Mobile. Page 4

Android-Intent delivers data

I. briefly Intent can carry data. The common data that Intent can carry can be divided into the following categories: intent.putExtra(String name, boo...
23:33 31 March 2019

Viewpager Sliding Animation Notes

google has opened an interface for viewpager, PageTransformer, to implement viewpager animation. Developers can implement this interface, define the ...
17:24 31 March 2019

Detailed usage of Android XML shape Tags

Detailed usage of Android XML shape Tags _An android developer must know how to define a Drawable using xml, such as defining a rect or circle as the...
16:21 30 March 2019

android implements a spring-like server-side framework based on annotations

Anyone who has used spring or Retrofit knows that binding and decoupling functions and http requests is very convenient. Here's a simple annotat...
0:12 28 January 2019