This paper focuses on the work of binlogconnector replicator
public interface StoppableTask { void requestStop() throws Exception; void awaitStop(Long timeout) throws TimeoutException; }
- The StoppableTask interface defines the requestStop and awaitStop methods
abstract public class RunLoopProcess implements StoppableTask { protected volatile StoppableTaskState taskState; private Thread thread; public RunLoopProcess() { this.taskState = new StoppableTaskState(this.getClass().getName()); } public void requestStop() { this.taskState.requestStop(); interrupt(); } public void interrupt() { if ( this.thread != null ) this.thread.interrupt(); } public void awaitStop(Long timeout) throws TimeoutException { this.taskState.awaitStop(thread, timeout); } public void runLoop() throws Exception { this.thread = Thread.currentThread(); this.beforeStart(); try { while (this.taskState.isRunning()) { work(); } } finally { this.beforeStop(); this.taskState.stopped(); } } protected abstract void work() throws Exception; protected void beforeStart() throws Exception { } protected void beforeStop() throws Exception { } }
- RunLoopProcess implements the StoppableTask interface. Its runLoop method will execute the work() method through the while loop until taskState.isRunning() is false
public class BinlogConnectorReplicator extends RunLoopProcess implements Replicator { //...... public void work() throws Exception { RowMap row = null; try { row = getRow(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { } if ( row == null ) return; rowCounter.inc(); rowMeter.mark(); if ( scripting != null && !isMaxwellRow(row)) scripting.invoke(row); processRow(row); } protected void processRow(RowMap row) throws Exception { if ( row instanceof HeartbeatRowMap) { producer.push(row); if (stopAtHeartbeat != null) { long thisHeartbeat = row.getPosition().getLastHeartbeatRead(); if (thisHeartbeat >= stopAtHeartbeat) { LOGGER.info("received final heartbeat " + thisHeartbeat + "; stopping replicator"); // terminate runLoop this.taskState.stopped(); } } } else if ( !shouldSkipRow(row) ) producer.push(row); } //...... }
- BinlogConnectorReplicator implements the RunLoopProcess interface. Its work method obtains the RowMap through getRow(). If it is not null, it executes the processRow(row) method; the processRow method executes producer.push(row)
public abstract class AbstractProducer { protected final MaxwellContext context; protected final MaxwellOutputConfig outputConfig; protected final Counter succeededMessageCount; protected final Meter succeededMessageMeter; protected final Counter failedMessageCount; protected final Meter failedMessageMeter; protected final Timer messagePublishTimer; protected final Timer messageLatencyTimer; protected final Counter messageLatencySloViolationCount; public AbstractProducer(MaxwellContext context) { this.context = context; this.outputConfig = context.getConfig().outputConfig; Metrics metrics = context.getMetrics(); MetricRegistry metricRegistry = metrics.getRegistry(); this.succeededMessageCount = metricRegistry.counter(metrics.metricName("messages", "succeeded")); this.succeededMessageMeter = metricRegistry.meter(metrics.metricName("messages", "succeeded", "meter")); this.failedMessageCount = metricRegistry.counter(metrics.metricName("messages", "failed")); this.failedMessageMeter = metricRegistry.meter(metrics.metricName("messages", "failed", "meter")); this.messagePublishTimer = metricRegistry.timer(metrics.metricName("message", "publish", "time")); this.messageLatencyTimer = metricRegistry.timer(metrics.metricName("message", "publish", "age")); this.messageLatencySloViolationCount = metricRegistry.counter(metrics.metricName("message", "publish", "age", "slo_violation")); } abstract public void push(RowMap r) throws Exception; public StoppableTask getStoppableTask() { return null; } public Meter getFailedMessageMeter() { return this.failedMessageMeter; } public MaxwellDiagnostic getDiagnostic() { return null; } }
- AbstractProducer defines the push abstract method for subclass implementation
public class StdoutProducer extends AbstractProducer { public StdoutProducer(MaxwellContext context) { super(context); } @Override public void push(RowMap r) throws Exception { String output = r.toJSON(outputConfig); if ( output != null && r.shouldOutput(outputConfig) ) System.out.println(output); this.context.setPosition(r); } }
- StdoutProducer inherits AbstractProducer, and its push method executes System.out.println(output) and context.setPosition(r)
The StoppableTask interface defines the requestStop and awaitStop methods; the RunLoopProcess implements the StoppableTask interface, and its runLoop method will execute the work() method through the while loop until taskState.isRunning() is false; the BinlogConnectorReplicator implements the RunLoopProcess interface, and its work method obtains the RowMap through getRow(). If it is not null, the processRow(row) method is executed ; processRow method executes producer.push(row)