JSON. Page 7

angular Cache Method for post Request

problem By default, angular's $http caches only the request data for "get" and "jsonp". Source code analysis of angular $htt...
16:19 9 July 2019

AFHTTPSessionManager for AFNetWorking Source

1 Overview AFHTTPSessionManager is a subclass of AFURLSessionManager.We can make HTTP requests through this class.In fact, the whole AFHTTPSessionMana...
13:33 7 July 2019

android implements a spring-like server-side framework based on annotations

Anyone who has used spring or Retrofit knows that binding and decoupling functions and http requests is very convenient. Here's a simple annotat...
0:12 28 January 2019

demo of a simple express+jade+mysql+bootstrap+nodejs

Nodejs With the rapid development of Nodejs, the hottest framework for Nodejs construction is not express. Github It can be proved by 32 K star. Let&#...
5:18 24 December 2018