Request Zuul gateway error
I started the eureka, config, zuul, a microservice, and used postman to test whether the gateway worked.
Linux configuration deploy multiple tomcat
Configure the / etc/profile environment variable. Change to your tomcat path.
Spring boot web application practice
I have been using springboot for some time, and I always want to make a summary. Before the Department training, I just ...
Dockerfile theory + practice!!!
Dockerfile overview Dockerfile is the description file of the image file in docker. The straight white point is exactly what the image file is compos...
Spring MVC series execution process
Article directory doDispatch() method getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) getHandlerAdapter(Object handler) processDispatchResult() This series co...
Tomcat access project changed from http to https settings
1. Mr. Cheng's certificate # First switch to the certificate file path: $ cd /app/tomcat-8.5.39/ # Generate certificate file: $ keytool -genkey ...
Love buy back website optimization - Redis cache
Why cache? Reduce database pressure; Increase request speed. When the data is stored in the cache, it can be retrieved directly from the cache when i...
OOM problems caused by a MongoDB paging query
OOM Description: 2018-09-18 14:46:54.338 [http-nio-8099-exec-8] ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherS...
nginx+tomcat for dynamic-static separation+load balancing
1. Introduction to static-dynamic separation and load balancing Dynamic and Static Separation of Nginx+Tomcat:The so-called dynamic-static separation...
shell training camp Day29
Exercise 86In CentOS 6 system, we can use ntsysv to shut down the services that do not need to be started, of course, we can also use chkconfig tool ...
The company assigned me a task to do the second phase development of a project. After taking over from other project teams, the test files are upload...
Centos7 haproxy dynamic and static separation
Results achieved:When the client accesses haproxy, when the request is static file content, the request is transferred to static server, when the req...
SpringBoot configures HTTPS and implements automatic HTTPS access to HTTPS
nginx is recommended for configuring https No further replies will be given to any questions raised in this article. Here's why I wrote this art...
Using python to call pinpoint interface to realize pin alarm
Use python to call the pinpoint interface to implement the pin alarm. 1. When the application monitored on the pinpoint is called incorrectly and the...
Spring boot XXL job task scheduling
I. Introduction to XXL job Take a paragraph XXL-JOB is a lightweight distributed task scheduling platform. Its core design goal is to develop quickly... Unexpected end of file from server exception resolution
The company needs a similar version of the web application. When the project is deployed, the project files are the same (but the configuration is di...