Java. Page 2

js data structure and algorithm dictionary and hash table

Dictionaries Store [key, value] pairs Then, we need to declare some methods that can be used by the mapping / dictionary...
10:46 1 December 2021

springboot uses AOP to implement custom log saving

Preface Previously, there was a test blog about springboot Face-to-Face AOP, which gives you a brief overview of the ord...
8:19 1 December 2021

Annotation in Java and its implementation principle

Annotation in Java and its implementation principle ...
2:16 1 December 2021

LinkedList source code reading analysis

LinkedList source code reading analysis 1.1 LinkedList introduction LinkedList is a two-way linked list inherited from ...
1:10 1 December 2021

Implementation of Html to Word function based on XWPFDocument and jsup

Implementation of Html to Word function based on XWPFDocument and jsup ...
21:44 30 November 2021

Using regular expressions in js

  When we design web pages, we always deal with forms, and most of the verification of forms is verified by regular...
16:53 30 November 2021

Self use Java learning (network programming)

Three elements of network ip address: the unique identification of the device in the network     ipv4: it is c...
10:19 30 November 2021

Front end er, when do you want to write an HTTP server?

Front end er, when do you want to write an HTTP server? Wh...
21:59 29 November 2021

Elatic job quick start

See the previous document for the basic environment
20:27 29 November 2021

springboot dynamic multi data source configuration and usage (read data source configuration from database)

The principle and basic implementation of dynamic multiple data sources have been described in the last two times. The p...
19:27 29 November 2021

Global exception handling in Spring (Practical)

I believe everyone has used try catch to handle exceptions when writing code, especially in the back-end interface calle...
17:18 29 November 2021

[code without size] implement a HashMap

Force deduction question This problem is on the power button Design hash mapping . If you think about it, it's very simp...
15:35 29 November 2021

Ali technical experts explain the Fourth Lecture of DDD series - domain layer design specification

During pit filling. Thank you for your expectation of DDD series. You are welcome to pay attention to this account and c...
12:59 29 November 2021

ssm integration configuration, understanding of the role of each layer of ssm, interpretation of configuration files of each layer of ssm, web program startup and web.xml understanding

Tomcat server load order Tomcat startup When tomcat starts, it will load the web.xml file. When loading the web.xml file...
11:20 29 November 2021

Mybatis:Mybatais Generator reverse engineering from scratch

Mybatis Generator reverse engineering from scratch ...
9:55 29 November 2021

Java Foundation (class loading and ClassLoader understanding)

When a program actively uses a class, if the class has not been loaded into memory, the system will initialize the class...
8:15 29 November 2021

Use of @ ToString in Lombok

catalogue 1, Why use @ ToString? 2, How to use @ ToString...
6:57 29 November 2021

Is AOP in Spring Boot JDK dynamic proxy or Cglib dynamic proxy?

As we all know, the underlying layer of AOP is dynamic agent, and there are two ways to implement dynamic agent in Java:...
5:25 29 November 2021

D3.js Create Force Directed Map (V4)

D3.js Create Force Directed Map (V4) _Reference for this article:
12:57 28 November 2021

Hive common functions, window functions, UDF, UDTF

1. System built-in function View the functions provided by the systemhive> show functions; Displays the usage of the...
12:21 28 November 2021

Day 1 - Web APIs

Learning objectives: Elements can be obtained by ID, elem...
12:21 27 November 2021

Initialization of Spring @Bean instance

brief introduction We all know that Spring ha...
23:35 26 November 2021

Configure logback log for spring boot

Configure logback log for spring boot As mentioned in the previous introduction to spring boot, the default log print of...
19:14 26 November 2021

springboot integrates wechat payment V3 and uses JSAPI to order the whole process. It is easy to read without calling a third-party package (complete source code) and can be enjoyed out of the box

@TOC preface At present, due to the need of the project, a wechat payment function is used for wechat applet. I've been ...
12:40 26 November 2021

JDK source code reading: concurrent HashMap class reading notes

ConcurrentHashMap public class ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> extends AbstractMap<K,V> implements ConcurrentMap<K...
5:11 26 November 2021

Domain Driven Design - Code catalog specification

Reprinted from ...
5:04 26 November 2021

Dom of JavaScript (get element, event basis, operation element)

1, Introduction to DOM 1. What is...
4:23 26 November 2021

Wechat question answering applet v1.0 developed and built with cloud

Recently, I was bored, so I took the time to do a series of tutorials for the answer applet and share the source code. I...
21:39 25 November 2021

Java double instance collection map HashMap treemap

1.Map interface The Map interface defines the...
16:07 25 November 2021

Front end development: WebP adaptively improves development performance

WebP introductionWebP It is a picture format launched by Google that provides both lossy and lossless compression method...
15:25 25 November 2021