What's a Facade? I hope it's useful for PHPer
What is the Facade? At present, it is a class that is used to facilitate the static method call of the original class (undefined static method).The sp...
Configure a custom fastJson serialization tool class for Redis
alibaba.fastjson has provided a tool class GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer for serializing Redis storage objects, but the tool returns to Object when d...
Implementation of Swoole Redis connection pool
This article only implements a Redis connection pool, which is too short. By the way, integrate the previous several articles.These points are roughly...
Flink getting started state update
There is such a need to count the number of times a line is clicked every hour, It needs to write statistics to redis every 30 seconds, and use the S...
Redis -- delay queue
Redis's list data structure is often used as an asynchronous message queue. rpush/lpush is used to enter the queue and lpop/rpop is used to exit...
Scrapy redis distributed crawler crawling Douban movie details page
Usually, crawlers use the Scrapy framework, usually running on a machine, and the crawling speed can't achieve the expected effect. The amount of...
Spring Boot cache technology (ehcache, SpringData Redis)
Spring boot integrates Ehcache Spring boot integrates spring dataredis I. spring boot integrates Ehcache 1. Import related maven dependencies <pro...
Spring cloud responsive microservice series tutorial (Chapter 10): complete code example of responsive RESTful service
This is the tenth chapter of the series of practical spring cloud responsive microservices. This chapter gives a complete code example of responsive R...
One server of front and back end separation project is online
I. purchase server Here are some notes When you choose to configure linux system, you'd better choose centos7 + instead of centos6+ To configure ...