Introduction to CAT minimalism (application monitoring platform)
1. Overview Lazy tips: CAT official documents - simplicity It's been written very well. Here's a great way to use direc...
Analysis of SpringBoot configuration class
This article starts with WeChat official account of vivo Internet technology. Link:
My development diary
Today, I mainly did the basic data management of the test user module, and encountered a relatively large problem. The u...
Spring AOP Learning Notes 03: Acquisition Enhancer for Core Implementation of AOP
Above Describes how spring opens AOP, simply by registering the AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator class with the co...
Wechat code scanning payment (detailed code)
Wechat code scanning payment
Recently, when the project w...
hadoop high availability installation (HA)
High availability hadoop installation HA Write at the beginning Installation procedure 1. Distribute JDK 1.1 install j...
Spring source code analysis 10: automatic configuration of Mybatis in spring boot
Article catalog 1, Foreword 2, MybatisAutoConfiguration 1. Declaration of mybatisautoconfiguration. 2. SqlSessionFacto...
Android architecture component -- ViewBinding learning notes
Android architecture components – ViewBinding learning notes 1. Problems solved
Stage 5: microservice system development: Spring Cloud getting started operation manual (day01)
Stage 5: distributed system development: microservice system development (day01) Article ca...
Spring Data Elasticsearch4.0.1 Chinese translation document (sections 8-11)
8. Elasticsearch Repositories
This chapter in...
[SpringCloud] 12 Hystrix Fuse
1. What is Hystrix and why do I need him? 1. In the micro-service architecture, services are split into individual servi...
Learning notes on knowledge points of HttpServlet
Servlet concept step Principle of execution life cycle Servlet 3.0 annotation configuration The architecture...
Using Kotlin to develop Android application (10) - Navigation of architecture components
Navigation of architecture components
. NET Core integrates log4net and global exception capture
1, Foreword Log4net is a well-known log provider. When. NET Core released 1.0, log4net was already supported. However, t...
Official introduction to Android CameraX
Getting started with CameraX 1. Before you start 2. Create project 1) Project new 2) Add Gradle dependency 3) Create v...
Section oriented thinking of spring AOP
Section oriented thinking of spring AOP Three ideas of spring IOC control reverse DI dependency injection AOP (Aspect Or...
ELK Docker integrated. net abp log4net use
This paper mainly records the use of ELK to complete the business system log collection, mainly using log4net for data e...
Public Number Development: Get User Messages and Reply Messages
Recently, I found it interesting to see the development documentation of WeChat Public Number. You can customize the dev...
Android Chart Gallery MPAndroidChart(8) - Extension of Pie Chart: Polyline Pie Chart
Android Chart Gallery MPAndroidChart(8) - Extension of Pie Chart: Polyline Pie Chart
Phpspreadsheet Chinese document 2 (translation software version)
Due to phpoffice/phpexcel (this package has been discarded and is no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ph...
Javascript basic knowledge system learning summary DOM
Summary of the systematic learning of Javascript basic knowledge (5) DOM 1, Tree structure 1. The essence of DOM is actu...
Beauty of Mybatis source code: 2.3. Parse Properties sub element and initialize property configuration
Resolve the Properties sub element and initialize the property configuration > Click to learn the configuration metho...
[The Road to Java Spring Cloud] - Creation using Nacos and Gateway Center
0. Preface
In the previous section, we create...
Configure different access ports for multiple applications in tomcat
Configure different access ports for multiple applications in tomcat
Analysis of file dependence of Qt in creating Application
When using QtCreator to create Application program, it will automatically create * * *. UI file in the folder "buil...