Syria. Page 3

Bipartisan House OKs bill hitting Turkey for Syria incursion

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan bill punishing Turkey for its invasion of northern Syria and illustrating both parties' dismay with President Donald Trump's...
21:46 29 October 2021

Not over yet: New US Syria mission after al-Baghdadi’s death

WASHINGTON — Pivoting from the dramatic killing of the Islamic State group's leader, the Pentagon is increasing U.S. efforts to protect Syria's oil fi...
10:59 29 October 2021

US official: IS leader believed dead in US military assault

WASHINGTON — Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the shadowy leader of the Islamic State group who presided over its global jihad and became arguably the world's mo...
6:10 27 October 2021

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s takes on impeachment, Syria, climate

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is persisting in a claim that goes to the heart of the U.S. military withdrawal from Syria — that he's bringing th...
16:00 26 October 2021

Russia calls US move to protect Syrian oil ‘banditry’

MOSCOW — Russia's Defense Ministry on Saturday harshly criticized the United States decision to send armored vehicles and combat troops into eastern S...
15:33 26 October 2021

After withdrawal, Trump shifts focus to Syria’s oil fields

WASHINGTON — As Russian and Turkish leaders divvy up security roles in northeast Syria following an abrupt U.S. troop withdrawal, President Donald Tru...
10:34 25 October 2021

Car bomb targets Syrian town held by Turkey-backed fighters

BEIRUT — A car boobytrapped with explosives detonated Thursday, wounding four people, in a northeastern Syrian town taken by Turkish-backed forces fro...
10:49 24 October 2021

Syria’s Assad gets a prize with US withdrawal, Russia deal

BEIRUT — Once again, Syrian President Bashar Assad has snapped up a prize from world powers that have been maneuvering in his country's multi-front wa...
23:22 23 October 2021

Analysis: Trump’s ‘success’ in Syria cedes region to Russia

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared success in Syria on Wednesday and created a bumper-sticker moment to illustrate his campaign promise to p...
20:59 23 October 2021

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Wednesday he will lift sanctions on Turkey after the NATO ally agreed to permanently stop fighting Kurdish fo...
16:22 23 October 2021

Russian forces deploy at Syrian border under new accord

AKCAKALE, Turkey — Russian military police began patrols on part of the Syrian border Wednesday, quickly moving to implement an accord with Turkey tha...
12:06 23 October 2021

Iraq official: US troops from Syria to leave Iraq in 4 weeks

BAGHDAD — U.S troops withdrawing from northeastern Syria to Iraq are "transiting" and will leave the country within four weeks, Iraq's defense ministe...
10:23 23 October 2021

Esper arrives in Baghdad to discuss US troop deployments

BAGHDAD — Defense Secretary Mark Esper arrived in Baghdad Wednesday, as chaos swirled along the Turkey-Syria border and Iraqi leaders chafed over repo...
8:41 23 October 2021

Trump finds no simple fix in Syria, other world hotspots

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's plan to reverse America's involvement in "endless wars" has run up against a difficult truth: When it comes to n...
1:19 23 October 2021