Rare snowfall put thousands of Chileans in Santiago in the dark

Snow in the Chilean capital, Santiago...
Home LATEST ARTICLES Rare snowfall put thousands of Chileans in Santiago in the dark Rare snowfall put thousands of Chileans in Santiago in the dark LATEST ARTICLES Июл 16, 2017 8

In the Chilean capital, Santiago, on Saturday a rare large amount of snow has fallen. Approximately 250,000 residents were without power.

The power loss is mainly caused by snow falling from trees to power lines to fall, reports the BBC.

Certainly a person is to have life come as a result of the weather conditions. That happened while shoveling snow. Two others were wounded when a power cable fell down.

According to meteorologists it is the heaviest snowfall in Santiago since 2007. In the city Saturday, a snow cover of 3 to 5 inches, with daytime temperatures around freezing. The expectation is that the mercury in the night from Saturday to Sunday drops to minus six degrees, which for local standards is very cold.

In Chile, it is currently winter, but the average temperature in Santiago in July is 13 degrees.

Snow in the Chilean capital, Santiago

Many of the inhabitants of Santiago were surprised by the snow.

According to meteorologists it is the heaviest snowfall in Santiago since 2007.

Thousands of children took to the streets to the snow to play.

Others make a snowman.

By the snow is the daily life has come to a standstill.

In Chile, it is currently winter, but the average temperature in Santiago in July is 13 degrees.

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By the snow is the daily life has come to a standstill. In the capital came traffic congestion and sporting events are cancelled. Thousands of children took to the streets to make snowmen and snowballs to throw.

The expectation is that the wintry weather after Sunday, then disappears again. In the course of the week, temperatures predicted at around 20 degrees.

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16 July 2021, 08:35 | Views: 271

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