Several examples of loops in oracle

Several examples of loops in oracle Several examples of loops in oracle GOTO Usage FOR loop usage WHILE Cycle Usage ...
GOTO Usage
FOR loop usage
WHILE Cycle Usage
LOOP Cycle Usage
Advanced Usage 1: Traversing cursors with LOOP loops
Advanced Usage 2: Traversing cursors with FOR
Advanced Usage 3: Traversing cursors with WHILE
Several examples of loops in oracle

GOTO Usage

DECLARE x NUMBER; BEGIN x := 0; <<repeat_loop>> --Cycle Point x := x + 1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(X); IF x < 9 THEN --When x Value of less than9time,ongotoreach repeat_loop GOTO repeat_loop; END IF; END;

FOR loop usage

DECLARE x number;-- Declare Variables BEGIN x := 1;-- initial value FOR x IN REVERSE 1..10 LOOP -- REVERSE From large to small DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x = ' || x); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('end loop x= '|| x); -- x = 1 END;

WHILE Cycle Usage

DECLARE x number;-- Declare Variables BEGIN x := 0;-- initial value WHILE x < 9 LOOP x := x + 1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x = ' || x); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('end loop x= '|| x); -- x = 1 END;

LOOP Cycle Usage

DECLARE x number;-- Declare Variables BEGIN x := 0;-- initial value LOOP x := x + 1; EXIT WHEN x > 9; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x = ' || x); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('end loop x= '|| x); -- x = 1 END;

Advanced Usage 1: Traversing cursors with LOOP loops

-- Advanced Usage 1: Use LOOP Loop traversal cursor DECLARE CURSOR v_cursor IS SELECT * FROM DIM_EMPLOYEE;-- Define Cursor v_rowtype v_cursor%ROWTYPE;-- Define row variables BEGIN OPEN v_cursor;-- Open Cursor LOOP FETCH v_cursor INTO v_rowtype ; EXIT WHEN v_cursor%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_lINE(v_rowtype.emp_name); END LOOP; CLOSE v_cursor;-- Close Cursor END;

Advanced Usage 2: Traversing cursors with FOR

-- Advanced Usage 2: Use FOR Traversing cursors DECLARE CURSOR v_cursor IS SELECT * FROM DIM_EMPLOYE;-- Define Cursor --v_rowtype v_cursor%ROWTYPE;-- Define row variables in FOR This one in the loop can also be undefined. FOR Loops are defined by default BEGIN FOR v_rowtype IN v_cursor LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_lINE(v_rowtype.emp_name); END LOOP; END;

Advanced Usage 3: Traversing cursors with WHILE

-- Advanced Usage 3: Use WHILE Traversing cursors DECLARE CURSOR v_cursor IS SELECT * FROM DIM_EMPLOYEE;-- Define Cursor v_rowtype v_cursor%ROWTYPE;-- Define row variables BEGIN OPEN v_cursor;-- Open Cursor FETCH v_cursor INTO v_rowtype;-- Enable Cursor and Value WHILE (v_cursor%FOUND) LOOP-- Enable before entering DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_lINE(v_rowtype.emp_name);-- Since it was enabled once, this sentence came first, using the cursor that was enabled at initialization FETCH v_cursor INTO v_rowtype; -- Move cursor down and take value END LOOP; CLOSE v_cursor;-- Close Cursor END;

22 May 2020, 12:41 | Views: 8047

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