It's a setting on the phone so no need for resets and not signal related either. Go into Settings >Call settings and check if "slow talk" is ticked? I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.Try the steps on this page if your phone: Runs very slowly Lags Takes a long time to respond After each step, restart your phone to see if it fixed the issue. Important: Some of these steps.
6 ways to use the phone if you have trouble speaking clearly Many of my clients have trouble speaking clearly on the phone due to a speech or voice impairment. Their speech may be slurred, too slow, or too fast. Maybe their voice is weak or hoarse. Or maybe they stutter or have other unusual characteristics. Download free patient handout.Start ‘presenting’ and ask your buddy to set the metronome to the pace at which you are speaking 3. Slow the metronome pace by 25% and practice talking to that slower pace. (Some people need to slow down to almost half their nervous speaking speed!) 4. Ask your buddy for feedback on the speed and which speed is most appropriate/easier to understandLast modified on March 18, 2014 by Brad Phillips Speed Up: How To Stop Being A Slow Talker. Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Smart Speaking: 60-Second Strategies For More Than 100 Speaking Problems and Fears by Laurie Schloff and Marcia Yudkin.. If your conversational partner has mentally formulated her five-year business plan by the time you finish a sentence, or if your audience is .
People with expressive aphasia may have some of the following signs and symptoms: slow and halting speech – with difficulty constructing a sentence struggling to get certain words out – such as the names of objects, places or people only using basic nouns and verbs – for example, "want drink" or "go town today" spelling or grammatical errors