 x1 += 5 y1 += 5 canvas.pack() root.mainloop()

59. Drawing and comprehensive examples.

Program analysis: use for loop to control 100-999 numbers. Each number is decomposed into bits, tens and hundreds.

#python3.7 from tkinter import * import math if __name__ == '__main__': canvas = Canvas(width = 300, height = 300, bg = 'green') canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH) x0 = 150 y0 = 100 canvas.create_oval(x0 - 10, y0 - 10, x0 + 10, y0 + 10) canvas.create_oval(x0 - 20, y0 - 20, x0 + 20, y0 + 20) canvas.create_oval(x0 - 50, y0 - 50, x0 + 50, y0 + 50) B = 0.809 for i in range(16): a = 2 * math.pi / 16 x = math.ceil(x0 + 48 * math.cos(a)) y = math.ceil(y0 + 48 * math.sin(a) * B) canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x, y, fill = 'red') canvas.create_oval(x0 - 60, y0 - 60, x0 + 60, y0 + 60) for k in range(501): for i in range(17): a = (2 * math.pi / 16) * i + (2 * math.pi / 180) * k x = math.ceil(x0 + 48 * math.cos(a)) y = math.ceil(y0 + 48 + math.sin(a) * B) canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x, y, fill = 'red') for j in range(51): a = (2 * math.pi / 16) * i + (2 * math.pi / 180) * k - 1 x = math.ceil(x0 + 48 * math.cos(a)) y = math.ceil(y0 + 48 * math.sin(a) * B) canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x, y, fill = 'red') mainloop()

60. Calculate the string length.

#python3.7 sStr1 = 'strlen' print(len(sStr1))

reference material:

1. 100 Python cases

2. tkinter:

2 December 2019, 12:23 | Views: 1742

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