Since flink1.8, the reporter supports writing index data to influxdb, and users can read the data in influxdb for visualization.
But for small and medium-sized companies, most of them don't choose self-developed visualization because of the cost. We choose grafana for the visualization of flick metrics.
In this paper, we focus on the Reporter of influxdb and prometheus, write the metrics data of flink into the external system, and use grafana for visualization.
Installation and configuration mode: handle teaching, as follows:
1. influxdb1.1 start up
docker run -p 8086:8086 \ -v /data/docker_volume/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb \ influxdb
1.2 connect to influxdb
docker exec -it e9b352ee20d4 influx
1.3 building database
create database flink
1.4 building users
create user "flink" with password 'flink#123centos' with all privileges;2. Prometheus
2.1 download prometheus and pushgateway
2.2 installation
Decompress prometheus and pushgateway respectively
2.3 configuration
vim prometheus.yml //Add at the end: # pushgateway - job_name: 'pushgateway' scrape_interval: 10s honor_labels: true #Adding some labels in the uploaded data of the exporter node of this configuration will not be overwritten by the same labels of the pushgateway node static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9091'] labels: instance: pushgateway
2.4 start up
./prometheus > /dev/null 2>&1 & ./pushgateway --web.enable-admin-api > /dev/null 2>&1 & Parameters-- web.enable -Admin API, which means to enable the management of data through webapi. You can delete metrics in webUI or use the command curl-x put http://localhost : 9091 / API / V1 / admin / wire delete all metrics2.5 verification
# prometheus: Open can see pushgateway in targets, as shown below:
You can see the monitoring indicator data written by flink (need to restart the flink task)
3.1 modify the flink configuration file
vim flink-1.10.0/conf/flink-conf.yaml # Configure influxdb metrics.reporter.influxdb.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.influxdb.InfluxdbReporter metrics.reporter.influxdb.port: 8086 # DB, username and password should be consistent with the configuration of influxdb metrics.reporter.influxdb.db: flink metrics.reporter.influxdb.username: flink metrics.reporter.influxdb.password: flink#123centos #metrics.reporter.influxdb.retentionPolicy: one_hour #metrics.reporter.influxdb.consistency: ANY #metrics.reporter.influxdb.connectTimeout: 60000 #metrics.reporter.influxdb.writeTimeout: 60000 # Configure prometheus metrics.reporter.promgateway.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusPushGatewayReporter metrics.reporter.promgateway.port: 9091 # jobName is specified directly, and does not need to be configured in prometheus in advance metrics.reporter.promgateway.jobName: tdflink_prom metrics.reporter.promgateway.randomJobNameSuffix: true # Whether to delete the metrics stored in prometheus after the flink task is closed is false by default, but when it is set to true, it cannot be deleted effectively. For details, see , which can be deleted through the webUI or api of pushgateway metrics.reporter.promgateway.deleteOnShutdown: true # Collect operating system metrics # Flag indicating whether Flink should report system resource metrics such as machine's CPU, memory or network usage. metrics.system-resource: true
3.2 copy jar package
Copy the corresponding jar packages of influxdb and prometheus from flink-1.10.0/opt to the lib directory
cp opt/flink-metrics-influxdb-1.10.0.jar ./lib cp opt/flink-metrics-prometheus-1.10.0.jar ./lib
Metric reporter reports operating system indicators, downloads jar package and uploads it to lib directory
jna-4.2.2.jar jna-platform-4.2.2.jar oshi-core-3.4.0.jar
3.3 start the flink task
# yarn-single-job /home/admin/flink-1.10.0/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -p 100 -yjm 4g -ys 10 -ytm 16g -yqu root.flink -ynm etl_test \ /home/admin/tiangx/applog_etl/jar_test/applog_etl-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \ --input-topic applog_raw \ --output-topic applog_test \ --bootstrap.servers \ --zookeeper.connect \ flink_applog_etl_test \ --redis > /dev/null 2>&1 &
3.4 clear historical metrics in prometheus
When the flink task is restarted, it cannot automatically clear the historical metrics in prometheus, which affects the monitoring experience (you will see the stopped tasks). It is recommended to manually clear them in the following two ways:
3.4.1 delete all metrics through the webUI of pushgateway:
3.4.2 delete metrics through the pushgateway api:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9091/api/v1/admin/wipe4. Grafana
4.1 install and start grafana
Download: docker pull grafana/grafana //Start: docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
Open grafana for the first time, http://localhost:3000/,
Click skip to skip password verification. The second time you open grafana, you need password verification. The default user is admin, and the password is admin. After you log in, you will be prompted to change the password.
4.2 configure data source
As shown below:
Configure influxdb:
Configure prometheus:
4.3 download the grafana template
Search for the flick metrics template and download it
4.3 import template to grafana
Click "import" to import the downloaded template, and then open the dashboard:
The downloaded grafana dashboard may need to be adjusted again to display correctly.