Step-by-step instructions for website promotion

Answering the question of how to promote a website, we have collected key recommendations, working solutions and just a couple of life hacks in one in...
What is SEO or website promotion in search?
Stages of website promotion

You have a new business idea that you absolutely must bring to life. You have registered a domain name, developed a website structure and started creating it. It is important to understand that the website structure may differ from region to region and if you have a business with several sales markets, then the structure always starts with an analysis of the market and competitors. How can you make sure that Google will easily find the resource, be able to evaluate it and index it? SEO Agency Newcastle can help with it and make your business more efficient.

Promoting a young website is a long-term process, and waiting for results right away is pointless. But already at the start - during development and immediately after the launch of the project - you can take several important steps. Why are these steps so important? They affect the potential of the site to varying degrees, making it attractive to search engines, relevant and convenient for users. This means that over time, your resource will be able to compete with more “mature” Internet sites and receive high-quality traffic.

Answering the question of how to promote a website, we have collected key recommendations, working solutions and just a couple of life hacks in one instruction. Before you go on a small SEO journey, keep in mind that you will save hours of work if you start development taking into account SEO principles. So, below are the main steps that need to be taken when launching and promoting a new website.

What is SEO or website promotion in search?

  1. Creating a website structure that covers all types of demand of a potential client. We are talking about commercial, informational, transactional, multimedia and, of course, navigational search queries.
  2. Each page of the site, including product filter pages (if you have ecommerce) should cover the client's need - that means answering his questions and not misleading the buyer. Otherwise, the person will quickly close the page, which will negatively affect the promotion process. For example, this instruction will allow you to form a complete idea of ​​what is included in the work of an SEO specialist and what part should be delegated to a marketer in the company's staff.
  3. The final result of the work is high positions in Google for ALL queries that your target visitors ask. The ideal site for search engines is knowledge about the product, its functionality and answers to popular customer objections that arise every day and are resolved by your sales department.

Stages of website promotion

Promotion of a young site can be divided into several stages

Internal optimization

In order to promote a young site to the TOP, the first thing you should pay attention to is internal optimization. There is no point in promoting a site with duplicates, unprepared semantic core and unoptimized tags. It is necessary to remove all internal errors before promotion.

Content marketing

You should not skimp on content. It is always the "king"! Write for users: they will like it, and search engines will like it too. Try to write well and regularly. Quality content is shared, and regularity will increase the coverage of semantics and attract new traffic. Our site has articles that were written 4 years ago and are updated every year, including multimedia content from the YouTube channel.

Backlinks or external links

Try to attract thematic links, while you need to chase quality, not quantity. At the same time, try to diversify your link profile: the more different donors, the better for the site as a whole and safer. Keep in mind that links are safer, especially for Google. Also, do not forget about the dynamics.

Competitor analysis

This point will be useful just before the start of promotion. Having analyzed the TOP 10 competitors, you will be able to understand what they do and how it affects the result. It is important to analyze not only backlinks, but also content, traffic sources.

Competitor analysis is an important element in website promotion, as it allows you to better understand market requirements and audience preferences, identify successful practices and gaps in competitors' offers. This knowledge helps to optimize SEO strategies and adapt your own methods to improve the visibility and attractiveness of the site. You can read about tools for analyzing competitors in our article 15 popular services for analyzing competitors.

Social factors

The easiest way to attract social traffic is with content. This is much easier to implement if you regularly post content that is useful for your target audience and readers.

These are basic, but no less important tips for promoting a young site in search engines. If you do at least this minimum in practice, you can already get good results. The main thing is to act, and not just know them.

28 August 2024, 18:52 | Views: 117

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