Apache. Page 3

linux high order Nginx reverse proxy

Nginx reverse proxy function Reverse proxy: reverse proxy is also called reverse proxy. It refers to a way to proxy the request of the external netwo...
5:31 11 January 2020

Flink asynchronous contradiction - sharp Async I/O

Dimension table JOIN - a business scenario that cannot be bypassed In the process of Flink flow processing, it is often necessary to interact with ext...
14:23 10 January 2020

OOM problems caused by a MongoDB paging query

OOM Description: 2018-09-18 14:46:54.338 [http-nio-8099-exec-8] ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherS...
10:10 30 December 2020

Storm profile format exception

Storm's configuration file format is prone to errors, which causes Storm to fail to start correctly. The error messages caused by the format are...
2:30 4 December 2019

[drain pit] Ftp normally connects to the server but cannot get the file

Some codes in ftp tool class ftp util are as follows: import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.*; public class FtpUtil { private static Logger log = Logger.g...
23:42 3 December 2019

Talk about registerConsumer and unregisterConsumer of rocketmq

order This paper mainly studies the registerConsumer and unregisterConsumer of rocketmq. MQClientInstance rocketmq-client-4.5.2-sources.jar!/org/apach...
23:39 3 December 2019

Weather forecast microservice: build spring cloud microservice from 0

As usual Project github link This project realizes the process of transforming a simple weather forecast system into a spring cloud microservice syste...
19:35 3 December 2019


The company assigned me a task to do the second phase development of a project. After taking over from other project teams, the test files are upload...
8:54 3 December 2019

MLlib basic data type

MLlib uses vectors as its localized storage type, which are mainly composed of two types: sparse and dense Code: import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg...
4:44 3 December 2019

Some pits of Object to Map

Here, three methods of Object mapping are summarized 1. Use reflection getDeclaredFields and getFields /** * Clean the data of the incoming object, re...
0:12 3 December 2019

Saltstack user guide 03 configuration management

1. Host planning Matters needing attention If the configuration file of master or minion is modified, the corresponding service must be restarted. 2....
10:06 2 December 2019

mybatis automatically fills in the time field

For the created ﹣ on and updated ﹣ on entities, it is unnecessary for developers to intervene, because it is enough to explain the use scenario, that ...
3:07 2 December 2019

java instance understands the concept of blockchain

The core of blockchain is decentralized storage. Traditional database solutions, including relational database and non relational database, belong to...
16:38 10 November 2019

Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine

This article was first published on a personal website: Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine Spring StateMachine is a state machine framework. In the S...
14:57 10 November 2019

Comparison of java replication methods

1. Background In the actual programming process, we often encounter this situation: there is an object A, at A certain time A already contains some va...
3:52 8 November 2019

Mybaits Source Parsing - The most detailed network, none: ResultSet automatically maps to entity class objects (last)

In the previous article, we sent SQL to the database and returned a ResultSet. Next, we automatically mapped the ResultSet to an entity class object.T...
22:55 7 November 2019

Are you still copying object properties with BeanUtils?

When doing business, in order to isolate changes, we will separate DO queried by DAO from DTO provided by front end. About 90% of the time, their stru...
19:08 6 November 2019

Apache Web page and security optimization in Linux system

Apache Web page optimization Apache Web page optimization overview In an enterprise, only the default configuration parameters are used after Apache ...
18:19 6 November 2019

Installation of HBase on Centos7 and configuration of Eclipse+Maven

I. configuration process of Eclipse+Maven 1. Install and configure JDK Configure the JDK environment on Windows 2. Install Eclipse 3. Install Maven E...
11:59 6 November 2019

Flink getting started state update

There is such a need to count the number of times a line is clicked every hour, It needs to write statistics to redis every 30 seconds, and use the S...
9:43 6 November 2019

Deep optimization of apache working mode, ab stress test, apache directory attribute

ab pressure test Apache has its own stress testing tool ab, which is simple and easy to use. It can simulate various conditions to make a test reques...
12:52 5 November 2019

Shell script Basics

Bowen catalogueI. Shell script FoundationRedirection and pipeline operation3. Use Shell variable I. Shell script Foundation Shell script in Linux sys...
19:50 4 November 2019

Hibernate 4 + MySQL demonstration of Chinese naming

Recently, there is an opportunity to verify the feasibility of Chinese naming in a given development environment. The source code of the example is as...
12:20 4 November 2019

Configure Maven 3.6 and Springboot to build Java Web projects

The latest Maven 3.6 build Java Web project in conjunction with Spring boot is very convenient, just download Maven 3.6 to start building. First, mak...
1:18 16 April 2019

Synchronizer for Java Multithread Programming

Synchronizer Solutions are provided for each specific synchronization problem Semaphore Semaphore controls access to shared resources through counters...
23:03 13 April 2019

zookeeper Pseudo-Distributed Architecture

Get the zookeeper binary package, address[ https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/](https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/The curr...
23:00 8 April 2019

Some Problems Needing Attention in Linux System Security

Write on the front: When you deploy a server, the first step should not be to deploy the application, security is the first task. If one day you log o...
23:57 5 April 2019

Configuration of Struts 2 Verification Framework and validation.xml Verification Rules

Reference resources: http://www.blogjava.net/focusJ/archive/2010/11/15/367272.html http://blog.csdn.net/hackcoder/article/details/18510337 Naming rul...
9:09 31 March 2019

Linux-Day3-Installation Software

There are three ways to install software in Linux: 1.rpm # is equivalent to clicking on windows to install next step 2.yum # is equivalent to one-cli...
9:03 30 March 2019

Backstage of Guge's Primary School (21) - DBUtils

Exploring the Difficulties of Android Soft Keyboard Deep Exploration of Android Asynchronous Essence Handler Detailing the indispensable cornerstones...
0:12 30 March 2019