Small php framework

Project source address Link address( Framework Simple php framework Framework features Single entry index.php Based o...
Project source address
Framework features
Project directory structure

Project source address

Link address(


Simple php framework

Framework features

  1. Single entry index.php
  2. Based on the MVC design idea and object-oriented idea, we use the pattern of observer, register, factory, agent, trait and so on.
  3. Use the namespace namespace.
  4. autoLoader automatically loads classes.
  5. debug, profiler (Performance Analyzer).
  6. Provide some common classes (picture, paging, file upload, verification code, etc.).
  7. Provide plugins commonly used by grunt (file compression, merge, observation, etc.).
  8. Access the configuration file through array subscript based on ArrayAccess.
  9. obcache cache.

Project directory structure

classes Public class file storage --image.class.php Picture operation class --logobserver.class.php Observer log Implementation class --page.class.php Paging class --upload.class.php File upload class --vcode.class.php Verification code class conf configuration file --database.php Database configuration --memcache.php memcached To configure controls Controller intef Basic interface or abstract class --db.class.php Database interface specification --observer.class.php Abnormal observer interface specification libs Default load library file --action.class.php Call controller and method classes --autoloader.class.php Autoload class --config.class.php Read profile class --controller.class.php Controller base class --debug.class.php debug Debug class --factory.class.php Factory class --globalf.class.php Global function class --memcached.class.php memcached Implementation class --mysqli.class.php mysqli Implementation class --obcache.class.php obcache Cache class --obexception.class.php Custom exception handling class --profiler.class.php Performance analysis --proxy.class.php proxy class --register.class.php Register class --singleton.class.php Single case trait --url.class.php url Request processing class node_modules node Plug-in unit grunt-contrib-concat grunt File merge plug in grunt-contrib-uglify grunt File compression plug in grunt-contrib-watch grunt File observation plug-in grunt grunt Plug-in unit statics Static resource directory js js release_js grunt Processed js css css images images uploads Picture upload directory vies Template catalog Gruntfile.js grunt configuration file Core document 1.Defining character sets 2.Set time zone session 4.Define home and static resource directory constants 5.autoLoader 6.url Get call controller and method 7.debug,Profiler open(Performance analyzer) 8.Initialize the received controller and method processing action request(Reflection mechanism) 9.debug,Profiler Interface, output debug information,execution time,Use memory, etc. index.php Main entrance package.json package.json

2 December 2019, 14:46 | Views: 6561

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