Java. Page 4

Take you to the event object from zero understanding JavaScript to the essence of JavaScript (in)

1, Event event type The event object also has some compatibility problems. In IE8 and previous versions, when registeri...
23:43 19 November 2021

Java Process Control

1. User Interaction Scanner \quad Previously, the basic grammar we learned did not allow us to interact with programs a...
21:54 19 November 2021

Introduction to java.util.concurrent package

1. Introduction The java.util.concurrent package provides tools for creating concurrent applications. 2. Main components...
21:40 19 November 2021

Microservice scenario building (simulation)

1. Create parent project In microservices, you need to create multiple projects at the same time. First, you need to cre...
18:42 19 November 2021

⚡ Daily algorithm & interview questions ⚡ Study together 5 ️⃣

Algorithm problem Given an integer array nums arranged in ascending order and a target value target. Find the start and ...
17:52 19 November 2021

Mybatis @Flush annotation analysis

Mybatis @Flush annotation analysis When looki...
15:52 19 November 2021

Let's simply encrypt the string

First of all, the so-called encryption here means that the value from the back end to the front end is different from th...
11:14 19 November 2021

Essential skills for Android architects thread sharing and collaboration for concurrent programming

Status of the thread Six thread states provided in the official Oracle documentation Status nameexplainNEWIn the initial...
7:35 19 November 2021

Super detailed sentence by sentence introduction to the file input / output buffer stream function BufferedReader and BufferedWriter function source code of Java advanced interface (full)

1, BufferedReader and BufferedWriter functions The BufferedReader function mainly reads text from the character input st...
20:23 17 November 2021

RESTFul and SSM cases

1. RESTFul 2.1 what is RESTFul ...
19:22 17 November 2021

Using Opencv to print Chinese characters on pictures on Ubuntu

catalogue 1, Principle of Chinese character lattice font...
10:46 17 November 2021

How to obtain the same enterprise level full link gray scale capability in 20 minutes?

Introduction: MSE microservice engine will launch the professional version of service governance, providing out of the b...
3:57 17 November 2021

Java tool class is Apache's StringEscapeUtils escape tool class

Introduction This number is mainly the sharing of common ...
18:05 16 November 2021

Vue quickly learn and get started-5

Catalogue of series articles In the last issu...
22:42 12 November 2021

Find out when Vue should use computed and watch

The two important features of Vue framework, computed and watch, are similar before. Today, let's talk about why there a...
16:57 12 November 2021

Teach you how to import and export large amount of data with progress bar (Chapter 2)

summary Exporting a large amount of data is a...
10:45 12 November 2021

Python crawler from introduction to mastery: (45) JS reverse: Skynet reverse analysis: JS confusion_ Python Taoge

Let's look at the reverse analysis of the air network js...
8:44 12 November 2021

Red Treasure Book Reading Notes Chapter 9

Proxy and reflection The agent feeling is a f...
18:19 11 November 2021

Do you know what Canary distribution is? Do you know how to implement it in the Service Mesh microservice architecture?

What is Canary releaseSince we want to talk about the specific implementation, before we start, what is the "Canary...
15:58 11 November 2021

Spring Principle in-depth 01: What is Spring? Spring Basic Mechanisms? IOC? AOP

01-What is Spring? Spring is a lightweight fr...
11:45 11 November 2021

RocketMQ sends synchronous, asynchronous, one-way messages

Explain The next step is to make simple use of various types of messages, based on examples from the RocketMQ website. A...
11:39 11 November 2021

Smart implementation of strategy mode with Spring auto-injection

1. Background In the course of your work, you...
11:36 11 November 2021

JAVA basic "reflection"

preface Reflection mechanism What is reflection? Reflection is to know all the properties and methods of any class in th...
3:08 11 November 2021

Class loader details

Classification of class loaders The JVM supports two types of loaders, namely * * * Bootstrap Class Loader * * and * * *...
16:56 10 November 2021

2-seata deployment and integration

Deployment and integration of seata 1, Deploying the TC server of Seata ...
9:35 10 November 2021

Home page navigation + left menu of SPA project development

Course objectives 1.mock.js simulates responding to Ajax requests 2. Construction of front desk main interface 3. Lef...
2:39 10 November 2021

Sharding JDBC realizes read-write separation + sub database and sub table. It's written very well!

1. Overview Shardingsphere Jdbc is positioned ...
22:51 9 November 2021

Three features of Java oop (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism)

encapsulation As the name suggests, it is to ...
21:34 9 November 2021

Advanced features of java -- List interface and implementation class

1, Concept of set 1.1 difference ...
13:10 9 November 2021

Trigger a specific behavior implementation when a Map changes

1. Background Usually during development, we ...
12:37 9 November 2021