Windows Terminal Install and Beautify

introduce Windows Teminal is a new, fast, eff...
Install Windows Terminal
Beautify Windows Terminal


Windows Teminal is a new, fast, efficient and powerful terminal application for Shell users such as command line tools, command prompts, PowerShell, WSL(Linux subsystem), etc. Its main functions include multi-tabs, panes, Unicode/UTF-8 character support, GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and custom themes, styles and configurations.

Github address:

Official download address:

Install Windows Terminal

Open Microsoft Store, search for Windows Teminal, and install it.


Install the latest version of PowerShell

Widows 10 defaults to Windows PowerShell version 5.X. When you open PowerShell after Win10 V1903 or above, you will be prompted to "try a new cross-platform PowerShell"" To open the prompt web address.

Download address:

Select the installation package in PowerShell-<version>-win-<os-arch>.msi format:

After downloading, double-click the installer and follow the instructions.

Setup creates a shortcut in the Windows Start menu.

  • By default, the package installation location is $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\
  • You can use the Start menu or $Env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Pwsh.exeStart PowerShell

PowerShell 7 is installed in the new directory and runs in parallel with Windows PowerShell 5.1.For PowerShell Core 6.x, PowerShell 7 is an in-place upgrade that removes PowerShell Core 6.x.

  • PowerShell 7 is installed to $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell
  • $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell folder added to $env:PATH
  • $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell Folder Deleted

If you need to run PowerShell 6 in parallel with PowerShell 7, use ZIP Installation Method Reinstall PowerShell 6.

View versions and enter commands in command line windows


Beautify Windows Terminal

Reference resources:

The default session is Power Shell version 5.x, modified to 7

"defaultProfile": Change the value to "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore"A guid is fine, for example if its guid is"".

"defaultProfile": "",

schemes configuration

{ "name": "Snazzy", "black": "#000000", "red": "#fc4346", "green": "#50fb7c", "yellow": "#f0fb8c", "blue": "#49baff", "purple": "#fc4cb4", "cyan": "#8be9fe", "white": "#ededec", "brightBlack": "#555555", "brightRed": "#fc4346", "brightGreen": "#50fb7c", "brightYellow": "#f0fb8c", "brightBlue": "#49baff", "brightPurple": "#fc4cb4", "brightCyan": "#8be9fe", "brightWhite": "#ededec", "background": "#1e1f29", "foreground": "#ebece6" }

Install oh-my-posh

Github address:

Install posh-git and oh-my-posh

Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module DirColors

Setting Powershell's profile

if (!(Test-Path -Path $PROFILE )) { New-Item -Type File -Path $PROFILE -Force } notepad $PROFILE

Paste the following into the profile file

Import-Module posh-git Import-Module oh-my-posh Import-Module DirColors

Theme Color Beautification

Install colortool

scoop install colortool

View color scheme

colortool -s

Set color:

colortool OneHalfDark.itermcolors

Power Shell 7 Beautification

Configuration for Power Shell 7:

{ "guid": "", "hidden": false, "name": "PowerShell", "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore", "colorScheme" : "Snazzy", "startingDirectory": "E:\\

22 May 2020, 12:52 | Views: 10094

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