Java. Page 5

Animation and transition, adding entry animation to ViewGroup, overview of LayoutAnimation

Android animation and overview mainly covers the following contents: ...
15:49 8 November 2021

RocketMQ theory learning and Practice

1, rocketmq action Flow peak shaving: delayed consumption Data collection: collection of log and other data Asynchronous...
10:03 8 November 2021

Hibernate Association

1, One to many configuration and lazy loading query 1. One to many 1.1 association refers to the reference relationship...
7:49 8 November 2021

Java accesses class properties and calls methods through reflection

preface Reflection can access properties and call methods on any unknown class or object during code execution The idea ...
6:44 8 November 2021

kubernetes Practice 2

1. Sample message boards deployed on Kubernetes ...
11:45 7 November 2021

Introduction to react components====

catalogue assembly content characteristic classification ...
23:15 6 November 2021

Design mode - responsibility chain mode and its application

Handling a thing in daily life often requires a series of processes, and the processes are direct and sequential. For ex...
21:00 6 November 2021

Missing number in Java circle

preface Learn the application of heap arrangement, hash array, hashMap and XOR through the number lost in the circle. 1,...
18:28 6 November 2021

Spring boot simple access to Ali SMS interface

Preparations are as follows: We need to open SMS service ...
6:49 6 November 2021

Java 8 has been out for so long. How about the Stream API?

Java 8 introduces a new Stream API, which can process data in a declarative way, which greatly facilitates the collectio...
3:59 6 November 2021

Multithreaded learning

Multithreading 1. Common communic...
21:15 5 November 2021

Simple use of Lombok in Mybatis basic learning

preface: Hello, guys, I'm running snail rz. Of course, yo...
15:01 5 November 2021

Fundamentals | deserialization Command Execution Vulnerability

Author: h0we777 Disclaimer: This article is only for study and research. It is strictly prohibited to engage in illegal ...
17:34 4 November 2021

JVM - 15. Locate out-of-heap memory OOM

1. Introduction to ByteBuffer out-of-heap memory In the article introducing OOM, we introduced out-of-heap memory and co...
16:37 4 November 2021

JavaSE (Basics) -- for, while, do while

Daily sentence: to put it down is to move forward better. The former beauty is kept in the bottom of my heart, and the f...
13:37 4 November 2021

Spring's management of beans extended by three injection methods of spring 110402

spring's management of beans catalogue ...
12:30 4 November 2021

Promise a + handwritten promise

@[TOC] (article directory) preface 1. Promise's meaning? ...
5:14 4 November 2021

N ways to implement various progress bars only using HTML/CSS

This article will introduce how to use HTML/CSS to create various basic progress bars and fancy progress bars and their ...
2:18 4 November 2021

netty series: build a client to connect to the http2 server using http1.1

brief introduction For http2 protocol, its bot...
23:01 3 November 2021

Stay up late to sort out 56 advanced handwriting knowledge points of JavaScript

preface Hello, I'm Lin Sanxin. Foundation is ...
19:41 3 November 2021

bug caused by improper operation of ThreadLocal

background The project is a simple web projec...
19:39 3 November 2021

Detailed explanation of Java construction method / garbage collection mechanism / brief description of JVM tuning / memory leak

Construction method Constructors, also known as constructors, are used to create and initialize objects. Detailed expl...
19:33 3 November 2021

[JavaSE series] Java classes and objects, all things are objects

⭐ ♪ previous words ⭐ ️ This article introduces you to Jav...
18:44 3 November 2021

Detailed explanation of break statement of Java (25) from zero

Introduction to the author Author name: Ming Shiyin in programming world Introduction: CSDN blog expert has been engaged...
14:57 3 November 2021

Integration of Alibaba cloud RockMQ and SpringBoot in 2021

preface: The open source version of Rocket is somewhat di...
6:09 3 November 2021

The role of attribute key in vue (know diff), why not recommend index as key

1. Description of key in official documents The special attribute of key is mainly used in Vue's virtual DOM algorithm t...
19:01 2 November 2021

java knowledge combing (Foundation) 1 - 10

If there is any deficiency, please correct it   Jav...
18:10 2 November 2021

Redis implementation of distributed locks

In Java, I think everyone is familiar with locks. In concurrent programming, we use locks to avoid data inconsistency ca...
2:56 2 November 2021

How can Java quickly modify the file content in Jar package

Requirement background: we wrote a small program to read log files and monitor in real-time, packaged into Jar package e...
1:55 2 November 2021

Wechat subscription notification practice

preface 1, What is wechat subscription notification? 2, Use steps 1. Subscribe to notification service 2. Get access_tok...
20:55 1 November 2021