Java. Page 8

Crawler reverse foundation, understand JavaScript modular programming, webpack

WeChat official account: brother K crawler, QQ exchange group: 808574309, keep sharing crawler advance, JS/ Android reve...
3:45 21 October 2021

springboot custom starter component - integrated swagger3 documentation

SpringBoot automatic assembly principle The core of springboot is automatic assembly, so why can jar be used out of the ...
1:34 21 October 2021

Preliminary study of javascript

Development of JavaScript JS was developed by...
0:08 21 October 2021

hibernate Association

1, One to many configuration and lazy loading query ...
16:34 20 October 2021

Spring Security OAuth2 learning record

1, OAuth2.0 1. Concept OAuth The protocol provides a secure, open and simple platform for user resource authorizat...
2:55 20 October 2021

Three layers and transaction control of JDBC

Existing problems: user interaction code and business code are mixed together. Changing the interaction mode in the futu...
0:44 20 October 2021

I heard that ES6 has added a Symbol data type that can be different

preface Hello, guys. I wonder if you have enc...
16:39 19 October 2021

Handwritten wheel series - handwritten promise (smooth as silk)

Handwritten wheel series - handwritten promise (smooth as silk) Promise is a solution for JS asynchronous programming, w...
17:34 18 October 2021

18, Java stream, file and IO of spring cloud distributed microservice Cloud Architecture for Java

Java stream, file, and IO    The Ja...
2:22 18 October 2021

Java design pattern -- simple factory pattern

1. Simple factory pattern definition Provides a function of creating object instances without caring about their impleme...
3:05 16 October 2021

One of the best practices of web application development: avoiding large and complex layout and layout jitter

Avoid Large, Complex Layouts and Layout Thrashing Layout is where the browser calculates the geometric information of el...
0:31 16 October 2021

How to publish Java packages to Maven central warehouse

Original published on Recently, I participated in some open source projects, involvi...
22:34 15 October 2021

[data structure] stack and queue common test interview questions [detailed explanation Part 4]

Stack and queue frequently test interview questions ...
15:28 15 October 2021

JS output function call stack

Recently, I was writing a JS reverse hook plug-in, and then I need to get the location of the current code execution to ...
21:13 14 October 2021

Design of different business messages for order receiving

1, Business scenario Messages are distributed...
18:45 14 October 2021

Day_12_ Polymorphism, Object, abstraction, interface

1. Six principles of software design:           1) Single responsibility principle: single fu...
15:36 14 October 2021

The first line of code, Third Edition - Chapter 2 (notes)

Explore new languages and get started with Kotlin programming ...
14:30 14 October 2021

05 - micro service topic 03 - Introduction to micro Service Framework

1. Monomer architecture vs microservice architecture 1.1 single machine architecture 1.1.1 what is a single architecture...
23:47 13 October 2021

[crazy God says JAVA notes] P51~P59 Arrays, multidimensional Arrays, Arrays class (to_string, sort, fill)

Video online class: station B, crazy God says JAVA: P51~P59 array array ...
21:41 13 October 2021

d agent mode

One. Proxy mode:     &nbs...
17:08 13 October 2021

Introduction and implementation of asymmetric encryption algorithm

1, Introduction and implementation of asymmetric encryption algorithm ...
8:58 13 October 2021

How to achieve code specification

code-norm with TypeScript Based language ...
8:54 13 October 2021

E. divide a class

Time limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536kb ...
8:53 13 October 2021

Redis related commands and usage scenarios

1. Redis related commands and usage ...
20:56 12 October 2021

java operation rabbitmq consumer example

    rabbitmq, as a message queue, is very common in practical applications. Producers send messages to a queue...
16:59 12 October 2021

Spring Dependent Injection Details

1.Getting Started with Dependent Injection for Bean Create a UserService that calls the save() method of UserDao inside ...
12:24 12 October 2021

Introduction to Shiro security framework

I. Shiro overview 1Shiro overview Shiro is an open source security framework under apache. It extracts the functions rel...
0:23 12 October 2021

[solution] HTTP Status 500 Type Exception ReportMessage Request processing failed; [resolved]

catalogue Zero. Preface 1, Look at the error prompt 2, An...
23:42 11 October 2021

[50 commonly used MySQL statements] if you are not familiar with these 50 sql statements, don't say you will MySQL [suggest collection]

This article mainly introduces 50 SQL query skills and query sentence examples. Taking student table, curriculum table, ...
21:50 11 October 2021

Virtual machine: memory overflow summary (HotSpot)

In the follow-up, I will continuously update the source code, principle and introduction of the virtual machine. If you ...
18:05 11 October 2021