- sed is a flow editor, which edits the data flow based on a set of rules provided in advance before the editor processes the data
- The sed editor can process the data in the data stream according to commands, which are either input from the command line or stored in a command text file
- The working process of the flow editor can be understood as: it is executed from top to bottom, just like running water, line by line
- sed reads a line from the input stream (file, pipe, standard input) and stores it in a temporary buffer (also known as pattern space)
- By default, all sed commands are executed sequentially in the pattern space
- Unless the address of the line is specified, the sed command will be executed sequentially on all lines
- Send the modified content to the output stream
- After sending data, the mode space will be cleared
- Before all file contents are processed, the above process will be repeated until all contents are processed
#Example: sed -e 'operation' File 1 file 2 ... sed -n -e 'operation' File 1 file 2 ... sed -f Script file 1 file 2 ... sed -i -e 'operation' File 1 file 2 ... sed -e 'n{ Operation 1 Operation 2 ... }' File 1 file 2 ...Common options optionexplain-e or – expressionIndicates that the input text file is processed with the specified command. It can be omitted when there is only one operation command. It is generally used when executing multiple operation commands-f or – fileIndicates that the input text file is processed with the specified script file-h or – helpShow help-n. – quiet or silentThe sed editor output is disabled, but can be used with the p command to complete the output-iDirectly modify the target text file Common operation optionexplainsReplace: replaces the specified characterdDelete: deletes the selected rowaAdd: add a line of specified content under the current lineiInsert: inserts a row of specified content on the selected rowcReplace: replaces the selected row with the specified contentyCharacter conversion; Note that the character length before and after conversion must be the samepPrinting; If a row is specified at the same time, it means that the specified row is printed; If no line is specified, it means that all contents are printed; If there are non printing characters, they are output in ASCII code; And it is usually used in conjunction with the "- n" option=Print line numberlPrint text and non printable ASCII characters in the data stream (such as terminator $, tab \ t) Example print contents
sed -ne 'p' zxc1
sed -n '=' zxc1
sed -n 'l' zxc1
sed -n '=;p' zxc1
[root@localhost shell]# sed -n ' > p > = > ' zxc1
Use address
- sed editor has two addressing modes:
- The row interval is expressed numerically
- Use text mode to filter travel
sed -n 'p;n' zxc1 sed -n 'n;p' zxc1 sed -n '2,$' zxc1 sed -n '/user/p' /etc/passwd sed -n '/^a/p' /etc/passwd sed -n '/bash$/p' /etc/passwd sed -n '/ftp\|root/p' /etc/passwd sed -n '2,/nobody/p' /etc/passwd sed -n '2,/nobody/=' /etc/passwd sed -n '2,/nobody/=;2,/nobody/p' /etc/passwdDelete row
sed 'd' zxc1 sed '3d' zxc1 sed '2,4d' zxc1 sed -n 'p' zxc2 sed '/2/,/3/d' zxc2Replace tag
##Format: Row range s/Old string/New string/Replace tag
- Number: indicates where the new string will replace the first match
- g: Indicates that the new string will replace all matches
- p: Print lines that match the replace command, used with - n
- w file: write the replacement results to a file
- Example:
sed -n 's/root/admin/p' /etc/passwd sed -n 's/root/admin/2p' /etc/passwd sed -n 's/root/admin/gp' /etc/passwd sed -n 's/root//gp' /etc/passwd sed '1,20 s/^/#/' /etc/passwd sed '/^root/ s/$/#/' /etc/passwd cat zxc2 sed -f zxc3 zxc2 sed '1,20w, out.txt' /etc/passwd > dev/null sed '1,20w out.txt' /etc/passwd > /dev/null cat out.txtinsert
vim 123.txt sed '1,3a ABC' 123.txt sed '1i ABC' 123.txt sed '5r /etc/resolv.conf' 123.txt sed '/root/;$G' /etc/passwd ##Cut the row containing root to the end, H means copy to the clipboard, and G means paste to the specified row