
Bayesian classifier as text classification case

Bayesian classifier for text classification T...
20:33 1 December 2021

(21)UVM virtual sequence

UVM virtual sequence In the previous section, we talked about hierarchical sequence. The next step is virtual sequence...
11:51 20 November 2021

Class loader details

Classification of class loaders The JVM supports two types of loaders, namely * * * Bootstrap Class Loader * * and * * *...
16:56 10 November 2021

kvm installing windows virtual machine

Author: SRE operation and maintenance blog Blog address: https://www.cnsre.cn/ Article address: https://www.cnsre.cn/pos...
23:59 7 November 2021

JVM - 15. Locate out-of-heap memory OOM

1. Introduction to ByteBuffer out-of-heap memory In the article introducing OOM, we introduced out-of-heap memory and co...
16:37 4 November 2021

Virtual machine: memory overflow summary (HotSpot)

In the follow-up, I will continuously update the source code, principle and introduction of the virtual machine. If you ...
18:05 11 October 2021

Customized LLVM supports SEH I: front end processing principle

Customized LLVM supports SEH I: front end processing principle ...
18:48 3 October 2021

Analyzing the invariance of Integer type parameter value to understand Java value parameter passing

Analyzing the invariance of Integer type parameter value to understand Java value parameter passing Previously on java T...
13:26 2 October 2021

JVM - garbage collection

garbage collection How to judge whether an object can be recycledGarbage collection algorithmGenerational waste recyclin...
2:34 18 September 2021

References in Java and JNI (strong, soft, weak, virtual)

1. Strong References (Objects) Features: Strong references provide direct access to the target object. Will not be rec...
11:35 19 July 2020

References in Java and JNI (strong, soft, weak, virtual)

1. Strong References (Objects) Features: Strong references provide direct access to the target object. Will not be rec...
11:33 19 July 2020

Coexistence of Kotlin and Java, calling kotlin code in -Java

Call of kotlin data class Call of object simple profit mode class in Kotlin Calling file class in Kotlin Flexible transf...
12:02 8 July 2020

Some differences between Synchronized decorating method and code block at the bottom

Article catalog Decorated code block Modify instance method Modifying static methods summary Decorated code block ...
2:14 27 June 2020

Elasticsearch Series - Best Practices for Performance Tuning

outline Performance tuning is an essential to...
19:58 23 June 2020

Understanding of volatile and code demonstration

    Volatile is a lightweight synchronization mechanism provided by java virtual machine. It has three major f...
6:17 21 June 2020

No girlfriend come in!! Let's use the singleton mode to write a girlfriend!!

hello, everyone. This is pudding SAMA. The epidemic is over recently. Are you guys going out with your girlfriend? what?...
2:01 9 June 2020

Analysis of Java Thread source code

Article catalog brief introduction The difference between process and thread Threads in Java Thread source code analy...
21:36 8 June 2020

Take an interesting example to make it easy for you to understand JVM memory management

catalog preface example Source code output graphic depth analysis learn in order to practise Write at the end pre...
4:53 7 June 2020

Video learning notes of "basic data types in binary and Java" on muke.com

Video address: https://www.imooc.com/video/21195 Introduction: as we all know, computers are stored in binary. Learnin...
5:46 24 May 2020

5-commands commonly used by JVM

Commands commonly used by JVM jps...
5:01 18 May 2020

The first mock exam mode

1, The concept of singleton pattern The so-c...
11:23 15 May 2020

How do two threads execute alternately, one even and one odd?

Author: Mona Rudow cnblogs.com/stateis0/p/9091254.html It is interesting for the landlord to see this topic on the fac...
22:57 11 May 2020

Synchronized keyword and ReetrantLock synchronization lock learning notes

1, Synchronized 1. Concept synchronized ens...
0:22 11 May 2020

Java fun sharing: try & finally

Consider the following four test methods, and what do they output? public class Test { public static void main(String\[\...
10:31 8 May 2020

Source code analysis of start and stop of Spring Boot Dubbo application

Author: Zhang Huxing source: Dubbo official blog ...
15:16 5 May 2020

Smali Introduction Manual

Smali grammar learning summary 1, About Smali 2, Smali syntax 1. Data type (1) Basic types (2) Reference type 2. Bas...
4:42 6 March 2020

Alibaba talk to you about some JVM level locks of Java

brief introduction In the computer industry, there is a l...
5:49 14 February 2020

Overview and tuning of StringTable in JVM

StringTable in JVM Three, characteristics A string in a constant pool is a symbol only, it becomes an object when it...
6:39 5 February 2020

Detailed explanation of 23 design patterns

Types and relations of design patterns There ...
4:20 2 February 2020

Influence range after System class redirects output stream

problem 1. If the System class is used to redirect the output stream, will it affect the output of other threads? 2. What scope will this operation a...
10:03 4 December 2019